Fever Yellow

Homeopathy treatment for Fever Yellow from the Homeopathic Therapeutics by Lilienthal. Homeopathic remedies for the treatment of Fever Yellow…


Aconite [Acon]

Erethistic stage; restless tossing about in great agony; fear of death, doubt, despair, despondency; face dark or deep red; pulse full, strong bounding.

Argentum-nit [Arg-n]

Meningeal symptoms, violent headache with vertigo, sharp pains from back of head to front, head thrown back. BLACK VOMIT.

Arsenicum-album [Ars]

Nausea, with fainting and oppressive feeling in the pit of the stomach; retching, hiccough, vomiting of food, of black or brown and black masses, with great thirst, but drinking little at a time, sometimes no thirst; heat and burning in stomach, which is heavy, tender, painful to pressure; sweet milk relieves; pain in liver, more in spleen, which is enlarged; pains in abdomen, relieved by heat; green, foetid, bloody stools, with tenesmus; vomiting black, acrid, putrid blood and water; urine scanty, difficult, burning, retention of urine, paralysis of bladder, discharge of pus and blood, or blood; SHORT BREATH, SUFFOCATION, NECK STIFF.

Arsenicum-hydr [Ars-h]

(AsH2).–Dark brown skin all over; total sleeplessness; pulse frequent, excited, wants to talk constantly; face greatly changed; nausea; uninterrupted belching up, spasmodically of a large quantity of tasteless air, with great pain in abdomen; very troublesome of annoying hiccough; vomiting of mucus, yellow, green and bitter; constant retching and vomiting after taking the least thing to eat or to drink; pressure in kidneys, extending to shoulder-blades, with pain in renal region during desire to urinate; urine dark, blackish-red, with puree blood; abdomen burning, outside; cold feet.

Belladonna [Bell]

Meningeal symptoms in any stage; headache more in front of head; oppressive pain in neck when leaning back; face bright-red or pale and cold; pulse full, hard, tense, accelerated, or full, large and slow, at times small and soft; restless and delirious; afraid of imaginary things; burning heat in face, sometimes without redness of cheeks, or burning heat, body warm, feet cold; throbbing carotid and temporal arteries; dislike to light and bright things; eyes red, burning, prominent,

vomiting of blood, ringing in ears; feeling of fulness and warmth in stomach; particularly suitable to plethoric or lymphatic people, jovial and talkative in health, but angry and violent in sickness.

Bryonia [Bry]

Suitable after Argentum nit., or Belladonna, for constant sopor and delirium, starting in sleep; headache more in back of head, extending into neck and shoulders; pain in cervical muscles, more in right side; pleuritic pains in chest with or without cough; back and every spot of body is sore.

Cadmium-sulph [Cadm-s]

Taste like pitch in mouth; salty, rancid belching; nausea, in mouth, chest and abdomen, often with pain and cold sweat in face; pain in abdomen, vomiting of sour yellow or black matter; burning and cutting pains in stomach; pain and stitches in left hypochondrium; pain and pulsation in sides of abdomen; cutting pains in bowels and renal region; vertigo, room an bed seem to spin around; palpitation. IT RELIEVES THE NAUSEA AND BLACK VOMIT where other drugs fail; acts well during pregnancy and with drunkards, and is useful if any of the grave symptoms appear after a gelatinous, yellowish-green semifluid character, blood passes from bowels in black, offensive clots; excessive prostration, so that HE MUST KEEP PERFECTLY QUIET (Arsenicum, mental and physical irritability).

Calcarea-carb [Calc]

During convalescence, for headache, the pain being seated, in vertex, or from occiput to vertex, or one-sided headaches with belching, weak memory, cannot sleep after 3 A. M.; often suitable after Helleb.

Camphora [Camph]

At the onset, with trembling of internal parts and coldness of limbs.

Cantharis [Canth]

SUPPRESSION OF SECRETION AND RETENTION OF URINE; periodical anguish; burning pains in stomach; slow pulse and coma; haemorrhage from stomach and intestines; cold sweat on hands and feet.

Carbo-veg [Carb-v]

Plainest food disagrees; nausea, vomiting; dread of eating on account of after-pains; burning in epigastrium and abdomen; excruciating heartburn; vomiting of blood, burning in stomach, spreading to small of back and shoulders; body icy-cold; fainting; stitches in liver, pain in spleen; stool burning, light-colored, foetid, putrid, tenesmus; pressure on bladder and anus; COLLAPSE, cold breath, blood stagnates in capillaries; blue face, cold face and limbs, cold sweat, IMPENDING PARALYSIS OF HEART; pulse filiform, intermittent, imperceptible.

Cepa [All-c]

Stomach weak, cannot bear anything but raw onions, and it is the only thing he desires (C. Hg.); sweats easily and copiously, blood passes with stool.

China [Chin]

During convalescence, great debility after haemorrhages, vomiting and diarrhoea; NIGHT-SWEATS; fruit disagrees.

Coffea [Coff]

Full of CLEAR ideas, cannot go to sleep on account of them; acute hearing, smell and taste; talkative (Lachesis): colic from overloading stomach; sleeplessness from overexcitement.

Crot.-hor [Crot-h]

Delirium with languor, drowsiness; moaning at night; with open eyes he talks in his delirium; terrible headache, with red, puffed face; pains all over the body and limbs, with restlessness; pulse very small, with fainting spells; cannot move and speak; BLOODY SWEAT, bleeding of gums, haemorrhages from anus and other orifices; blood does not coagulate; painful retention of urine; stomach weak, cannot retain anything but brandy or gelatin; pains in bones; purple spots, yellow color of skin; black vomit, foetid, bilious or bloody stools; liver tender, heart weak; marked indifference, PERFECT APATHY; HE SEEMS TO BE ONLY HALF ALIVE. Acts more on right side, suitable for fat or plethoric people.

Cuprum [Cupr]

When convulsions threaten or set in; constant restlessness; driving out of bed; icy coldness of whole body; deathly feeling in epigastrium, vomiting in gushes of frothy mucus or blood.

Daphne-indica [Daph]

Sleeplessness from pains in the bones.

Hepar-sulph [Hep]

To counteract salivation, if patient has been abused by mercury; during convalescence, if boils or abscesses develop themselves (often after Belladonna); other eruptions, sensitive to touch; ulcers with bloody pus, foul smell, and pulsation in them; dyspepsia.

Ipecacuanha [Ip]

Gastric symptoms with nausea, vomiting, and aversion to food; retching after drinking water; black, pitchlike masses are vomited, or bitter, sour, acrid-smelling water.

Lachesis [Lach]

Delirium at night; drowsiness; red face; slow, difficult speech; dropped jaw; condition (<) after sleep, (>) after nourishment; loquacious; coma, tongue heavy, cannot open mouth wide, tongue trembles, dry and red, cracked at tip; red tip, brown centre; nausea after drinking; weakness, dyspnoea, palpitation, cold sweat; cannot bear pressure on throat or chest; anxiety both heart, cannot lie on left side; fainting; stiff neck; difficult speech; BLOOD DARK AND DOES NOT COAGULATE; cellulitis, particularly of rectum and anus, with burning and blue color of skin. Acts more on left side; suitable for lean and slender persons.

Lobelia-infl [Lob]

SEVERE PYROSIS, constant nausea, hiccough with profuse flow of saliva; frequent gulping up of a burning, sour fluid; vomiting with cold sweat of face; nausea (<) at night and after sleeping, (>) by a little food or drink.

Nux-vomica [Nux-v]

Where purgatives or sedatives have been previously used; useful also in retention of urine (Canth) and for constipation during convalescence.

Phosphorus [Phos]

Haemorrhagic form with petechial spots and haemorrhages at an early stage; stinging pains and pulsations from back of head to front, small pupils; symptoms of pneumonia.

Platina [Plat]

Intense nervous wakefulness; black menstrual blood, amounting to haemorrhage, in pregnant women (Holcombe).

Rhus-tox [Rhus-t]

In meningitis after Bryonia; neck stiff; spinal membranes inflamed; pains in shoulders and back, with stiffness as from a sprain; pain in small of back, (>) WHEN LYING UPON SOMETHING HARD; sleeplessness from pain, must turn often to get ease; rheumatic pains, numbness and tingling in limbs. In typhoid sequelae; mild delirium, talks; stupefaction; putrid taste in mouth in the morning and after eating; food, bread, etc., taste bitter; tongue dry, red tip, covered with brown mucus, imprint of teeth; watery diarrhoea, bloody, mucous, involuntary stools.

Veratrum-alb [Verat]

Headache with delirium or unconsciousness; vomiting with cold and pale face, accompanied by stiffness of neck; rolling the head and side to side on the pillows, short screams; raising the head causes convulsions, vomiting, collapse with intense congestion.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.