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Homeopathy treatment for Debility from the Homeopathic Therapeutics by Lilienthal. Homeopathic remedies for the treatment of Debility…


Acetic-acid [Acet-ac]

Great debility, polyuria and glycosuria, intense thirst; sensation as if an ulcer were in stomach, giving great uneasiness.

Aconite [Acon]

Suitable to young people, especially young girls, when plethoric and leading a sedentary life, or for extreme sensitiveness to pain; sleeplessness, tossing about; extreme sensitiveness of sight and hearing; red cheeks; tendency of blood to head; palpitation of heart, etc.

Aletris-far [Alet]

Weariness of mind and body; dizzy when stooping; sleepiness; least food distresses stomach, flatulency and constipation; debility, especially of women from protracted illness or defective nutrition, no organic disease. Debility after diphtheria.

Alumina [Alum]

Want of bodily irritability; great exhaustion from walking in open air, from talking; slow, tottering gait as after severe illness; great weakness or loss of memory; easily intoxicated, even by weak spirituous drinks.

Ambra [Ambr]

Great prostration after lingering fevers, loss of muscular power, memory impaired; unable to reflect upon anything properly; dull vision, impotence. Suits well old people and nervous children.

Anacardium [Anac]

Nervous debility and prostration following seminal emissions, whether involuntary or not; too rapid loss of memory and mental vigor in old people; prostration from cramming of students, with loss of sleep; weakness of all the senses; loss of appetite and (>) after eating; paretic state of the muscles subject to volition.

Argentum-met [Arg-m]

Arthralgia, bruised feeling in small of back from weakness of spine, has to lie down to obtain rest, knees partially weak; suits nervous hysterical women and males after loss of fluids, especially semen.

Arnica [Arn]

General fatigue, lassitude and sleeplessness; sensation as of being bruised, must lie down, yet bed feels too hard; loss of strength and of all sense of health; confusion of the head and slowness of thinking.

Arsenicum [Ars]

Debility from overtaxing muscular tissue, as from prolonged exertion, climbing mountains, etc.; he is so weary that he cannot sleep, but feels stronger by lying down and rest, (<) by other people’s talking.

Baptisia [Bapt]

Feels weak, tremulous; as if recovering from sickness and incapable of vigorous mental or bodily exertion; no desire to do anything; sleep restless, (<) on awaking, parts rested on feel very painful.

Baryta-carb [Bar-c]

Suits first childhood and senility with mental or physical debility; old people, especially when fat or when they suffered from gout; constantly weak and weary, wishes to lean on something, to sit or lie down, and still feels weak and weary, deficient memory, absentmindedness.

Calcarea-carb [Calc]

Excess in venery, every embrace causes languor, trembling of extremities, weariness, headache; nervous irritability and nervous debility; relapses after severe acute diseases, one does not continue to convalesence; want of strength, especially in the morning, arising from loss of animal fluids; after exposure to wet and cold; diseases of children during dentition.

Carbo-an [Carb-an]

Great debility from straining and overlifting; weakness of nursing women.

Carbo-veg [Carb-v]

Debility from defective circulation and imperfect oxidation of the blood; vital forces nearly exhausted; cold surface, especially from knees to feet; breath cool, pulse intermittent, thready; cold sweat on limbs; after a spree.

Chamomilla [Cham]

Oversensitiveness to pain, disposition to faint, when suffering ever so little, disconsolate, tossing about, moaning and lamenting; irritable, quarrelsome mood, great prostrating debility as soon as the neuralgic pains begin; lassitude in morning on awaking; symptoms (<) at night, while lying down.

China [Chin]

Hectic fever; weakness from loss of animal fluids or after severe and exhausting diseases, with coldness of skin and inability to undergo the least fatigue, even (<) while sitting, still more while walking, with excessive irritability and sensibility, in fact the EXCESSIVE DEBILITY IS NOW THE DISEASE ITSELF; torpor and paralytic weakness of the affected parts; numbness of parts on which he lies; sensitiveness to draughts of air; sleeplessness from thoughts crowding upon one’s mind; heavy dreams, causing anxiety even after waking; disposition to sweat; hypochondriasis; malarious affections.

Cimicifuga [Cimic]

Atony in nervous and muscular system; nervous debility; GREAT DEBILITY BETWEEN MENSES; headache and exhausted feeling of students; sleeplessness from excited brain or when falling asleep, is awakened by electric shocks.

Coca [Coca]

Nervous depression, result of overwork, exhausting diseases, mental worry, sexual excesses or abuse of tobacco, hardly able to make any exertion; inclination to sleep and constant weariness, which does not induce refreshing sleep; feeling of anguish, increased with failure of every effort to strive against the weariness; brain muddled, loss of all energy.

Cocculus [Cocc]

ILL EFFECTS OF LOSS OF SLEEP AND MENTAL EXCITEMENT; weakness with trembling, feels too weak to talk loud, faintness from slightest exertion; prostration and exhausting sweat over whole body from slightest exertion; (>) lying down (anaemia), on rising vertigo and dizziness.

Coffea [Coff]

Fainting from sudden emotions; greatest mental and physical exhaustion, lassitude and general debility, overexcitement of entire nervous system; sleeplessness during convalescence; extreme sensitiveness to pain.

Colchicum [Colch]

Debility following LOSS OF SLEEP, awakes in the morning tired and languid, followed by loss of appetite and bad taste in mouth, dislike even to the smell of food; any little thing annoys him.

Conium [Con]

Great prostration of muscular and nervous system, (<) from excitement; weakness and lassitude with desire to sit or lie down; feels exhausted and faint after a short walk; complete sleeplessness and exhaustion, can hardly speak a few words; debility from old age or masturbation; after zymotic diseases.

Curare [Cur]

Nervous debility from over-lactation and from exhausting illness causing functional paretic states; debility of the aged, great failure of strength; no cough, pain or disordered digestion.

Ferrum [Ferr]

Anaemic debility from faulty nutrition and assimilation (Calcarea); relaxation and weakness of entire muscular system with emaciation; muscles feeble and easily exhausted from light exertion; pseudo-plethora, even tendency to get fat; fainting spells with subsequent weakness; falls asleep when sewing or studying, from weariness and debility; when falling asleep sweat breaks out, which awakens him and keeps him awake till morning; depression of spirits.

Helonias [Helon]

Atonic anaemia, especially after the failure of Ferrum; profound debility as after severe acute diseases, (>) upon exercising, when doing something, when the mind is engaged; uterine and hysterical sufferings.

Kali-carb [Kali-c]

Weakness following LABOR OR ABORTION; weak, lame feeling in small of back, which makes walking very difficult; cough and frequent sweating at night; discharge of blood from uterus; excess of urates in urine showing great waste of tissue.

Natrum-carb [Nat-c]

Great debility without previous exhaustion from disease, but instead original inertia and phlegmatic state; aversion to society and to exertion; head feels stupefied, if he tries to exert himself; weakness of ankles and liability to fall.

Nux-vomica [Nux-v]

Great debility from oversensitiveness of all the senses; sudden failing of strength, wants to sit or lie down; tendency to faint from odors, in the morning or after eating; ailments from continuous mental labor from abuse of wines, liquors, narcotics and physics.

Phosphoric-acid [Ph-ac]

Nervous debility from loss of animal fluids; after protracted nursing, from exhausting illness, from excessive venery, accompanied by symptoms of great nervous exhaustion, shown by tingling and formication; dizziness as if he would fall down, and on lying down feels as if the feet were going higher up than the head; back and legs weak, so that he totters in walking; burning in spine; (<) at night; failure of memory.

Phosphorus [Phos]

SUDDEN PROSTRATION WHEN nervous system is exhausted from a sudden shock or blow, as after severe zymosis.

Picric-acid [Pic-ac]

Asthenia from diminished nutrition; weakness of muscles; furunculosis; lame and tired sensation all over the body; (>) in open air and when at rest.

Psorinum [Psor]

Weakness, especially without structural diseased changes; debility after acute diseases, with despair of recovery; thinks he is very ill, when he is not; appetite will not return; sweats from least exertion; sick babies will not sleep day or night, but worry, fret and cry; body has a filthy smell, even after a bath.

Pulsatilla [Puls]

Nervous debility, with amenorrhoea; tired, worn-out feeling, as from fatigue, but not better resting; chlorotic debility, especially after large doses of iron.

Sanguinaria [Sang]

Lassitude, torpor, languor, not disposed to move or to make any mental exertion, (<) damp weather; limbs weak while walking in open air; drowsiness, causing mental and bodily indolence; languid circulation, limbs cold, skin pallid, sensitive to atmospheric changes.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.