Apis [Apis]
Inflammation of the coccygeal muscles and of the joints, from cold, getting feet wet, etc.; sensation of stiffness in sacrum; burning pressure in coccygeal region, (<) from any attempt to sit down and evenings.
Belladonna [Bell]
The ischia feel sore, as if there were no flesh on them, yet she feels better when sitting on something hard; intense crampy pain in the small of the back and os coccygis; she can sit only a short time, for it makes her stiff and unable to rise again from pain; cannot lie down well, wakes often at night, and has to shift position; feels best when standing or walking slowly.
Causticum [Caust]
Dull drawing pain in the region of the coccyx; pain as from bruises or darting pain in the coccyx; every movement of the body gives a pain in the small of the back; pinching crampy pain in the lumbar region and buttocks.
Carbo-anim [Carb-an]
Pain in the coccyx, which becomes a burning pain when the parts are touched; pressing, bearing-down pain in the coccyx as if the parts were bruised; pain as from subcutaneous ulceration in this region, mostly when sitting or lying down; pressing, drawing, or stiffness in the lumbar region, as if the back were broken.
Cannabis [Cann-i]
Pressure, as if with a sharp point on the coccyx; pain in the middle of the back as if it were being pinched, the pain gradually extending towards the abdomen.
Cantharis [Canth]
Lancinations and tearings in coccyx, causing him to start.
Cicuta [Cic]
Tearing jerking in the coccyx; painful feeling of stiffness in the lower limbs; his legs refuse to carry him; during catamenia coming on for the first time after a confinement.
Cistus-can [Cist]
A burning bruised pain in the coccyx.
Euphorbium [Euph]
Painfulness of coccyx, as if in the bone, (<) on rising from sitting and when beginning to move; sensitive to touch; diarrhoeic stools which pain, (<) in coccyx.
Fluoric-acid [Fl-ac]
Aching in the os sacrum and lumbar region, relieved by stretching and bending backward, especially by pressure, in subjects of a rheumatic tendency.
Graphites [Graph]
Dull drawing in the coccyx in the evening; violent itching of the coccygeal region, the part being moist with scurfy eruptions.
Kali-carb [Kali-c]
Violent gnawing in the coccyx, both when at rest and in motion; backache, while walking; she feels as if the must give up and lie down; backache, as if broken.
Kreosotum [Kreos]
Drawing pain along the coccyx down to the rectum and vagina, where a spasmodic, contractive pain is felt; better when rising from her seat; subsequent milky leucorrhoea.
Lachesis [Lach]
Continual pain in the os sacrum and coccyx; drawing pain, or s if sprained, in the small of the back, preventing motion; agonizing pain when rising from his seat; nerves are here poorly protected, hence hyperaesthesia.
Lobelia [Lob]
Extreme tenderness over sacrum, she cannot bear even the pressure of a soft pillow; she cries out if any attempt is made to touch these parts; she sits up in bed, leaning forward to avoid contact with bed.
Magnesia [Mag-c]
Sudden piercing pain in the coccyx; sudden, violent; concussive, tearing, stitching pain in this region, as if the spine were bent back.
Mercurius [Merc]
Tearing pain in the coccyx, relieved by pressing the hand against the abdomen. Pain in sacrum as if one had been lying on too hard a couch; pricking itching in the sacrum when walking.
Muriatic-acid [Mur-ac]
Drawing burning along the back, beginning at the coccyx, as if under the skin; burning stitch in sacrum, causing one to start.
Paris-quad [Par]
Tearing in the coccyx when sitting; pulsative stitches in the coccyx.
Petroleum [Petr]
Pain in coccyx while sitting; great uneasiness and stiffness in the small of the back and coccyx in the evening.
Phosphorus [Phos]
Pain in coccyx as if ulcerated, hindering motion, and followed by painful stiffness in the nape of the neck.
Phosphoric-acid [Ph-ac]
Itching stitch in the coccyx; fine stitches in coccyx and sternum.
Platina [Plat]
Numb feeling in the coccyx as from a blow.
Rhus-tox [Rhus-t]
Rheumatism from exposure to dampness; drawing, jerking stitches as with a needle in coccyx, (<) from continued rest, when first moving, (>) when in active motion.
Ruta [Ruta]
Pain extending from coccyx to sacrum, as if caused by a bruise, from a blow or fall.
Tarentula [Tarent]
Burning smarting leucorrhoea and painful uneasiness in the coccyx, relieved by standing, aggravated by the slightest movement, sitting or lying on the bed, or by the least pressure.
Thuja [Thuj]
Painful drawing in the sacrum and coccyx, and in the thighs, when sitting; after having been seated a while, the drawing hinders standing erect. Sudden cramplike pain in the lumbar region after long standing, and then attempting to walk, it seems as if he would fall; stitches from anus to sacrum; burning in hollow below coccyx.
Valeriana [Valer]
Bubbling pressure above the anus, in the region of the coccyx; pain in the loins, as from cold or overlifting.
Zincum [Zinc]
Pain in coccyx, sometimes a pushing aching, and sometimes pinching; lancinations in the sacrum; pressure, tension and weakness in the lumbar and sacral region; cracking in the back when walking.