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Homeopathy treatment for Croup from the Homeopathic Therapeutics by Lilienthal. Homeopathic remedies for the treatment of Croup…

Cynanche (Angina) Membranacea

Acetic-acid [Acet-ac]

Membraneous croup, lining membrane of larynx and trachea covered with fibrinous exudation; difficult breathing and hissing respiration, rattling from laryngeal obstruction, (<) at each inhalation; NO THIRST, child swallows with difficulty, even a teaspoonful of water; BRIGHT REDNESS OF FACE; (<) evenings with coldness, at night heat, dry skin and delirium.

Aconite [Acon]

Croup from exposure to dry, cold northwest wind; child is aroused from sleep by long suffocative attacks; cough hard, dry, barking, but not yet wheezing nor sawing respiration; COUGH AND LOUD BREATHING DURING EXPIRATION, but not during inspiration, every expiration ends with a coarse hacking cough; fear of choking to death; high fever, dry skin, anxiety and restlessness; child is in agony and throws itself about; (>) from cold drinks and (<) after eating. Relapses may set in, if left off too soon.

Ammonium-caust [Am-caust]

Deep, weak voice, can scarcely utter a word; cough with copious expectoration, especially after drinking; difficult labored, rattling or stertorous breathing; suffocative spells; scraping, burning in throat; dark redness of fauces and posterior wall of pharynx; uvula drawn up and covered with white mucus; nose

stopped up; pale face; spasms of chest.

Antimonium-tart [Ant-t]

Severe forms of CATARRHAL CROUP. Quantity of mucus rattling in the larynx with every coughing spell and with hardly any expectoration; gasping for breath at the beginning of every coughing spell, noisy, whistling, purring, bellowing, sawing, with great rattling of mucus, as if the child would suffocate, with neck stretched out, head bent back and still no expectoration, from threatening paralysis of lungs; (>) by spitting of mucus or by vomiting; face cold, bluish, covered with cold, clammy perspiration, frequent pulse, prostration and collapse.

Arsenicum [Ars]

Larynx sensitive to pressure; hoarseness in daytime, dyspnoea and suffocative spells at night, especially after midnight; croup with coryza, cannot breathe through nose, with restlessness and thirst, but can only take a sip and is always worse after drinking; mostly dry, but sometimes accompanied with expectoration of frothy mucus; cough, accompanied with sense of constriction and suffocation, exhausts the child which feels cold and wants to be covered; CROUP BEFORE OR AFTER HIVES OR NETTLERASH; great prostration.

Belladonna [Bell]

All the symptoms of membranous croup, but usual remedies fail; case characterized by single attacks; hollow cough, with strangulation and putting hands to larynx; CROUPLIKE SPASMS IN LARYNX in attacks; fauces red and great sensitiveness of lower portion of larynx to the slightest pressure, (<) when coughing, talking or taking breath; painful dryness of larynx, with great aversion to all drinks; hoarseness with flushed face and congested eyes.

Bromium [Brom]

Hoarseness several days, in the evening nearly aphonia; rough, dry cough; pain in larynx; difficult snoring breathing in sleep; jumping up for want of breath while eating or drinking anything cold, (>) after warm, even hot drinks; more difficulty in swallowing fluids than solids; heat in face, gasping for breath, voice husky, weak or oppressed; MUCH RATTLING IN LARYNX with each inspiration and expiration, (<) by warm air in the room, CHILD

WANTS TO BE CARRIED, BUT VERY QUICKLY, SAYING, RUN, RUN; LONG- DRAWN-OUT INHALATION with a rushing sound, larynx drawn downward, thorax hardly moving; breathing, sawing, whistling breathing with danger of suffocation from too much phlegm in larynx (Ant. tart., rattling lower down in chest); voice hardly audible; bronchi much irritated; membranous formation in larynx and trachea, much rattling in larynx when coughing, (<) before midnight, (>) after it, GREAT PROSTRATION. Croup during whooping-cough. (Milk and farinaceous food neutralize according to Teste, the action of Bromium and Iodium). Suits light-complexioned children, light hair and eyes.

Bryonia [Bry]

Tough mucus in the trachea, which is loosened only after frequent hawking; scraping sensation in lower portion of the trachea, provoking a dry cough; voice rough and hoarse; hacking dry cough, from the upper part of the trachea; single, forcible, spasmodic shocks towards the upper part of the trachea, which is covered by dry, tough mucus; cough, from a constant crawling upward in the throat, followed by expectoration of mucus, (<) by eating or drinking, in a warm room.

Carbo-veg [Carb-v]

HIGHEST GRADE OF CROUP; bluish color of face, pulse smell and intermittent; difficult whistling breathing, with complete insensibility and no cough or rare and muffled cough; constant anguish and restlessness, child clings to persons, slightly (<) by fanning or rapid motion.

Causticum [Caust]

CATARRHAL CROUP; sensation of RAWNESS IN THE THROAT when coughing, with sawing respiration; dry sensation in the air- passages; irritation to cough, with each expiration; dry, hollow cough with sore sensation in a streak down along the trachea, where it pains on every fit of coughing and almost prevents breathing; frequent attacks of suffocation during inspiration, as if some one grasped the trachea, arresting the breathing for the moment.

Chamomilla [Cham]

Child must be carried up and down for relief; dyspnoea, constricted feeling at suprasternal fossa, with constant irritation to cough; short, panting, rattling breathing, slow inspiration and rapid expiration, child snappish, cross and piteously moaning, only quiet when carried about.

Cubeba [Cub]

False membranes, THICK AND OF A DARK SHADE, principally in the larynx; respiration noisy and panting, sensation as if the head were choked up, with heaviness of head; danger of suffocation; voice harsh and wheezing; cough, with coryza and hoarseness; during and after cough, COLD SWEAT UPON THE BREAST AND BACK, WITH BURNING IN ABDOMEN; respiration impeded, difficult, with crepitant rales; great fulness of chest; dyspnoea and sense of suffocation; barking and croupy cough, with feeling as of a foreign body in larynx; throat dry and parched; respiration hurried and noisy; face red and pale by turns; contractive and pressive headache, with drowsiness, but without sleep; uneasiness, anxiety, cannot remain in bed; constant need to swallow the saliva to relieve the dryness and suffering in the throat and larynx.

Cuprum-met [Cupr]

Cough with interrupted, almost suppressed breathing; quick, hurried breathing; spasm of throat, preventing speech, with continual hoarseness; spasmodic distortion of features; pale face; bluish face with bluish lips; anguish; premature exhaustion of strength; (>) by a drink of cold water; (<) by inhaling cold air, after eating solid food.

Drosera [Dros]

After croup remains tightness of chest when talking or even uttering a single word; creeping sensation, as if a soft body were lodged in larynx, with fine stitches to right side of throat, exciting cough; deep, hoarse voice.

Hepar [Hep]

Cough brought on or aggravated by dry, cold wind, with swelling below larynx; RATTLING, CHOKING COUGH, COMING ON OR GETTING WORSE IN THE EARLY HOURS OF THE MORNING; the child chokes with every coughing spell, has to sit up and bend the head back, and is better by being kept warm (opposite to Bromium), least exposure causes a spell of coughing; (<) by drinking and eating; every little motion causes slight perspiration, or profuse, clammy, sour sweat, mostly before midnight; frequent desire to urinate, urine dark yellow and depositing a white sediment. Cough comes on as soon as the child lies down at night and gets worse towards morning; no expectoration at night but only in daytime with the suffocating coughing spells; RATTLING OF MUCUS, which the child is unable to get rid of, but still little or no difficulty of breathing; sensation as if there was a fishbone in throat, or of internal swelling, causing stitching pains from ear to ear when swallowing or turning around.

Iodum [Iod]

Black-eyed, dark complexioned children; cough more painful and dry than in Bromium, wheezing and sawing respiration, with a dry, barking cough, during which the child strangles so that it clutches his throat; TRACHEAL AND BRONCHIAL CROUP WITH TENDENCY TO TORPOR, cough has lost the peculiar metallic timbre and becomes muffled and indistinct; DIFFICULT INSPIRATION from spasm of throat and from partial occlusion of the lumen of larynx by the formation of the membrane; inspiration wavelike, in jerks; (<) mornings, from motion, when lying on back; (>) by cold and after eating; voice has deep, hoarse, rough sound; increased secretion of mucus in larynx and trachea, tough, plastic exudation, but not stringy; constant desire to change position without anguish; coldness of face in very fleshy children, long-continued cold, damp weather often the cause; SPORADIC STHENIC FORM OF CROUP, NO PROSTRATION.

Ipecacuanha [Ip]

CATARRHAL CROUP; convulsive evening cough, expectoration of mucus, with metallic taste; spasmodic cough, with constriction and danger of suffocation; shocks on falling asleep; rigidity of body, followed by jerking of arms towards each other; nausea and vomiting; (<) from least motion.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.