Emotions – Fear effects of

Homeopathy treatment for Emotions – Fear effects of from the Homeopathic Therapeutics by Lilienthal. Homeopathic remedies for the treatment of Emotions – Fear effects of…


Aconite [Acon]

Great fear and anxiety, with nervous excitability; agoraphobia, afraid to go out doors, to cross the street, street, especially a narrow one, or to be in a crows; anxiety and fear about recovery, predicts the day of death’; afraid in the dark; REMOTE EFFECTS OF FRIGHT(Opium, immediate effects); fainting, turns deathly pale when sitting up; suffocation with violent pains in stomach and scrobiculum; threatened abortion; amenorrhoea.

Alumina [Alum]

Fear of losing his mind, or not recovering, of impending evils; anguish and vague uneasiness, as if he had committed a crime; (<) mornings on awaking.,

Ambra [Ambr]

Fear of getting crazy.

Anacardium [Anac]

Anxious and hypochondriac, shuns people; fear of impending misfortune and paralysis, of approaching death, despair of getting well; loss of all will power.

Apis [Apis]

Fear of being poisoned; dread of death with sensations if she would not be able to breathe again.

Argentum-nit [Arg-n]

Patient hardly dare remain alone lest he harm himself; fears and anxiety compel him to more about; he ears to go upon a high bridge or lofty place lest he throw himself down (Anac).

Arsenicum [Ars]

Dread of death when alone or going to bed; excessive anxiety and restlessness, after midnight; great anxiety, jumps out of bed and hides himself; precordial anguish with constriction, cold sweat, trembling, prostration.

Aurum-fol [ ]

Ailments from fright, anger, contradiction, mortification or vexation, with dread, fear and quarrelsome disposition; anxious palpitations and desire to commit suicide; mental labor fatigues; fear of thieves (Conium, Ignatia).

Belladonna [Bell]

Long remaining anxiousness; talks confusedly as if insane; tries to escape from imaginary phantoms, wishes to hide himself; aversion to noise and company; pain going through neck up into head; face burning hot or pale and moist.

Bismuth [Bism]

Great fears and forgetfulness when alone.

Borax [Bor]

Infant at the breast starts when anyone clears his throat or sneezes; dread of any downward motion; fright, he starts in all his limbs on hearing an anxious cry; excessive fear of thunder.

Bryonia [Bry]

Uneasiness and dread on account of the future, (<) in room, in fresh air; fears not to have wherewith to live; despair of recovery; anxious, peevish and hasty disposition.

Calcarea-carb [Calc]

Fears those about her perceive her distraction of mind; concerns herself about imaginary things which might happen to her; apprehension about present and future, (<) as evening comes on.

Carbo-veg [Carb-v]

Anxiety causes him to tremble all over, as if he had committed a crime; feels oppressed, with heat of face, evening after lying down, when awaking.

Causticum [Caust]

Anxious, uneasy mood, unfitting him for every work, feels worried about the heart;timorous anxiety and depression, child fears to go to bed alone; fear of death; anxiety after night- watching, cares and troubles.

Chamomilla [Cham]

Great anxiety, feels excited in all the senses; peevish, fretful.

Cicuta [Cic]

Great fearfulness whenever the door is open and at every word, though not loudly spoken; she feels, from fright, shooting pains in left side of head; old men fear a long spell of sickness before dying; anxious thoughts of the future; is afraid of society, wants to be alone.

Coffea [Coff]

Oversensitiveness of all the senses; crying, howling and getting beside himself; fainting.

Colchicum [Colch]

Fear of being unable to bear suffering; external impressions, light, noise, strong smell, contact, etc., disturbs his temper.

Cuprum [Cupr]

A kind of fear of vigorously walking, he must tread lightly in order to avoid doing harm or disturbing those in the room with him; child afraid of falling, shrinking away from every one who approaches him, clinging tightly to nurse; won;’t stay in bed, but in lap; restless tossing about.

Digitalis [Dig]

Fear of death; great anxiety, like from troubled conscience.

Drosera [Dros]

Far of being poisoned;of being persecuted on all sides; dread of ghosts, (<) when alone in evening or when awaking at night.

Gelsemium [Gels]

Fear of lightning (Bor: fear of thunder); incessant screaming after a heavy thunderclap; nervous dread of appearing in public of singers and speakers; bad effects from fright and fear; great want of courage; diarrhoea and abortion after fright.

Graphites [Graph]

Full of fear in the morning, as if his end were near or the greatest misfortune were impending, with inclination to weep.

Hyoscyamus [Hyos]

Fear of being bitten by animals, of being poisoned; restless jumps out of bed fright, followed by convulsions,; disposition to escape in the night (Belladonna, Merc).

Ignatia [Ign]

He fears every trifle, especially objects approaching him; fear of thieves; frequent profuse passage of watery urine; painless diarrhoea.

Kali-carb [Kali-c]

Fear of being alone and that she will die; she starts with a loud cry at any imaginary object, as if a bird flew towards the window.

Lachesis [Lach]

Dread of death, fears to go to bed; fears she will be damned; things herself pursued by enemies or robbers; fears the medicine as poison; fears insanity.

Ledum [Led]

Fears death and fears to go to sleep lest she will die.

Lilium-tigr [Lil-t]


Fear and apprehension of having some incurable disease (Cact), of becoming inane; low-spirited, can hardly keep from crying.

Lycopodium [Lyc]

Fear of imaginary phantoms, of terrifying images; dread of men, wants to be alone; dread of solitude with irritability and melancholy; fear about ones salivation; forgetfulness, anguish an excitement when alone, with restless moving about.

Mercurius [Merc]

Fear and weakness, timidly and nightly complaints, wants to go out-doors, far away, discontented, complaining of weak digestion and continual hunger; heaviness in abdomen with long-lasting anxiety; trembling after slight exertion; sleep prevented by fearful visions; fear of losing his mind; complaints of everything an everybody.

Morphinum [Morph]

Fear and trembling before and during a thunderstorm.

Naja-tripudians [Naja]

Anxiety with drugging at praecordia, occurring in cases of great grief;l excessive nervous palpitations; headache with coldness of feet, affecting especially right side.

Natrum-mur [Nat-m]

Chronic effects of fright; horror, full of apprehensions and hurriedness, with anxiety; sallow complexion; dreams of robbers in the house, starts and talks in sleep.

Opium [Op]

Immediate effect of fright, stupefied, with internal heat, rush of blood to heat, dim sight with twitches and starting;l diarrhoea with involuntary discharge of faeces; suffocation with anxiety; limbs become numb and torpid; convulsions of children; tonic spasms, the whole body stiff, debility with cold sweat, fainting.

Phosphorus [Phos]

Fear of terrifying images.

Platina [Plat]

Fear of the near approach of death, very sad, (<) evenings; indifference or contempt of others; fear of losing his mind; very much dejected and lachrymose; aversion to food, face red; pride and contempt for others.

Pulsatilla [Puls]

Diarrhoea after fright, stools greenish, yellow, mucous fear of ghosts in the evening;l dread of men; tremulous anguish, as if death were near,; bad effects from suppressed menses.

Ranunculus [Ran-b]

Fear of electricity; fear of being alone, of spirits in the evening, twitching of muscles, with oppression of breathing, after fright, (<) evenings or after eating, from change of temperature, especially from heat to cold.

Rhus-tox [Rhus-t]

Often cries without cause; imagines people find fault with hear, feels heavy; eyes dim, shuns light;l chilly hands and feet diarrhoea.

Ruta [Ruta]

Fear of being captured and imprisoned; anxious and low-spirited; tottering as if things were weak.

Sambucus [Samb]

Children have frightful hallucinations, weep, move arms and hands about, turn blue in the face with wheezing; frequent copious urination; heat without thirst.

Stramonium [Stram]

Fear of terrifying images, of being bitten by animals, of insanity; of losing eternal salvation; of death nervous disorders after fright, saving madness.

Sulphur [Sulph]

Great fright on being called by his name; child jumps, starts and screams fearfully.

Veratrum-alb [Verat]

After fright rear remaining;diarrhoea with icy coldness of the body cold sweat on forehead; twitchings with anxiety.

Zincum [Zinc]

Fear of thieves, of horrid phantoms; stares as if frightened on waking, and rolls from side to side.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.