
Kali-cyan [Kali-cy]

Cancer of tongue, edges indurated, raised and knotty, speech difficult and indistinct, cannot masticate on account of pain.

Kali-mur [Kali-m]

Epithelioma of lip; ulceration of mouth has perforated cheeks and threatens to become cancer of the face; discharge ichorous and foetid; scurvy in cachectic people.

Kreosotum [Kreos]

Shooting stitches in the vagina; burning and swelling of the external and internal labia; profuse discharge of dark coagulated blood, or of a pungent bloody ichor, preceded by pain in the back; aggravation of the pain at night; fainting on rising from the bed; she always feels chilly at the menstrual period; complexion livid; disposition sad, irritable; cauliflower excrescences; wretched complexion, great debility, sleeplessness. Tightness of the pit of the stomach, m cannot bear the weight of her clothing; painful hard place on the left side on her stomach; constipation in uterine cancer; soreness and smarting between labia and in vulva, with excessive pruritus and ulcerative pain in neck of uterus; epithelial cancer on nose; malignant induration of stomach.

Lachesis [Lach]

MELANOTIC, COLLOID AND ENCEPHALOTIC CANCER; ulcers sensitive to touch, with ichorous, offensive discharge; blood dark, non- coagulable; violent burning, gangrenous spots; cancer of lower lip, dry, cracked, bleeding; CANCER OF STOMACH, the pit very sensitive to touch, with a gnawing pressure, (>) by eating, but coming on again in a few hours, and the more violent the emptier the stomach; CANCER OF THE BREAST with lancinating pains and a constant painful feeling of weakness and lameness in left shoulder and arm; open cancer has a dark, bluish-red appearance, with blackish streaks of decomposed blood; UTERINE developing itself at climaxis; pains increase rapidly until relieved by a profuse discharge of blood; violent pains as if a knife were thrust through abdomen, which has to be relieved from all pressure; coughing or sneezing causes stitches in affected parts.

Lapis-albus [Lap-a]

Mammary and uterine cancer in scrofulous women, with burning, shooting, stinging pains; glandular tumors; cancer as long as ulceration has not set in.

Lycopodium [Lyc]

Swelling of lower lip, with a large ulcer on his vermilion border; CARCINOMA VENTRICULI, after eating on drinking, vomiting of dark, green masses; bloatedness of the stomach and bowels, with rumbling; vomiting of bile, pus and coagulated blood; tension in the hypochondria as from a hoop; great emaciation and internal debility; scirrhus mammae, with stitching and cramping pain, circumscribed redness of face; during the pain she must walk about and weep, (>) in open air.

Mezereum [Mez]

CANCER OF THE STOMACH, with burning, corroding pains; great emaciation; the muscles of the face are tensely drawn, like strings; internal surface of the gastric mucous membrane feels raw, with sensation as if food remained for a long undigested in the stomach; constant vomiting of chocolate-colored masses, with great burning in throat; haematemesis; violent retching, accompanied with the agony of death; sleepiness and exhaustion; hard lumps in epigastrium region; hypochondriasis; constipation.

Murex-purp [Murx]

Carcinoma uteri, with great depression of mind; pain in uterus as if wounded by a cutting instrument; lancinating, throbbing pains in uterus; acrid discharge, causing pudenda and thighs to swell and become raw, burning and itching; faintness and an “all gone” feeling in epigastrium; deep hypochondriasis.

Muriatic-acid [Mur-ac]

Cancer of tongue, deep ulcer, with black base and inverted edges; hard lump on side of tongue, growing into a deep, warty ulcer, so that speaking is difficult.

Natrum-carb [Nat-c]

Induration of neck of womb, os uteri out of shape; pressing is hypogastrium towards genital organs, as if everything would come out; headache in sun and from mental labor; great nervousness and anxiety.

Nitric-acid [Nit-ac]

Pain and swelling of the submaxillary gland, with induration, ultimately becoming scirrhus; burning sensation in stomach; mercurio-syphilitic taint; urine very offensive; (<) after midnight; in uterine cancer sympathetic affection of the inguinal glands; violent cramp-like pains, as if the abdomen would burst, with constant eructation; violent pressing as if everything would come out of the vulva, with pain from the back down the thighs.

Phosphorus [Phos]

Epigastric region sensitive to touch; constant nausea and fulness in the stomach; after eating, or drinking even a swallow of water, vomiting of a sour, foul-smelling fluid, looking like a mixture f water, ink and coffee-grounds; cutting pains through abdomen, (<) by pressure and motion; a circumscribed hard swelling in the sunken abdomen; belching up of large quantities of wind after dinner; fine gurgling noise in abdomen; haematemesis; pale, earthy complexion, emaciation. Cancer of worm with frequent and

profuse flooding, pouring our freely and then ceasing for a short time; heat in back, chlorotic appearance; cancer of breast, WHEN ULCER BLEEDS EASILY. Very vascular encephaloma.

Phytolacca [Phyt]

Scirrhus, especially mammae; cancer of lips and cancerous, ill- conditioned ulcers of the face.

Sepia [Sep]

Suspicious tubercle on lip of a cartilaginous appearance, sometimes bleeding and having a scirrhus appearance, with a broad base; EPITHELIAL CANCER OF LOWER LIP, with a burning pain and pricking as from a splinter of wood; complexion yellow and earthy, cancer of rectum; indurations, ulcerations and congestion of the os and cervix uteri; cutting pains in abdomen and a pressure on uterus downward as if everything would fall out; sinking sensation at pit of stomach.

Silicea [Sil]

Painful dryness of the nose; scirrhus induration of the upper lip and face; continuous nausea and vomiting, especially when drinking; sensitiveness of the pit of the stomach; melancholy; in uterine cancer discharge of blood between the regular periods, with repeated paroxysms of icy coldness over the whole body; foetid, brownish, purulent, ichorous leucorrhoea; cancerous ulcer on right border of tongue, eating into it, discharging much pus. Serrated ulcers, with grayish surfaces, corroding the cheek, threatening perforation, the surrounding parts being indurated; great itching of the affected parts.

Spigelia [Spig]

CANCER OF OESOPHAGUS, PYLORUS OR RECTUM, NARROWING the lumen of the canal, with constant severe and pressing pains, pressing through to the back and shooting down into the thighs. Cancer of uterus, with pressure and pain in the whole pelvic region and shooting down the limbs; burning heat in vagina, with sense of fulness and pressure, (<) standing and dislike to move.

Staphisagria [Staph]

Lips of ulcers and scurfs, with burning pains; painful excrescence on inside of cheeks. Scurvy, syphilis and mercurialism.

Tarentula-cubana [Tarent-c]

Atrocious pains in cancer or carbuncle when the surface is dark and bluish. Carcinoma mammae.

Thuja [Thuj]

Epithelioma, induration and hypertrophy followed by softening. Sycosis Cauliflower excrescences; medullary and fungoid cancers.

Zincum [Zinc]

Scirrhus in any part of body, with pewter-like hue of the face; scirrhus of right cheek, lips and corners of mouth cracked, with yellowish ulceration; brain-fag and nervous exhaustion.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.