Drunkards diseases

Homeopathy treatment for Drunkards diseases from the Homeopathic Therapeutics by Lilienthal. Homeopathic remedies for the treatment of Drunkards diseases…

Absinthium [Absin]

Terrific hallucinations; stupor attended with dangerous violence; foolish look: tongue trembling, bloated around waist and abdomen with flatus;belching, nausea and vomiting in the morning; stomach feels cold and oppressed.

Aconite [Acon]

Wine drinking is followed by feverish heat, cerebral congestion, red face and eyes and even loss of reason; acute mania,. with frightful visions and tendency, sleeplessness.

Agaricus [Agar]

(Amanita). Delirium tremens, with great loquacity; restless and nervous excitement; horrible visions of mice or men running around the room muscular trembling; diplopia; chronic vomiting of drunkards; alternate constipation and diarrhoea of drunkards,. stools watery and offensive; acne rosacea. It allays the cravings for wine and spirits.

Antimonium-crud [Ant-c]

Antidote the effects of sour wines; gastrosis in consequence of revelling, nausea, loathing, anorexia, etc., when Carb.v. is insufficient.

Antimonium-tart [Ant-t]

Gastric disorders from drinking too much better; dull headache as from a band compressing the forehead, stupid and sleepy gastric and bilious vomiting with bitter taste in mouth; pit of stomach sensitive, with meteorism, nausea and vomiting; great desire for juicy fruits and sour things; more frequent urination.

Argentum-nit [Arg-n]

Delirium, tremens with visions of snakes and reptiles as soon as he closes his eyes or when dreaming of them; painful flatulency in epigastrium; buzzing in ears; stomach as if it would burst with wind, by belching lassitude of extremities with dizziness.

Arsenicum [Ars]

Morning vomiting of habitual drunkards; chronic gastric irritability; heartburn, as if epigastrium and stomach were being made raw by an acrid corroding substance fruitless retching, or retching and vomiting, in describable nausea, a loathing and weakness; satiety of life and still fear of death, will not be alone; fear of ghosts,. these, with desire to hide one’s self. trembling of limbs. Is morally perfectly upset, what the Germans

call so pointedly Katzenjammer; with cravings for acids and coffee, which relieve.

Asarum-europ [Asar]

Horrible sensation at the epigastrium when drunkards awake in the morning, unconquerable longing for alcohol; loathing of food without any gastric derangement frequent empty or putrid eructations; laziness and sensation as if he lost his head.

Belladonna [Bell]

Loss of reason, delirium,, visions of mice, rats etc.; red and bloated face, tongue coated, aversion to meat, SLEEPLESSNESS; stammering speech, with constant smile; dry feeling in the throat, with difficult deglutition; violent thirst, paroxysms of violent fever, etc.

Baryta-carb [Bar-c]

Diminution of sexual desire and great weakness of the vomiting, with intense burning in stomach;l apprehension at approach of anybody, horror of solitude and work; trembling of jaw; symptoms (<) after getting drunk.

Calcarea-carb [Calc]

As soon as he sees visions compelling him to open them again in affright; delirium tremens with delirious talk about him to open them again in affright; delirium tremens with delirious talk about fire, rats, mice and murder; foul taste, like dung in mouth and pharynx, only cold water tastes good.

Cannabis-ind [Cann-i]

ASSISTS BRAIN TO LABOUR AGAIN AFTER A DEBAUCH. During the spree horror of darkness; exaggeration of duration of time and extend of space, a few seconds seem ages, a few rods an immense distance; full of fun, mischief and laughter, followed by irritability, fear and nervousness; trembles at least source of agitation; desire for and dread of water; desire to sleep and inability to sleep.

Carduus-mar [Card-m]

Abuse of alcoholic drinks, especially beer (Ant tat) causes cirrhosis ad dropsy; gastric catarrhs with frequent eructations, flatulency and loose clayey stools; intense nausea painful retching and vomiting of sour greenish fluid.

Carbo-veg [Carb-v]

Aching and throbbing pain in head in consequence of a debauch, (>) in open air, nausea with desire to vomit; liquid, thin stools.

China [Chin]

Dislike o all mental and physical exertion; brain feels bruised, (<) at night, on moving, even opening his eyes, from frequent vomiting, belching, affords no relief; passes quantities of foetid flatus relief; cold hands and feet. Suitable for inveterate drunkards, especially when dropsy is setting in.

Cimicifuga [Cimic]

No disposition to talk, cross and dissatisfied, very restless, cannot sit long in one place, as it makes him frantic; tongue brownish yellow and heavily coated; nausea and retching;dilated pupils; heavy pressing out headache, trembling of limbs; OBSTINATE SLEEPLESSNESS; terrible fancies at night as if from some impending evil, talks incessantly, changing from one subject to another, quick pulse, wild look in his eyes; delirium tremens, imagines strange objects on the bed, as rates, mice, sheep etc. General tremor hardly visible, but apparent to the touch, with sensation to the touch of others as if cool, clammy sweat would break out.

Coffea [Coff]

DELIRIUM TREMENS; constantly running about, imagines he is not at home, WITH TREMBLING OF HANDS, with small, frequent pulse; sleeplessness; overexcited; talkative; full of fear; convulsive grinding of teeth; headache after intoxication, with sensation as if a nail were sticking in the brain; worse in the open air.

Crot.-hor [Crot-h]

Delirium tremens, nearly constant drowsiness, but with inability to sleeps; trembling, numbness of extremities imagines himself surrounded by enemies and hideous animals; REPEATED ATTACKS OF DELIRIUM TREMENS IN BROKEN-DOWN CONSTITUTIONS..

Digitalis [Dig]

Delirium tremens, coming on slowly with gradually increasing pain in pit of stomach, continuous nausea, thirst, palpitation of heart, headache, vertigo and paleness of face; optical illusions; frequent startled awaking at night.

Eupatorium-perf [Eup-per]

Indigestion from alcoholic drinks; vomiting of whatever is taken into the stomach, and of bile and mucus; thirst for cold water and for acid drinks.

Gelsemium [Gels]

Insomnia with or without delirium tremens following the abuse of alcoholic drinks after hard drinking stomach rejects everything, even water; gnawing in stomach; diarrhoea bilious, fermented with much wind and great nervous weakness, more than the evacuations could cause.

Gratiola [Grat]

Delirium assumes the character of anger rather than that of anxiety, in subjects not yet greatly exhausted, often suffering from overweening pride.

Hyoscyamus [Hyos]

EPILEPTIC CONVULSIONS IN CONSEQUENCE OF DRINKING; delirium tremens, with chronic spasms; averse to light and company, visions deliriums tremens, with chronic spasms; averse to light and company, visions as if persecuted; sleeplessness, with constant tossing about;vertigo, with drunkenness and sudden falling with a shriek; apoplexy; sopor;involuntary stool and urine; tremor of the hands.

Illicium-anisat [Anis]

Catarrh of stomach in old drunkards; tough viscid, phlegm from lungs ad stomach; nausea with gaggling and inclination to vomit; (<) evening (>) morning, after coughing feeling of emptiness.

Kali-brom [Kali-br]

Flushed face, horrid delusions, imagines he is the devil, fears to be alone; sleeplessness from far and excitement, first of irritative stage.

Lac-caninum [Lac-c]

SENSATION AS IF SURROUNDED BY SNAKES, fears to put feet on floor lest he would trend upon them; sees most horrible sights; nervous and irritable, with headache and sensation o confusion and pressure through temples and forehead; small floating discs before the eyes; burning flushings of face; tongue dirty; deeply coated near back and centre, edges bright red putrid taste and desire for highly seasoned food;restless sleep with confused dreams.

Lachesis [Lach]

Delirium tremens with visions of snakes (Lac can) and other hideous objects, believes he is not at home fears robbers in the the house, undertakes many thing and perseveres in nothing, sensation in throat as if choking, and springing out of sleep suddenly as if from a drew,’ cannot bear pressure around throat or waist; loquacious with mocking jealously. Inclination to vomit, with sensation of illness arousing him from a sound sleep, vomits ingesta, bile, mucus, especially morning. DIARRHOEA OF DRUNKARDS, with languor and exhaustion, very excessive in hot weather, and with large haemorrhoidal tumors which protrude after each pappy, offensive stool, with constriction of sphincter and continued desire to evacuate, or alternate constipation with ineffectual desire for stool and pulsating headache. Enlarged liver tendency to formation of hepatic abscess; spleen diseased. Ascites, urine blackish, oedematous parts dark, bluish- black; craves brandy and (>) by coffee.

Ledum [Led]

TUBERCLES, PIMPLES AND BOILS ON FOREHEAD OF DRUNKARDS; bloated face; offensive breath; sleepy in daytime as from intoxication, sleepless and restless at night from fantastic illusions as soon she closes eyes. Ascites and oedematous swellings of whole body. Ailments from abuse of alcoholic drinks.

Mephitis [Meph]

Adynamia of drunkards. Bloatedness; nausea with emptiness in stomach and sensation as if he head were distended, wants every

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.