
Homeopathy treatment for Erysipelas from the Homeopathic Therapeutics by Lilienthal. Homeopathic remedies for the treatment of Erysipelas…

Aconite [Acon]

Intense synochal fever at the start, with restlessness, fear of death, etc.

Ailanthus [Ail]

Typhoid erysipelas with dusky color of eruption; occipital headache with confusion of ideas; stupor and insensibility; great prostration.

Ammonium-carb [Am-c]

ERYSIPELAS OF OLD PEOPLE, when cerebral symptoms developed, while the eruption is still out; debility and soreness of the whole body; tendency to gangrenous destruction; adynamia.

Anthracinum [Anthr]

Gangrenous erysipelas with typhoid symptoms; great pain in head and dizziness; delirium and unconsciousness; great depression and prostration; fainting and copious sweating; sleep short and unrefreshing, more like stupor.

Apis-mell [Apis]

OEDEMATOUS ERYSIPELAS OF THE FACE, travelling from right to left, commencing about eye and spreading across face to left side. assuming a pinkish rosy hue (Belladonna, bright-red, Rhus, dark-red, Lachesis, dark-bluish black); eyelids protrude like sacs of water; eruption, which may also have a purplish hue, stinging, burning, prickling, sensitive to the slightest touch; high fever with dry skin and thirst or thirstlessness; tendency to invade meninges; patient fidgety, nervous, cannot sleep, though sleepy; sensation of suffocation; sphacelated spots here and there; traumatic erysipelas; chronic erysipelas, recurring periodically; phlegmonous erysipelas.

Arnica [Arn]

HABITUAL ERYSIPELAS running a tedious course; phlegmonous erysipelas with extreme tenderness and painfulness on pressure, with tendency to formation of bullae; swelling hot, hard, shining, even deep red; patient nervous, cannot stand pain and feels tired and bruised as after hard work as if beaten.

Arsenicum [Ars]

ADYNAMIA, BURNING SKIN; excessive restlessness, cerebral symptoms; erysipelas taking on a gangrenous character, especially about the joints of the lower extremities.

Belladonna [Bell]

BRIGHT-RED SWELLING, SMOOTH FORM, intense fever and acute pains with throbbing in affected parts; initial stage of MENINGEAL COMPLICATION with evidence of irritation, deliria, awakens frightened, grinding teeth, sees visions as soon as he closes eyes, hot head, cold feet, pulse full and hard; lancinating, stinging, throbbing pains in the deeper parts involved in the inflammation; phlegmonous erysipelas with violent thirst, high fever, dry tongue, parched lips etc.; right side; TENDENCY TO SPREAD IN STREAKS.

Borax [Bor]

Erysipelas of CHEEKS, especially left side of face, painful when laughing, with sensation as if there were COBWEBS ON FACE; frequent attacks of erysipelas.

Bryonia [Bry]

Erysipelas of JOINTS, with drawing tearing pains, increased by motion, slow development of rash or sudden receding of eruption, with difficult respiration or diarrhoea.

Camphora [Camph]

Erysipelatous red cheeks and face, delirium, anorexia, thirst; dull aching pains in back and limbs.

Cantharis [Canth]

Erysipelas begins on DORSUM OF NOSE and spreads to both cheeks, but more to the right, followed by desquamation; vesicular inflammation, vesicles break and discharge an excoriating fluid; fine stinging, burning pains internally and externally, patient being uneasy, restless, distressed, dissatisfied; unquenchable thirst, with disgust for all kinds of drinks; kidneys and bladder involved; typhoid erysipelas; after injurious use of Arnica

Chelidonium [Chel]

Facial erysipelas spreading over HAIRY SCALP, very sore to the slightest touch; heat of head, redness of face does not

disappear under pressure of the finger; tongue covered with thick yellow fur; loss of appetite with disgust and nausea; thirst with dryness of mouth and throat; restlessness.

China [Chin]

Weakness and exhaustion from high fever; frightful swelling of face with vesicles; sleeplessness of delirious sleep; involuntary defaecation and urination. (Jousset orders China wine, tablespoonful every hour.)

Comocladia [Com]

(Rhus tox). Burning on face and eyes, with sensation as if right were being pushed out of the head, (<) towards evening; excessive swelling of face, with tormenting itching and burning; corrosive itching of the head; dizziness of heaviness of head, with shooting pains; (>) by motion.

Crot.-hor [Crot-h]

PHLEGMONOUS, PHLYCTAENOUS OR OEDEMATOUS ERYSIPELAS; skin bluish-red; low fever and prostration; diarrhoea with offensive stools, DISSECTING WOUNDS with accumulation of dirty pus in distant parts.

Euphorbium [Euph]

VESICULAR ERYSIPELAS; DARK-RED CHEEKS, covered with yellow vesicles as large as peas, or cheeks of a livid dark hue, threatening gangrene anxiety as from poison, dim vision, apprehensiveness; pains boring, gnawing, digging, extending from the gums into the teeth and ear, with itching and crawling when pains are relieved; teeth crumble off; erysipelatous gastritis.

Graphites [Graph]

Erysipelas beginning ON THE NOSE (Cantharis), with sticky, gummy secretion, burning tingling pains, and spreading over head to face, from right to left; CHRONIC DISPOSITION OF PHLEGMONOUS ERYSIPELAS TO RETURN; tendency of lymphatics and glands to enlarge and to become indurated; very liable to take cold from the least cold air; subject to tettery eruptions on face and scalp.

Hydrastis [Hydr]

ERRATIC FORM, passing from left nose to to right ear, whole face and scalp; intense lumbar pains; chills down the back, followed by fever and restlessness; ERYSIPELAS OF LOWER EXTREMITIES.

Lachesis [Lach]

FACIAL ERYSIPELAS, ESPECIALLY LEFT SIDE, at first bright-red, but it soon takes on a dark-bluish hue; considerable infiltration into the cellular tissue and puffiness of the eye of affected side; pulse accelerated and weak, feet cool; drowsiness with muttering delirium or a pseudo-excitement with loquacity (Belladonna, right side); one-sides tense headache, extending from occiput to eyes, with vomiting, vertigo, tendency to faint and numbness.

Ledum [Led]

Erysipelas of face and eyes from bites of insects.

Mercurius [Merc]

Phlegmonous erysipelas with GASTRIC AND BILIOUS COMPLICATIONS; bluish, spreading rapidly over face and scalp; delirium; diarrhoea alternating with constipation; copious sweating without relief (Mercurius dulc.)

Nux-vomica [Nux-v]

Gastrosis the cause of the erysipelas; burning itching all over the skin, worse in the evening; great debility, with oversensitiveness of all the senses, and irritability of temper.

Pulsatilla [Puls]

ERYSIPELAS ERRATICUM; bluish, spreading rapidly, especially about buttocks and thighs; smooth skin, headache; mucous diarrhoea, nausea; neither appetite nor thirst.

Rhus-rad [Rhus-r]

Phlegmonous erysipelas, especially when it begins in the ankle and moves gradually up the leg in the deeper tissues; sometimes with very little fever.

Rhus-tox [Rhus-t]

ERYSIPELAS COVERED WITH LARGE BLEBS or smaller vessels filled with bloody serum; beginning on left side of face and spreading to the right (Apis, reverse), itching especially on hairy parts; stinging burning pains, after scratching burning; swelling and dusky redness of face with partial or entire closure of eyelids; diarrhoea with black bloody stools; bruised feeling in limbs and back; (>) from heat; tendency to attack the brain.

Silicea [Sil]

Deep-seated phlegmonous erysipelas, after suppuration sets in; Prickling tingling sensation in affected parts; tendency to boils.

Stramonium [Stram]

Adynamic type with violent cerebral symptoms, delirium, restlessness, screaming out as if terrified, tongue red or whitish and covered with fine red dots.

Sulphur [Sulph]

ERYSIPELAS MIGRANS, appearing in subsequent throes, and running its course for a longer time than usual.

Terebinthina [Ter]

Erysipelas bullosum, skin red and indurated, swollen; clusters of small, flat, pale, yellow vesicles, often confluent, with large red halos, here and there turning bluish-back, showing a tendency to gangrene.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.