
Carbo-an [Carb-an]

Severe dry cough, shakes abdomen as if all would fall out, must support bowels; loose rales till something is coughed up, worse mornings on rising and nearly all day; tickling cough, with constriction of larynx and chest, (<) at night, when lying on right side; green foul sputa; night-sweats.

Carbo-veg [Carb-v]

Chronic catarrhal hoarseness; COUGH, WITH GREENISH-YELLOW FOETID

EXPECTORATION; spasmodic hollow cough in short, hard spells, caused by a feeling as of vapors of sulphur; worse evening or before midnight; by going into cold air or into cooler air from a warm place, with copious sputa night and morning; yellow-green or purulent brown, bloody, or less often tenacious whitish mucus, or watery, of sour or saltish taste and of unpleasant odor; worse in the evening from movement, when walking in the open air, after lying down; heat of body when coughing; cough mostly hard and dry, hoarse, or rough-sounding, occurring after a meal and ending in vomiting (pertussis); pain in chest and stitches through head; burning pain in chest. AFTER the cough, tough and greenish sputa, chronic hoarseness of singers, bronchitis of old people.

Carduus-mar [Card-m]

Sympathetic cough, dry, hacking, worse at night, with gastric symptoms and painfulness of epigastrium to pressure dependent on old hepatic or splenitic troubles; every sudden or violent movement of the body is painful, both in chest and abdomen.

Causticum [Caust]

CATARRHAL APHONIA or weakness of voice from overexertion; cough after getting better, comes to a standstill, and there remains a dry, hollow cough; sore sensation in a streak down trachea and under sternum in chest when coughing, with tightly adhering mucus in the chest, with pain in the hip and involuntary passage of urine; hacking cough from creeping and rawness in throat; COUGH RELIEVED BY A SWALLOW OF COLD WATER; worse from exhaling cold air, from evening till midnight, when awaking; the quantity of mucus in the throat and chest produces spells of coughing, he cannot expectorate the acrid fatty-tasting mucus, but is obliged to swallow it (Arnica); he cannot cough deep enough to get relief, especially when lying down, from diminished vitality, (>) mornings.

Cepa [All-c]

(Allium). Cough with extremely painful, splitting sensation in larynx, as if the whole throat would be torn asunder by the effort of coughing, in conjunction with acrid coryza; severe laryngeal catarrh, which compels the patient to grasp the larynx; tickling in larynx with hoarseness; oppressed breathing, from pressure in the middle of the chest, constant hacking cough, (<) evenings and in the room, (>) in fresh air; cough worse from inhaling cold air.

Chamomilla [Cham]

Moderates the excessive sensitiveness to pain; with fretful children the cough is worse at night, from crying, from cold air and during sleep; tickling in pit of throat causes a scraping dry cough, with whistling and mucous rattling during respiration; voice hoarse, rough from the tough phlegm in larynx; continual irritation to cough after midnight, with orthopnoea and whistling; stitches and burning in larynx; cough from irritation of chest, from tickling in pharynx and larynx during the day, with expectoration of small quantities of tough mucus, tasting bitter or putrid, only in daytime, none at night; cough and vomiting DURING the time of meals (Bryonia) immediately after eating.

Chelidonium [Chel]

BILIOUS COUGH; enlarged liver, with jaundice; violent cough, somewhat spasmodic, dry in paroxysms, and then again racking, with much expectoration from the lungs, with pain behind the sternum, especially at night; dry cough through the day, with pain and stitches in the right side, with severe hoarseness towards evening, so that her voice could hardly be heard; dry, spasmodic cough, increased after meals, when sitting up; sensation as if the larynx were pressed against the pharynx, impeding deglutition; long-continued cough with loose rattling mucus, flying out of detached lumps of mucus when coughing (Bad., Kali carb.); the cough re-echoes in the stomach.

China [Chin]

BRONCHORRHOEA, with general malaise, simulating the last stage of phthisis; coughs most when the head is low, it must be raised up; cough after eating; cough, with a granular expectoration during the day and evening, dry at night or in the morning; hoarseness from mucus in the larynx; sensation of soreness in larynx and trachea; suffocative fits, as from mucus in larynx and bronchi; suppuration of lungs after haemoptysis, with stitches in chest, aggravated by pressure; difficult inspiration and quick expiration.

Chlorum [Chlor]

Spasmodic, whistling, wheezing cough; desire to cough from tickling and sensation of rawness behind thyroid gland; obstruction to cough results from an apparent constriction just below larynx, although he can draw air freely into the lungs; cough dry, without expectoration, perspiring while coughing; hoarseness.

Cimicifuga [Cimic]

Tickling cough in larynx, with pain in right lung through to the back; dry tearing cough, (<) at night, with little or no sputum, usually with pleurodynic pains; cough at every attempt to speak; expectoration of a viscid, stringy mucus.

Cina [Cina]

Nervous excitement quite out of proportion in its great severity to the light catarrhal affection, involving the whole cerebro- spinal system; cough so violent as to bring tears into the eyes, produces pain under sternum, and soreness and susceptibility to cough at every unusually deep inspiration; spasmodic cough with vomiting; pressure on larynx aggravates cough; titillation low down in trachea, inducing cough and dyspnoea, with expectoration of white mucus; frequent returns of dry, short, hacking cough, followed by swallowing, as if something were rising in throat; the child coughs itself into a rigid state; after the paroxysm a gurgling noise in the larynx, which goes down into the stomach; much perspiration during exercise and cough; worm cough; great peevishness.

Cistus-can [Cist]

Cough caused by tickling, and tickling increased by coughing, extending up into the ears; (<) by mental agitation, (>) by raising phlegm.

Coca [Coca]

Cough in the morning, with whitish-yellow expectoration, dense and viscous, at same time dryness of mouth and throat with thirst; sputa of small lumps, like boiled starch, immediately after rising mornings.

Coccinella [Cocci-s]

At the end of fit of coughing there is a quantity of albuminous ropy sputum, which pours forth with sensation in throat as if uvula were too long.

Cocculus [Cocc]

Fatiguing cough from irritation high up in larynx or from constriction in trachea and chest, particularly at night; after coughing metallic sour taste in mouth, (<) from talking, from indulging disposition to cough; spasmodic cough in hysterical and anaemic women.

Coccus-cacti [Coc-c]

TROUBLESOME COUGH OF DRUNKARDS; scraping and dry feeling in larynx, increased towards evening and accompanied by hacking cough and hawking; cough waking him at six in the morning or on first waking or rising, at first dry, clear and barking, then some thick mucus is detached, with desire to vomit, accompanied by an excoriated feeling in throat and headache; cough with vomiting of great ropes of clear albuminous mucus. Catarrhs which come on EARLY IN FALL, UPON FIRST CHANGE FROM WARM TO COLD WEATHER, lasting until next summer when weather again becomes warm; cough caused as if mucus were ascending and descending trachea; (<) when lying, during exercise, after dinner, in warm room; (>) in open air.

Coffea [Coff]

Dry, hacking cough, like whooping-cough but spasms are more felt during inspirations; short, dry cough, as from constriction of larynx; during cough stitches in side, anxiety, dimness before eyes and vertigo; (<) during evening to midnight, when falling asleep or soon after; during measles; irritation to cough, out- doors; feels exhausted after coughing, with emaciation and cachectic appearance.

Colchicum [Colch]

Troublesome night cough, compelling him to sit up, excited by scraping in chest, with much expectoration and involuntary spurting out of urine; frequent, short, dry cough from tickling in larynx.

Collinsonia [Coll]

Cough, with expectoration of lumps of coagulated blood enveloped in mucus.

Comocladia [Com]

Cough with pain under left nipple, extending through to the left scapula; rheumatic and pleurodynic pains in chest.

Conium [Con]

Tormenting night cough of old people; dry, hacking almost continuous cough; worse on lying down and at night; THREE IS HARDLY ANY COUGH IN DAYTIME; paroxysms of cough simulating whooping-cough, caused by unbearable titillation in the pit of the throat, with lisping voice; teasing dry cough, lasting a long time after lying down at night, worse by talking or laughing; hardly any expectoration at night, and difficult, bloody, purulent, offensive expectoration during the day; loose cough, with inability of expectoration; he must swallow what he coughs up (Arnica, Causticum); cough relieves the tight feeling in the chest; cannot lie on back or stand long; cough in pregnancy, (<) at night.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.