Children diseases – Diarrhoea of infants

Ferrum-pyrophos [Ferr-py]

Painless and involuntary diarrhoea, with undigested food, while and after nursing, worse at night, with much flatulence; bulimia alternating with loss of appetite; pale, bloodless features; emaciation.

Gamboge [Gamb]

Water, slimy, undigested stools, like curdled milk accompanied by colic, (>) by the stool, which is forcibly expelled; profuse flatulency, (<) at night and (>) after morning stools.

Geranium-mac [Ger]

Constant desire to go to stool, with inability for some time to pass any faecal matter, then the bowels move without any pain or effort; mouth dry, tip of tongue burning.

Gnaphalium [Gnaph]

Cross and irritable children; rumbling of bowels, colicky pains; watery, offensive morning diarrhoea, with repeats itself often during the day; urine scanty; appetite and taste lost.

Graphites [Graph]

Very frequent and small stools, with eruption on the skin, from which oozes a gelatinous fluid; soft, dark, half-digested, very offensive stools, followed by great, but transient, prostration; sour stools; excoriating the anus.

Guaco [Gua]

Thin, watery diarrhoea of teething children, continuous and exhausting, with indications of cerebral effusion.

Guaiacum [Guai]

Diarrhoea commencing in the morning, with great emaciation, CHILD SOON LOOKS WITHERED AND OLD; skin dry, chilly.

Helleborus [Hell]

Stools consisting solely of clear, tenacious, colorless mucus, preceded by colic and (>) after every stool, with burning and smarting in anus; gurgling in abdomen which feels peculiarly cold; urine scanty and dark, with often floating black specks, or containing a deposit like coffee-grounds; (<) evening, (>) in open air.

Hepar-sulph [Hep]

Child had a sour smell; stools-colored, green, slimy, sour, foetid, (<) during day, after eating, or drinking cold water; enuresis nocturna; from irritation of teeth, (<) mornings.

Ignatia [Ign]

Great nervous erethismus and tenesmus, occurring only after stool; child wakens from sleep with piercing cries and trembles all over, sobbing and sighing continue long after the crying ceased; diarrhoea from fright (Gelsemium).

Iodum [Iod]

Morning diarrhoea of scrofulous children; stools watery, foaming whitish with pinching around navel.

Ipecacuanha [Ip]

Yellow or green, painless, fermented stools, with constant nausea, especially in fat, pale children, particularly indicated at the PERIOD OF WEANING, when food disagrees.

Iris-vers [Iris]

Brown and very offensive diarrhoea, with cutting, colicky pains, nausea and vomiting; emission of very foetid flatus; (<) about flatus; (<) about 2 to 3 A.M.

Jalapa [Jal]

Watery, sour-smelling stools, (<) at night; child is quiet all day, but screams and tosses about all night; general coldness with blueness of face.

Kreosotum [Kreos]

Children struggle and scream during act of defaecation, they seem to go into fits; diarrhoea in nursing infants during dentition; stools watery, green or brown, cadaverous smelling.

Lactic-acid [Lac-ac]

Frequent green diarrhoea with almost constant nausea and gagging, but not much vomiting; stools undigested, curdy, watery, mixed with bright grass-green mucus, great jerking of muscles, rush of blood to head and face.

Lachesis [Lach]

Excessively offensive stools; sudden diarrhoea, with great urging; thin, pasty, frequent stools during hot term; child always awakens with distress.

Lycopodium [Lyc]

Thin, brown faecal, mixed with hard lumps, (<) after meal, after cold food, after suppressed eruptions (especially scabies); before stool chilliness in rectum. Child sad, listless or nervous, irritable and unmanageable; putrid breath in the morning; canine hunger, (>) after eating a little; sleep disturbed, child springs up terrified and shrieking, is angry and cross; cold feet.

Magnesia-carb [Mag-c]

SOUR SMELL OF THE WHOLE BODY; green, watery, frothy, sour- smelling, often with cruds of milk, resembling the scum of a frog-pond; straining during stool, during which the child does not wish to be touched; night-sweats; sour vomiting with colic; lienteria of sucklings; extreme and rapid emaciation.

Mercurius [Merc]

Much pain before stool, (>) by lying down; great relief immediately afterwards; stools frothy, slimy, bloody or dark green, with much straining; the child’s thighs and legs are cold and clammy, particularly at night; sour-smelling night-sweat, especially on forehead, which feels cold; aphthae, salivation; glandular swellings (Calomel).

Muriatic-acid [Mur-ac]

Very sour stomach, sour eructations and hiccough, nausea and vomiting; pain and tenderness over region of stomach; painful griping and fermentation over whole abdomen, colic with much flatus, (>) from discharge of flatus; thin, watery diarrhoea with soreness and extreme tenderness of anus; stool passes when urinating; itching and soreness of anus as if from pinworms; chilliness and shivering; prostration; cold extremities; dry mouth; restless sleep with frequent waking.

Natrum-mur [Nat-m]

CHRONIC DIARRHOEA OF CHILDREN; marasmus, emaciation of neck, greasy appearance of face; longing for salt; salt fish; violent thirst with dry, sticky tongue; map tongue; herpes labialis; stools profuse, gushing, grayish, greenish, watery; RAVENOUS APPETITE AND STILL EMACIATION; child cross and irritable; slow in learning to walk.

Natrum-phos [Nat-p]

Diarrhoea from excess of acidity; stools sour-smelling, green, with yellow, creamy coating of tongue; vomiting of sour fluid, of curdy masses.

Nitric-acid [Nit-ac]

Emaciation, especially on upper arms and thighs; putrid smell from mouth; green, mucous, bloody or putrid stools; exhaustion; mercurio-syphilis.

Nux-moschata [Nux-m]


dryness of mouth and still thirstlessness; stools offensive, copious, (<) at night, soft but expelled with difficulty, rectum inactive; (<) from summer heat, cold, damp weather, cold drinks.

Nux-vomica [Nux-v]

Indigestible food, even when taken by the nurse, causes diarrhoea of child; stool frequent, small, painful, with fretfulness.

Oleander [Olnd]

Frequent soiling of clothes when passing flatus; rolling and rumbling of bowels, with emission of much (foetid) flatulence; food passes undigested; stools thin, yellow, faecal.

Opium [Op]

Diarrhoea from fright; involuntary evacuations of stool and urine; stool thin, frothy, profuse, followed by great relief; foetid stools.

Paullinia-sorbilis [Paull]

(Guarana).- Green, profuse, INODOROUS stools.

Phosphoric-acid [Ph-ac]

LONG-CONTINUED DIARRHOEA FAILS TO WEAKEN THE CHILD a great deal; dark-yellow, undigested, very offensive stools, or of yellow water, with meal-like sediment, (<) night and morning, after eating; much flatulence, bloated abdomen; voracious appetite.

Phosphorus [Phos]

Child drowsy, wants to sleep all the time (Nux moschata); vomits water as soon as it gets warm in the stomach; stools profuse, watery, pouring away as if from a hydrant (Crot.), painless, like flesh- colored water, (>) after sleeping; paralysis of upper and lower extremities following exhausting cases.

Podophyllum [Podo]

Great desire for large quantities of water, but none for food; the head sweats much during sleep; gagging or empty retching, vomiting of green frothy mucus or of food; stools larger than could be expected from the amount of food taken; foul-smelling stools, profuse and gushing, each seeming to drain the patient dry, but soon he is full again; violent cramps of the feet, calves and thighs, prolapsus ani AFTER EACH STOOL FROM GREAT WEAKNESS OF RECTUM; the child lies upon the mother’s lap or a

pillow, constantly moaning, eyes half closed, and rolling its head from side to side. The little Phosphorus sc. patient is playful and laughing, while a stream of liquid stool will overflow the diaper. (Acid Sulphuricum follows well.)

Psorinum [Psor]

Dark-brown, thin, fluid stools, very offensive, like rotten eggs or carrion; great debility; profuse perspiration from the least exertion and at night; dirty, sallow, greasy skin, with a partially developed eruption on forehead and chest; constant fretting and worrying; sleeplessness; body has a filthy smell, even after a bath.

Pulsatilla [Puls]

Irresistible desire for fresh air; colic and diarrhoea, (<) at night; changeable stools, no two alike.

Raphanus [Raph]

No emission of flatus by mouth or anus for a long time; yellow, brown, frothy, undigested stools, copious and passing our with much force; violent thirst; nausea, vomiting preceded by shuddering over back and arms; great weakness and languor.

Ratanhia [Rat]

Thin, foetid stools, burning like fire in the anus.

Rheum [Rheum]

Brown, sour-smelling stools, with great urging; the whole child smells sour; pasty, sour-smelling stool, accompanied by shivering, and followed by renewed urging in intestines; diarrhoea, arising from improper food, colds, and generally accompanied with excessive acidity in the bowels, cutting colic and NIGHTLY COMPLAINTS; sour, flat, slimy taste; copious diarrhoea, with vomiting and great debility; all food is repulsive; milk tastes bitter and the babe rejects the breast. (Calcarea phos.: milk tastes salty.)

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.