
Copaiva [Cop]

Chronic pulmonary catarrh, with profuse expectoration of a greenish-gray purulent mucus, of a disgusting odor, sometimes

mixed with blood; irritation in larynx and bronchi; dryness in larynx, huskiness in chest, dry and painful cough with hoarseness, especially in the morning, with excoriating pains in larynx when talking; foul breath in the morning.

Corallium-rubr [Cor-r]

Nervous, hysterical, spasmodic cough; FIRING MINUTE GUNS OF SHORT BARKING COUGH, all day and for half an hour, about evening increasing to a violent spasmodic paroxysm; during deep inspiration sensation as if the air passing through the air- passages was icy cold, with inclination to cough and difficult hawking up of bronchial mucus; COLD EXPECTORATION; every atmospheric change causes coughing. Tuberculosis.

Crocus-sativus [Croc]

Violent dry cough and exhausting, from pharyngeal irritation, relieved by laying hand on pit of stomach; cough with spitting of dark, stringy blood; sensation as if something alive were moving in chest.

Crot.-hor [Crot-h]

Nervous cough, especially laryngeal; dry, tickling, constant, choking, as if from dry irritating vapor, or as if from a dry spot in larynx, (<) on left side, by dry cold air, by deep inspiration, talking and particularly by external pressure on larynx; (<) on awaking from sleep.

Croton-tig [Croto-t]

Cough much worse at night when lying in bed forcing the patient to rise and to sleep in a chair, or to walk about the room, on account of the sense of suffocation, as if he could not expand lungs; cough with violent, sore, drawing pain through chest into back, (<) in left side; when coughing soreness of abdomen; accumulation of rattling mucus in chest, which is painful to touch.

Cubeba [Cub]

Incessant bronchial cough; worse evening, by heat and in the open air; barking cough with sensation of foreign body in larynx; throat dry and parched; hurried and noisy respiration; HARSH COUGH, WHICH SEEMS TO TEAR AND RUPTURE THE BRONCHI; expectoration difficult and painful or yellow-greenish, rusty, and streaked with blood; haemoptysis, especially evenings.

Cuprum [Cupr]

NERVOUS AND SPASMODIC COUGH, dry and suffocative, worse nights; in the morning slight expectoration of phlegm, with dark blood, of putrid taste and smell; UNINTERRUPTED COUGH, cannot speak a word, with a discharge of blood mucus from the nose; relieved by drinking cold water; worse after eating solid food, inhaling cold air, from laughing and taking deep breath; faint in stomach.

Curare [Cur]

Dry, spasmodic cough, shaking whole body, provokes vomiting and often followed by fainting; worse by breathing cold air, laughing, eating, moving; burning and shooting in larynx; hoarseness and aphonia; expectoration yellow, gray, greenish, nearly black; burning heat in chest, with sensation of distension; breathing difficult; stitching pain in right side; praecordial anguish; palpitation and stinging pains in heart.

Cyclamen [Cycl]

Violent cough at night from tickling in larynx, coming on during sleep, never caused by talking or walking, even against a cold wind; stitches upward in back, (>) by drawing the shoulders backward; violent morning headaches with flickering before eyes, which wear off by noon, is weary and irritable in the morning. Vicarious menstruation.

Digitalis-purp [Dig]

Spasmodic and hollow cough, from roughness and scraping in throat; expectoration of sweet-tasting jellylike mucus in the evening; hoarseness in the morning after a night-sweat; COUGH AFTER EATING, with vomiting of food; worse by talking, walking, drinking anything cold when bending the body forward; expectoration like boiled starch; great prostration after coughing.

Dolichos-pruriens [Dol]

Tickling-itching sensation under the sternum in the bifurcation, patient wishes he could scratch it, as he does when other parts of the skin itch; cough on lying down at night, with wheezing and dyspnoea; slight cough with easy expectoration and strong taste of blood in mouth.

Drosera [Dros]

Spasmodic, nervous and sympathetic cough, deep-sounding, hoarse and barking; cough in fits, at long intervals, a sequela of measles, (<) afternoon and evening, AFTER MIDNIGHT; harassing titillating cough in children, not at all during the day, but commences as soon as head touches pillow at night, cough immediately after lying down; nocturnal cough of phthisical patients, cough sounds loose, but nothing comes up; expectoration yellow, bitter, offensive, pus-like, salty, has to be swallowed; cough (<) by warmth, drinking, tobacco smoke, laughing, singing, weeping, after lying down, after midnight or in the morning; voice without resonance.

Dulcamara [Dulc]

CATARRHAL TROUBLES, CAUSED BY EXPOSURE TO DAMP, COLD WEATHER; increased secretion of the mucous membranes and glands, those of the skin being suppressed; long coughing spells to expel phlegm, in children and old people from threatening paralysis of the vagi; spasmodic cough, with profuse secretion of mucus in the larynx and trachea; easy expectoration of tasteless mucus, often streaked with blood.

Elaps-coral [Elaps]

Cough, with EXPECTORATION OF BLACK BLOOD, and a tearing sensation in cardiac region; almost constant cough, with frightful pains throughout the lungs, as if they were torn out, especially in upper portion of right chest.

Eugenia-jambos [Eug]

Cough of throat; pains principally in throat pit; NOT A TRACE OF SPUTA; cough more frequent evenings and at night.

Eupatorium-perf [Eup-per]

BILIO-CATARRHAL FEVERS; hectic cough from suppressed intermittent fever; loose cough during apyrexia, also at night, after measles (Stict.); rough scraping cough; chest sore, must support it with his hands; flushed face; tearful eyes.

Euphrasia [Euphr]

Cough on rising in the morning, continuing until lying down again; can scarcely get breath; tickling in trachea worse from tobacco smoke and from exposure to south wind; better when eating; NO COUGH AT NIGHT.

Euphorbium-off [Euph]

Violent cough as soon as the patient touches the bed, on retiring; cold feet, pain in heel, pain in right temple; dry, spasmodic cough day and night; sputa copious only in the morning.

Ferrum [Ferr]

Spasmodic cough from tickling in trachea, must sit up at night to raise the sputa, after eating, with vomiting of food, with stitches in chest and soreness; dry, tickling cough, with blood- spitting; sputa copious, putrid, purulent, greenish, or frothy, worse morning, copious when moving; scanty, thin, frothy, with streaks of blood; hawks up scabs; urine squirts out when coughing; flushing of face.

Gelsemium [Gels]

Catarrhal affection growing out of the relaxed and debilitated condition of the system on the return of warm weather at the close of winter, SPRING FEVER; hoarseness, with dryness of the throat; burning in larynx, descending into the trachea; cough from tickling and dryness of fauces; sensation of soreness in chest when coughing. Catarrhal affections from motor disturbances, as spasmodic asthma.

Graphites [Graph]

Cough caused by deep inspiration, with strangling, red face, watery eyes, straining all over; loose, from tickling deep in the chest, at night; expectoration salty; taste of blood in mouth.

Hamamelis [Ham]

COUGH FROM A VARICOSE CONDITION OF THE THROAT; tickling cough, taste of blood on awaking; dry cough, severe stinging in the uvula as if it would break; venous blood comes up into the mouth, without coughing and scarcely any effort; expectoration thick, yellowish, or greenish-gray, tasting putrid.

Hepar-sulph [Hep]

Hoarse, croupy night cough, THE PHLEGM IS LOOSE AND CHOKING; cough worse after exposure to chilly night air, and from drinking cold water; cough excited when any part of the body is uncovered (Rumex); constant rattling of mucus in the chest of infants, threatening suffocation at times; SEVERE LARYNGEAL CATARRH, with roughness and pain in the upper part of throat; sensation as of a clot of mucus or of internal swelling when swallowing; stitches and pain extending from ear to ear; violent and suffocative paroxysms of coughing, often attended by retching, which precede the expulsion; rattling, choking cough, worse towards morning and after eating; moist cough with easy expectoration, depending on a catarrhal or organic basis; elongated, flabby uvula, with tickling sensation in the back of throat and enlargement and inflammation of the mucous follicles. No expectoration at night, but only in daytime during cough; exceeding sensitiveness to the least draught of air.

Hepatica-triloba [Hepat]

Excessively annoying irritation of the fauces; expectoration profuse, yellow, CREAMY AND SWEAT; tickling, itching and scraping in chest, worse by eating or inhaling dust.

Hyoscyamus [Hyos]

Nervous cough, aggravated AS SOON AS PATIENT IS LYING DOWN, better on rising or sitting up; elongation of the uvula (Mentha pip.), which causes continual tickling in the throat; rough voice from mucus in larynx and trachea; expectoration of saltish mucus or bright-red blood mixed with coagula; during cough spasms of the larynx, painful epigastrium and hypochondria; dry night cough, with scanty expectoration, or from the exertion mucous vomiting; after measles; after eating, drinking, talking at night.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.