
uvula to bronchi; inability to swallow or to speak from aphonia; frequent but not strong pulse; great prostration.

Crot. [Crot-h]

PERSISTENT HAEMORRHAGE, blood oozes from nose, the mouth not merely from posterior nares, but escaping from the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity; fauces much swollen and dark -red; pulse small and sweat; skin hot and perspiration; frightful headache; difficult swallowing, vomiting and diarrhoea; great thirst; prostration excessive, can hardly raise himself up in bed (Carb v.); gangrene of fauces and tonsils.

Helonias [Helon]

Profuse debility following and attacks of true diphtheria; pale, earthy face, loss of memory and dizziness; great emaciation; sense of profound debility is lessened by some exercise.

Hepar [Hep]

Diphtheritic croup with enormous swelling of the glands of the neck, great dyspnoea; croupy cough with some rattling.

Ignatia [Ign]

Pricking sensation in throat; SORENESS OF THROAT (<) BETWEEN THE ACTS OF DEGLUTITION (Caps); stitches extending from throat into ears; glands of neck swollen, craving for ice and ice-water;much sneezing and coryza; offensive odor from throat; disease commences on right side, extending to both sides; irritable, whining, nervous; deliria at night characterized by fear and dread; pain in occiput; nucha and sometimes in ears; putrid stools;stiffness in nape of neck and painless glandular swallowing around neck.

Iodum [Iod]

Children with dark skin, hair and eyes; much pain in throat painful swallowing, salivation; strong foetor oris; disposition to attack the larynx; thick,. gray-white exudation over velum and tonsils; thick, grayish white crouplike exudation in mouth and fauces; swelling of glands of neck and of tonsils; difficult of breathing; cough and alteration of violence;disinclination for food;early stage of disease.

Kali-bichrom [Kali-bi]

Diphtheritic deposits in nose, pharynx, larynx, vulva and vagina; membrane greenish-gray, brownish-yellow, like wash- leather, with increased redness and sensitiveness of the still healthy parts of the mucous membrane of mouth and fauces; swelling of tonsils and submaxillary gland; oedematous swelling of the uvula; tongue, cheeks, gums down into larynx and trachea, all throat symptoms worse by putting out tongue; shrill, croupy cough or whistling and wheezing, with difficult of breathing as though the lungs were stuffed with cotton, expectoration of viscid, tough mucus which may be drawn out in long strings, frequently streaked with blood; hoarseness tongue red or covered with a thick, yellow layer; exudation tough and deeply adhering (Carbol. ac., loosely adhering) layer exudation tongue and deeply adhering (Carbol. ac. loosely adhering), deep-eating ulcers in fauces, throat purple with numerous isolated patches of greenish- yellow excoriating; cachectic look; swollen glands, thirst and desire for beer; measly-like eruptions.

Kali-mur [Kali-m]

Numerous gray ulcers in mouth and throat; excessive secretion of tough, stringy mucus epistaxis; ravenous hunger followed by total anorexia; dryness and pain in throat with difficult swallowing; excessive micturition, haematuria; albuminuria; hoarse voice; incessant cough with difficult respiration and oppression of chest; watery froth exuding from mouth; sputa white

as milk.

Kali-permangan [Kali-perm]

ODOR OF BREATH UNBEARABLE; Whole throat covered with black, foul exudation, submucous tissue dark and dry, face purple throat swollen inside and outside thin sanious discharge from nose, excoriating upper lip; fluids taken by mouth return through nose; great dyspnoea; general and excessive prostration, dark-colored offensive diarrhoea.

Kali-phos [Kali-p]

Diphtheria with marked PUTRID GANGRENOUS CONDITION and fearful stench from mouth; easy bleeding of gums, and fauces look as if spread over with black liquid mustard; gangrenous ulcers in mouth and cheeks; watery diarrhoea, like rice-water or stools of pure blood;paralysis following diphtheria.

Kreosotum [Kreos]

Putrid odor from mouth; MALIGNANT DIPHTHERIA, WHEN CONFINED TO FAUCES, especially in scrofulous and lymphatic patients; back softening and decomposition of mucous membrane with atony and extension of softening to oesophagus; fever, vomiting, loss of appetite, restless sleep; swelling of glands.

Lac-caninum [Lac-c]

Diphtheria begins on left side and spreads to right; migratory condition, MEMBRANES LEAVE ONE SIDE AND GO TO THE OTHER REPEATEDLY, pains also constantly flying from one side to another; ulcers on tonsils, and fauces covered with a yellowish- gray curdy deposit, glistening as if varnished; pricking sensation in throat as if full of sticks (Nitr-ac.) stinging breath; constant inclination to swallow; profuse salivation saturating the pillow; tongue, fauces and tonsils swollen and covered with a dirty coating; dry exudation diffused like the lid of a pepper-box; pricing and cutting pain when swallowing, shooting up into the ears; aversion to liquids, especially water. DIPHTHERIA BEGINNING IN LARYNX AND SPREADING UPWARD; breathing hoarse and croupy; often snoring and only possible through the mouth, one nostril stuffed, the other free and discharging thin mucus or thin blood, tenderness on pressure of larynx, more right side;l great bodily restlessness, must be carried from place to place, hot palms of hands; corners of mouth sore.

Lachesis [Lach]

ASTHENIA FROM THE START; Membrane commences on the left side with tendency to spread to the right; purple livid color of inflamed parts, with dull, dry appearance and little swelling; INTENSE PAIN ACCOMPANIES AN APPARENTLY SMALL AMOUNT OF INFLAMMATION; deep redness of fauces and tongue; constant attempt to put the tongue of his mouth, which vibrates and trembles like a snake’s tongue; discharge from nose and mouth foetid, thin, sanious and excoriating; swelling of the glands of the neck and of the cellular tissue; EXCESSIVE PERSPIRATION AND CARDIAC DEBILITY even before the exudation, cold clammy perspiration; cool extremities, somnolency, delirium. Diphtheritic croup, the child awakes from sleep smothering, has croupy cough, especially after a nap in daytime;l liquids pain more when swallowing than solid good. (<) FROM SWALLOWING SALIVA, FROM HOT DRINKS (>) FROM COLD DRINKS (Lyc,. the reverse); spitting large quantities of ropy mucus; peculiar had aching all over,, so that position os constantly changed; constitutional symptoms grater than local manifestations; paralysis of throat and other parts after diphtheria; presbyopic during convalescence.

Lachnanthes [Lachn]

Sore throat with short cough, itching in spot when swallowing; NECK STIFF, HEAD DOWN TO ONE WIDE; pain in nape as if dislocated, when turning neck or bending head backward.

Lycopodium [Lyc]

DIPHTHERIA OF RIGHT SIDE AND NOSE AND SPREADING TO LEFT SIDE; DESIRE FOR WARM DRINKS WHICH ARE GRATEFUL TO THE THROAT, children are cross and naughty when awaking from their nap; yellow, thick, acrid discharge from nose;l fauces brownish-red, dry tongue, and inability to breathe through nostrils; tonsils, tongue and fauces swollen, with spasms on swallowing he is forced to keep his month open to get breath; parotid swelling; projecting tongue and silly expression; perfect stupor, every symptoms hinting at cerebral paroxysms, drooping of lower jaw, rapid, rattling, breathing; snoring, unconsciousness; grinding of teeth, even when fully awake.

Mancinella [Manc]

Post-diphtheritic affections pains all over body, mostly chest, with a dry cough; continual joking sensation rising from stomach. like from pressure of wind, with weakness and palpitation of heart.

Mercurius-cor [Merc-c]

Although the mercurials are definite in the rapid prostration as found in severe diphtheritic cases, still in some cases this preparation may be useful where the exudation covers in the entire fauces and extends into the nose, from which a profuse discharge flows;l pricking in throat as from needles. Rapid necrotic destruction of the parts.

Mercurius-cyanatus [Merc-cy]

ADYNAMIA FEVER FROM THE START. PUTRID DIPHTHERIA, foetor oris and tenderness of the salivary glands without much swelling, or glands swollen and cellular tissue of neck infiltrated; nasal cavities, mouth, fauces, pharynx and larynx converted by a dark- gray or green thick, leathery exudation and exudation ulceration; PROFUSE EPISTAXIS AND INCESSANT SALIVATION; very free perspiration from the least motion; excoriating discharge from nostrils; excessive prostration with burning skin; blue face, cold extremities, filiform pulse; aversion to all foods heart weak so that the least charge of position causes fainting.

Mercurius-iod-flav [Merc-i-f]

Diphtheritic membrane yellow, (<) ON RIGHT SIDE, from warm drinks or from empty deglutition; great thirst for cold water, can swallow only in little sips, as throat is so full; constant disposition to hawk. caused by excessive secretion of mucus, very difficult to dislodge; considerable salivation which makes the chin sore; posterior wall of larynx red, irritated, inflamed and dotted with patches looking like small ulcerated spots; nose obstructed with thick yellow scabs and membranes, all worse on right side; tongue yellow, with tip and edges clear and red;foetid discharge from fauces and nares; oedema of neck and throat; glands swollen and infiltrated; deposit of limited extent, transparent, pellicular, albuminous and easily detached; urine scanty and high-colored; craves acid drinks.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.