Aconite [Acon]
Inflammatory symptoms, high fever, dry skin, restlessness; dry, violent, racking cough, with or without oppression; stitches in chest, after exposure to cold west winds.
Allium-cepa [All-c]
Catarrh, with epiphora, smarting of eyes; violent sneezing, PROFUSE BLAND LACHRYMATIONS PROFUSE ACRID CORYZA, excoriating upper lip, when coming into a warm room; must take a long breath and then sneeze accordingly; constant inclination to hack; immediately after rising from bed in the morning a violent sneezing fit; chest laden with mucus; stitches, with burning in middle of left side of chest, when taking a deep breath; dull frontal headache; intense pain in occiput and cervical spine; dulness of eyes, with aversion to light.
Ammonium-brom [Am-br]
Throat during day filled with white sticky mucus; stinging in fauces with inclination to cough, but relieved by sneezing; WHEN WALKING KEEPS MOUTH WIDE OPEN ON ACCOUNT OF HEAT IN THROAT AND LUNGS; must move about for fear of suffocation.
Ammonium-carb [Am-c]
Burning water runs from nose in daytime, dry coryza at night; cough after midnight with tickling in larynx and headache; chronic weakness of chest; pain in all limbs at night, especially back and loins,(>) lying on abdomen; constant tingling in nose and disposition to sneeze; the least of cool air aggravated and brings on sneezing.
Ammonium-mur [Am-m]
Watery discharge from nose; loss of smell, with coryza and stoppage of nose, hoarseness and burning in larynx., frequent sneezing; tearing from nape of neck to shoulder; painful jerks, now here and there, through all the limbs; thirst at night.
Antimonium-tart [Ant-t]
Oppression of breathing relieved by expectoration; much fatiguing cough, most night, shaking the whole chest and causing headache, most in forehead, constant irritation to cough, with brown expectoration of sero-albuminous fluid;’ aphthae around mouth; flat or bitter taste; thick, white or bilious fur on tongue, with retching of phlegm, nausea and vomiting; loss of appetite without much thirst; sensation of emptiness in stomach.
Arsenicum [Ars]
Sudden catarrh threatening suffocation at night; INFLUENZA IN CHILDREN WITH ONSET AND MUCH PROSTRATION; child looks as if it had been sick a week; violent sneezing with blood-tinged discharges; profuse water discharge from nose, corroding nostrils and making the upper lip sore, (<) ar night and after a meal; great debility; spasmodic cough with desire to vomit or with vomiting photophobia; inflamed eye with ulcers on cornea.
Arsenicum-hydr [Ars-h]
VIOLENT SNEEZING AND SUCH COLDNESS OF NOSE THAT IT MUST BE WRAPPED UP IN WARM CLOTHS; tickling up in the nose causes sneezing; eyes yellow, deeply sunken, with broad-blue circles; face pale, lips discolored, can hardly walk; whispering voice; oppression of chest during chill; sensation as if the whole thorax were laced tightly, with rapid breathing; weakness and coldness in limbs.
Arsenicum-iod [Ars-i]
Frequent sneezing; severe coryza with catarrhal tendency; pungent irritation about nose and eyes and an irritating watery secretion; alternate chills and flushes of heat; short dry cough; tightness in chest, (<) in open air; puffiness of lower lids and face; thick, white tongue, with rd tip and edges.
Arum-triph [Arum-t]
Acrid fluent coryza and much sneezing, (<) at night; nose moist and still feels stopped up, (<) left side, must breath through the mouth; water in the eyes all day, edges of lids swollen; frequent coughing, with much spitting; tickling cough from mucus in trachea, at night after lying down, with inability to sleep and hoarseness; lassitude and low spirits; discharge excoriating both nostrils and upper lip.
Belladonna [Bell]
Hot skin, with inclination to perspire; spasmodic coughing, aggravating the headache; sleepy, but cannot sleep; starting in sleep; frequent sneezing; dryness of noise, with dull frontal headache.
Bromium [Brom]
Fluent coryza, first the right nostrils is stopped up and then the left; frontal headache, especially on right side, with pressure downward, as if the brain were forced down through the nose; short, dry hacking cough, with difficulty of breathing, which is short and hurried.
Bryonia [Bry]
Headache always on coughing, on stooping as if all the contents of head would issue through forehead; aversion to light, particularly sunlight; frequent sneezing often between coughs; fluent coryza watery or greenish; mouth and lips very dry, with thirst; dry, hacking cough, (<)from smoking or talking, when coming from open air into a warm room; constriction in chest; rheumatic pains in extremities.
Camphora [Camph]
Influenza in the spring, more of an asthenic character, beginning with MORE OR LESS CHILLINESS OR CHILLS, with deathlike paleness of the face, often at the same time a desire to be uncovered.
Carbo-veg [Carb-v]
Influenza, with hoarseness in the morning or at night, (<) in damp, cool weather, from damp evening air and from talking; irritation in larynx causes sneezing; soreness of chest and heat body when coughing.
Causticum [Caust]
FROM THE START SENSATION OF WEAKNESS AND PARESIS IN ALL EXTREMITIES; total loss of appetite; unilateral, nervous frontal headache; eyes sensitive to light and heat; lachrymation in room, worse in open air; frequent sneezing, (<) morning; nose stopped up at night, running by day; facial neuralgia; cough with sensation as if he could not cough deep enough to start mucus, waking him from sleep in evening and morning, (<) from draught of air; tired sensation, limbs as if beaten; rheumatic pains; intolerable uneasiness in limbs, in evening; chest feels raw and excoriated.
Chelidonium [Chel]
Shortness of breath and tightness of chest; loud mucus rales in bronchi; violent pains in forehead above eyes; anxiety and restlessness; DRAWING IN NAPE AND OCCIPUT; photophobia; lachrymation; nose, tongue and that dry; great dry heat in face; thirst, with dry mouth or thirstlessness; no appetite; delirium. mostly at night, followed by lethargy which continues through the day.
Cimicifuga [Cimic]
Rheumatic, catarrhal attacks, with pains in limbs, head, face, eyeballs; chilliness; heat and fluent watery coryza; stuffed nostrils, with great sensitiveness to cold air, as if the base of the brain were laid bare and every inhalation brought the cold air in contact with the brain.
Eupatorium-perf [Eup-per]
Flowing coryza; sneezing; hoarseness with roughness of voice; hacking cough in the evening, with soreness in the chest; restlessness; pains and aching in the limbs; constant change of position though the pains are not worse by repose; lassitude; surface pale and morbidly sensitive.
Gelsemium [Gels]
Soreness o throat, felt at upper part of left tonsil, extending thence across the soft palate, along the left nostril, attended by a sensation at every inspiration as if a stream of scalding water rushed along the nasal passage of that side, the other nostril at the same time being stopped up; continuous accumulation of irritating mucus about the throat, with hard, painful cough; shooting pain in the ear when swallowing; hard hearing; thirstlessness with the fever; worse at night.
Hepar-sulph [Hep]
Cough tight or loose or worse in the morning, and after exposure to cold west wind, coryza with INFLAMMATORY SWELLING OF THE NOSE PAINFUL AS FROM A BOIL; cough followed by sneezing; drawing pains in limbs especially in the morning, when awaking; nightly chill in bed, all symptoms (<) at that time; great chilliness in open air; rheumatic swelling, with heat, redness and sensation as if sprained.
Hydrastis [Hydr]
Influenza in cold, weak, debilitated persons; dry, harsh cough from tickling in larynx; rawness, soreness and burning in chest; thick, yellow, tenacious, stringy sputa; sneezing with fulness over eyes. dull frontal headache, dropping down of mucus from the posterior nares into the throat, pain in right breast and arm; constipation from debility or inactivity of intestines.
Iodum [Iod]
Fluent and hot coryza, with general heat of skin; cross and sulky, hates to be touched.
Ipecacuanha [Ip]
Rattling of large bubbles; convulsive cough, with throwing up of phlegm; dyspnoea, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea; face pale, even bluish.
Iris-vers [Iris]
Constant sneezing; sharp, boring pains in centre of the temples; light, mushy, painless diarrhoea; dry, ticking cough, with smarting burning in throat.
Lachesis [Lach]
Frontal headache, trifling discharge from nostrils; throat sore, especially when touched; as soon as profuse discharge sets in head and throat feel relieved.
Lycopodium [Lyc]
Expectoration of lemon color; hepatic and gastric difficulties with bilious urine and constipation; continual pain in right side under ribs and gastric region; catarrh of the frontal sinus, coryza with deep yellow discharge and expectoration of the same color, rattling respiration and loose cough.
Mercurius [Merc]
Rheumatic pains in head, face, ears, teeth and extremities, with sore throat; pleuritic stitches, with dry, violent racking unceasing cough, not allowing the patient to utter a word; dry or fluent coryza; frequent epistaxis; constipation, or mucous, bilious diarrhoea; chill or heat, with profuse, not alleviating sweat.