
Lachesis [Lach]

Catarrhus vesicae with discharge of OFFENSIVE (PUTRESCENCE) MUCUS during micturition; dull pain in bladder; sensation as if a ball were rolling in the bladder or abdomen when turning over; urine almost black and foaming, burning as it passes.

Lilium-tigr [Lil-t]

Frequent or constant urging with scanty discharge, followed by acrid smarting in urethra, and tenesmus, (<) towards morning; continuous pressure on bladder and, if not compiled with, congested sensation in chest; urine hot like boiling oil.

Lithium-carb [Lith-c]

Sharp pressure in vesical region, more on right side, and pain and tenesmus at the neck of the bladder; before urinating flashes of pain in inferior portion of bladder, after urinating pain extends into the cord, more to left; itching stitches through pubes, passing from behind forward transversely or in a curve, suddenly like lightning; afterwards a continuous pain; (<) evening, when walking; in the morning on rising to urinate pressure in cardiac region, only ceasing after micturition; urine scanty, acrid, dark, sediment dark-red or brown.

Lycopodium [Lyc]

Chronic cases, strangury, stitches simultaneously in anus and neck of bladder; heaviness and dull pressure in bladder; frequent urging, forcing patient to retain the urine and to support abdomen with both hands; urging, but must wait a long time before urine passes; emission delayed, with pain in back, (>) soon after flow begins. Micturition preceded by severe pains in back, accompanied by itching in urethra and burning, followed some time after by itching and violent shooting, tearing and cutting pains in urethra; pain (<) on lying down, especially at night; (>) by horseback riding; DISPOSITION TO GRAVEL AND CALCULI; in children urging to urinate with impossibility to pass it, they cry impatiently and grasp the abdomen (Cantharis, pulling at penis), their urine may be pale and clear. Urine foamy, turbid, milky, with an offensive purulent sediment; scanty, dark-red clear, with deposit of uric acid or red sand; haematuria and haemorrhoids.

Mercurius [Merc]

Fever with chilliness; great soreness in vesical region to touch; violent urging, urine flows in a thin stream or only drop by drop, containing mucus, blood or pus; during micturition sweat breaks forth; urine burning, dark-red and turbid; sour or pungent odor; contains white flakes; pus or fleshlike shreds of mucus; gonorrhoeal inflammation.

Nitric-acid [Nit-ac]

Urging after and shuddering along spine during micturition; burning in urethra and stitching in abdomen during micturition; painful retention; URINE COLD WHEN IT PASSES, smells like horse- urine, dark-brown and looks like the dregs of a cider barrel.

Nux-vomica [Nux-v]

Painful, ineffectual urging or discharge of urine drop by drop, with burning and tearing; micturition preceded by pressure on bladder, accompanied and followed by contractive pain in urethra, urine pale, later thick, purulent; reddish with brickdust sediment.

Pareira-brava [Pareir]

Painful sensation of a LARGE BALL IN BLADDER, as if the bladder were distended and the pain radiating down the thighs; constant urging to urinate, with violent pains in glans penis, and straining, even to extort screams; patient can only URINATE WHEN HE GOES ON HIS KNEES, pressing his head firmly against the floor, remaining in that position for some time; perspiration breaks out and finally the urine begins to drop off with interruptions, with great pain at end of penis; (<) after midnight till morning; urine turbid, mucous; thick, tough, sticks to the sides of the vessel, sediment of red sand; strong ammoniacal smell of the urine.

Phosphoric-acid [Ph-ac]

Constant urging; enuresis nocturna with profuse discharge of the clear, watery urine; urine milky, with bloody, jellylike pieces of mucus: decomposes rapidly.

Piper-methysticum [Pip-m]

(Kava-Kava). Chronic cystitis with foetid urine of a dirty color and crystalline sediment on bottom and sides of the vessel, but especially depositing a stringy, gelatinous mass, very adherent, sleepless and restless, compelling change of position.

Polygonum [Polyg]

Painful cutting and feeling of strangulation at the neck of bladder when urinating, lasting a long time; pains in sacrum and bladder, with a desire to micturate, not relieved by voiding

large quantities of urine.

Populus [Pop]

Chronic catarrh; chronic gleet; elderly persons; ardor urinae or perfect retention; urine scanty, with large quantities of mucus or pus and severe tenesmus as soon as the last drops are voided, or a little before.

Prunus-spin [Prun]

Terrific burning in urethra of bladder, which always feels full and is MORE COMFORTABLE WHEN CONTAINING URINE; tearing, cutting pains; urine scanty.

Pulsatilla [Puls]

Aching, burning and cutting pains in vesical region; after urinating, spasmodic pains in neck of bladder, extending to pelvis and thighs; scanty, red-brown urine with brick-colored sediment; retention with redness, soreness and heat in bladder, cannot retain the urine, which passes in drops when sitting or walking; VESICAL SYMPTOMS ACCOMPANYING PREGNANCY or after exposure to cold.

Sarsaparilla [Sars]

Chronic cystitis; frequent, inefficient urging to urinate and diminished excretion; severe tenesmus as in gravel, with emission of white, acrid, turbid matter and mucus; much pain at the conclusion of passing water; during MICTURITION AIR PASSES FROM THE BLADDER; sand in urine, the child screams before and while passing it; urine irritating, bright and clear, or scanty, flaky with deposit of sand; intolerable smell of the genitals.

Senega [Seneg]

Catarrh of bladder of old people; urine dark-colored, diminished in quantity and foams when shaken; urging and scalding before and after urinating; urine holds mucous shreds and on cooling becomes thick and cloudy; great debility, weak legs, trembling and faintness on walking.

Sepia [Sep]

Chronic cases; distension of lower portion of abdomen; urging, from pressure on bladder, urine passes only after waiting some minutes; annoying, itching sensation in vesical region; during and after micturition chilliness and heat in head; mucous discharge periodical, not at each micturition; violent burning in bladder; feeling as if bladder were full and its contents would fall out over the pubes, with constant desire to push them (not a pressure downward, as if everything would be pressed out through vulva); urine thick, slimy, very offensive (putrid), depositing a yellowish pasty sediment; greasy cuticle on surface of turbid urine.

Sulphur [Sulph]

Constant painful desire, with discharge of bloody urine, requires great effort to pass it; cutting in abdomen before urinating, after it pain continuous in urethra until renewed urging comes on; urine foetid, with greasy pellicle; feverish and sleepless through the night.

Sulphur-iod [Sul-i]

Constant painful desire to urinate with but slight flow, urine looking white and cloudy; pain and weakness across kidneys; catarrh of bladder in old people, pain in prostate, feeling of weakness in bladder; mucous deposits in urine.

Tarentula-hisp [Tarent]

Cystitis with high fever, gastric derangement, excruciating pains and ischuria; bladder swollen and hard; great tenesmus, weakening the patient, with passage only of a dark-red, brown urine, foetid, with deposits of a gravel-like sediment.

Terebinthina [Ter]

Strangury; sensitiveness of hypogastrium; tenesmus of bladder; violent burning and cutting in bladder, alternating with a similar pain in bladder, (<) at rest, (>) when walking in open air; URINE RETAINED AT THE FUNDUS of the bladder from atony in old persons of a sedentary habit.

Thuja [Thuj]

Frequent urging with profuse discharge, urine looks clear when passed, but becomes cloudy when standing; burning in urethra during and after micturition; stitches from rectum into the bladder.

Uva-ursi [Uva]

Dysuria, strangury; frequent urging with little discharge, followed by burning, cutting pains; HAS TO LIE ON HIS BACK TO PASS URINE; profuse mucous sediment, very tenacious, passed with great straining; severe spasm in bladder before micturition; constipation. Prof. Weber highly recommends the drinking of from 5 to 7 litres water daily in chronic cystitis, to wash out the kidneys and the bladder.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.