
Homeopathy treatment for Dropsy from the Homeopathic Therapeutics by Lilienthal. Homeopathic remedies for the treatment of Dropsy…

Acetic-acid [Acet-ac]

Skin pale and waxen; great thirst, GASTRIC SYMPTOMS PREVAIL; anasarca, sour belching, waterbrash and diarrhoea; great emaciation; ascites, abdomen and limbs swollen.

Antimonium-tart [Ant-t]

Hydrothorax, with much coarse rattling in chest and expectoration not in proportion to the secretion; drowsiness; cyanotic symptoms.

Apis-mell [Apis]

Waxen hue of skin; urine, dark and highly albuminous, containing casts of the uriniferous tubes; swelling about the eyelids; eruption here and there resembling nettlerash, red pimples or an erysipelatous dropsy appearance of the anasarcous limbs; absence of thirst or desire to moisten the dry fauces and throat; stinging burning pains indifferent parts of the body; dropsy of CARDIAC ORIENT; feet oedematous, especially after walking;feeling of dyspnoea with mental anguishes if he could not draw another breath and as if he were going to die. DROPSY OF CHEST with dyspnoea and great restlessness, ASCITES WITH great soreness of abdominal walls, cannot get breath except when sitting up, even leaning backward causes suffocative feeling; complication with scarlatina, with uterine tumours and inflammatory processes of bowels. DROPSY OF RENAL ORIGIN; anguish of mind without fear of death.

Apocynum-can [Apoc]

It acts better in DROPSIES FROM HEART DISEASE THAN in renal dropsy; bewilderment and heaviness of head, drowsiness and debility, disturbed, restless sleep; all functions sluggish, pulse slow; constipation; kidneys torpid or urine copious and nearly involuntary from relaxed sphincters; sense of oppression in epigastrium and chest, must inspire sphincters; sense of oppression in epigastrium and chest, must inspire deeply and frequently; fluttering of heart, dartings and weak feeling in cardiac region; pulse irregular, intermittent, sometimes feeble and slow. In ASCITES: sinking gone feeling at pit of stomach; irritable condition of stomach, which cannot retain even a draught of water or any food whatever; muddy urine, diarrhoea; bloatedness of face after lying down, passing off when sitting up. HYDROTHORAX; inability to speak; catching of breath, suppression of urine, great thirst; post-scarlatinal dropsy, or in reconvalescence from severe zymotic affections. HYDROPERICARDIUM; great dyspnoea, wheezing breathing;heart’s actions, scarcely perceptible; face bloated and anxious looking small weak pulse;finger-nails bluish;cannot lie down, must be supported in a sitting posture; lower limbs, pudenda, abdomen swollen. It sometimes acts in an infusion than in dilution from an alcoholic tincture, and whenever it acts well the usually dry skin becomes moist before the secretion of urine becomes more abundant.

Arsenicum [Ars]

DROPSY OF OLD TOPERS, eating and drinking cause vomiting; urine looks like dark dung- water with abundant renal casts;oedema of lower extremities; face or the whole skin looks pale, sallow, greenish; great debility and prostration, faint feeling from slightest motion; dyspnoea with great anxiety and restlessness, (<) when patient tries to lie down, in the evening and again rousing him after midnight, (>) by expectation of mucus; tongue dry, but can only take sips;rapid perspiration; skin cool, burning heat inside;eating and drinking causes vomiting.

Asclepias syr [Asc-c]

Post-scarlatina dropsy, or from suppressed perspiration, from renal or cardiac affections. Congestive headaches with dullness and stupidity, scanty urine during headache, profuse after.

Asclepias tub [Asc-t]

EFFUSION INTO PLURAL CAVITIES; urine scanty, high colored, looks as if mixed as if mixed with blood; necessity to inspire hurriedly, followed by a sensation of of oppressions, (<) by loud speaking or singing;dry and hears laugh, causing pain in head and abdomen, (>) by bending forward; restless and sleepless at night.

Asparagus [Aspar]

OLD PEOPLE WITH HEART DISEASE; weak action of heart; when urinating the last drops, constricting pain in cardiac region, turns blue in face, urine has an unpleasant odor; must sit-up in bed to relieve dyspnoea. Hydrothorax in senility on a gouty diathesis.

Aurum [Aur]

ASCITES FROM HEPATIC AFFECTIONS (Cirrhosis syphilis), from granular and waxy forms of morbus Brightii. Hypochondrias with longing for death, feels stupid and dazed in head;l face pale or cyanotic; tongue dry and and coated, foul breath; albuminuria in consequence of cardiac or hepatic troubles; urine scanty, greenish-brown; fatty degeneration of heart.

Bryonia [Bry]

ANASARCA and oedema of the feet; the swelling increasing in daytime and lessening at night; HYDROTHORAX; pain in the side; cough with contraction of the diaphragm; vomiting and splitting pain in the head, excited by motion; retarded stool and frequent desire to pass water, but only a few drops at a time. ASCITES; Congestion of the head; giddiness after stooping; loss of breath when moving in the least; lower eyelids oedematous;lips bluish;great thirst and scanty urine, obstinate constipation. After scarlet fever.

Cactus-grand [Cact]

OEdema of the hands, especially the left; oedema of the lower extremities; the skin’s shining, and pressure with the fingers leaves an impression for a long time; heart disease.

Cantharis [Canth]

Dropsy from atony of the urinary organs, with ischuria; dropsical swellings of hands and feet, cold extremities; great emaciation; pain in limbs; pale, wretched or death-like look.

Chimaphila [Chim]

ANASARCA AND ASCITES FOLLOWING INTERMITTENT AND ORGANIC LIVER AFFECTIONS; vesical irritability, scanty urine with muco-purulent sediment, which disappears during its use. Dropsy from renal affections in broken-down constitutions and intemperate subjects. Advanced stages of albuminuria.

China [Chin]

ANASARCA AND ASCITES IN ORGANIC DISTURBANCES OF THE LIVER AND SPLEEN; after less of blood and other weakening discharges; in old persons or people prematurely aged by excesses, and in drunkards, after excessive depletion. Skin waxy pale of yellow, and blue face hollow, pale or livid; disinclination to mental or physical exertion; constipation; urine turbid, dark, scanty, with brickdust or pinkish sediment.

Colchicum [Colch]

DROPSY AFTER SCARLATINA, with suppression of urine, of urine black, containing albumen and destroyed blood-corpuscles;acute dropsy with renal affections, constant urging to urinate, but only a little is voided and that with great pain, as from spasm in the bladder. DROPSY OF CAVITIES AND INTERNAL ORGANS, especially hydropericardium, hydrothorax, hydrometra, ascites,. Lower limbs oedematous and cold; skin dry and pale;emaciated sensitive persons, disposed to rheumatism and catarrh, always (<) when it is damp, in spring and fall; gout with nervous weakness and oversensitiveness.

Convolvulus-arvensis [Convo-a]

OEdema, dropsy and constipation, abdominal disturbances; weakness; appetite good, he could eat more if there were more room, the abdomen being filled with water; urine almost entirely suppressed.

Digitalis [Dig]

DROPSY FROM CARDIAC DEBILITY; irregularly acting and weakened heart; suffocative constricting feeling as if the internal parts of the chest had groom together;sinking and faintness at the pit of the stomach, as if life were becoming extinct;cyanotic symptoms; doughy swelling, which easily yields to the pressure of the finger; pale face, bluish hue under pale skin; constant urging top urinate., with scanty discharge, DROPSY WITH SUPPRESSION OF URINE. Nephritis scarlatinosa after desquamation, with anasarca and oedema of lungs; infiltration of the filtration of he tissues of scrotum and penis.

Dulcamara [Dulc]

General oedema from intermittent fever, with bloated face, swelling of abdomen and limbs; great uneasiness at night on account of heat; scanty emission of badly smelling urine; constipation; weak appetite, thirst, empty eructations and great failing of strength. SUDDEN ANASARCA FROM PREVIOUS OVERHEATING AND SUBSEQUENT EXPOSURE TO DAMP COLD while in a state of perspiration. Anasarca after previous rheumatic fever.

Eupatorium-purp [Eup-pur]

Polyuria; albuminuria; dropsy due to real disease; a suppression of urine with severe dyspnoea and oedema all over the body; weak, tired, wearied, faint feeling accompanies symptoms of urinary organs, urine loaded with mucus (Chim umb), high-colored and scanty.

Fluoric-acid [Fl-ac]

ASCITES FROM ENLARGED AND INDURATED LIVER, in consequence of abuse of whiskey, etc. Mental weakness and ill humor; feeling of fulness and pressure in epigastrium; skin pale, dry; emaciation and great weakness; anorexia; scanty, dark-red urine; GENITALS TERRIBLY SWOLLEN dry cough with frothy expectoration; dyspnoea, can only bile in an elevated feet to abdome

Graphites [Graph]

Ascites in conjunction with moist tetter and glutinous exudation;steadily increasing ascites and great oedema of lower extremities; profuse and constant watery exudation from skin below knees; exfoliation of epidemics; oedema of external abdomen.

Helleborus [Hell]

Acute dropsies, as after scarlatina, with great debility. Mental stupor (Arsenicum, nervous erethism), slow in answering questions; pale face; griping pains in bowels, with diarrhoea of a jellylike slime; PATIENT BREATHES EASIER WHILE LYING DOWN (Arsenicum, Lachesis, while sitting up); suppression of urine or urine highly albuminous with fibrinous casts; scanty, dark, with floating dark specks, like, coffee-grounds.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.