Lactuca-virosa [Lact]
Crampy stitching in left chest, extending to left scapula, and indescribable tightness of whole chest; great oppression of chest at night, waking him from sleep and obliging him to sit up with anxious suddenness; feels as if he would suffocate, and finds himself suddenly on his feet in the room; pulse slow, contracted and small.
Laurocerasus [Laur]
Attacks of suffocation, with gasping for breath, and cyanosis when sitting up; stitches in praecordial region; violent pain in stomach, with loss of speech; eructations tasting of bitter almonds; coldness; cold, moist skin; convulsions of the muscles of face; nervous cough arising from cardiac affection.
Lycopodium [Lyc]
Cramp and constriction in chest, cannot get breath; stitches beneath short ribs, extending to small of back and shoulders; sharp pain shooting into heart; sensation of stoppage of circulation at night, with fright and then perspiration; pulse quick, unsteady; cannot bear being covered.
Magnesia-phos [Mag-p]
Neuralgic constrictive pains in chest and throat; nervous spasmodic palpitation; dry, tickling cough without expectoration.
Moschus [Mosch]
Tightness of chest so that he is obliged to take a deeper breath than usual; sensation of trembling around heart, with constriction in whole chest, almost suffocation.
Naja-tripudians [Naja]
Sudden attack of fluttering at the heart, with rising in the throat, and headache; sudden agonizing pain in heart; unusual beating of heart, audible to patient; heat and uneasy aching, with oppression in heart; stitching pains in heart; inability to speak, with choking; pain not affected by inspiration; nervous chronic palpitations.
Nux-vomica [Nux-v]
Haemorrhoidal tendency; constrictive pain in thorax, as if sternum were pressed inward; stitches in cardiac region, palpitations; especially at night in bed or towards morning, (<) from mental emotions, protracted study, after eating.
Oxalic-acid [Ox-ac]
Sharp darting in heart and left lung, extending down to epigastrium; jerking pains, like short stitches, confined to
small space, lasting only a few seconds; numbness and weakness in back and limbs; soreness, stitches in heart from behind forward and from above downward.
Petroleum [Petr]
Pressing pain, much (<) between the shoulder-blades; feeling as if there were a cold stone in the heart; feeble impulse of the heart with irregular and intermitting pulse; pulse accelerated by every motion, slow during rest.
Phosphorus [Phos]
Cardiac cough, sharp, rough, short and dry-expiration prevails; pressing pain under sternum, with feeling of tightness across chest; dyspnoea, with inability to exert himself; palpitation from every motion, (<) before a thunderstorm; suitable to rapidly growing youth.
Phytolacca [Phyt]
Shocks of pain in cardiac region, shooting into right arm; heart’s action weak, with constipation; awakens with lameness near heart, (<) during expiration, cannot go to sleep again; pulse full, but soft.
Rhus-tox [Rhus-t]
Tendency to fainting; stitches in heart, with lameness and stiffness of whole body and limbs; chest and heart feel weak after a walk; violent beating of heart when sitting still.
Sambucus [Samb]
Spasmodic attacks of suffocation during night, with sibilant and accelerated respiration, fear and crying; occasional omission of heart beat.
Sepia [Sep]
Affections of heart, with violent, unequal intermittent palpitating and tremulous motion of heart; flushes of heat, with cold hands and feet.
Spigelia [Spig]
Abnormal action of heart, with pain, (<) when stretching himself out, when bending forward, lifting arms or from the least motion; (>) in stooping touching the stomach externally; severe stabbing stitches in the heart at every beat; pain rapidly passing around the body from left to right, inside, to the scrobiculus cordis; sudden severe pain in left chest so violent that it knocks her down; weak, irregular pulse; strong but slow pulse; spasmodic pain in stomach inducing vomiting of contents of stomach and mucus, but no bile.
Spongia [Spong]
Contracting pain in heart; heat, suffocation, faintness and anxious sweat; pressure across chest, as from a heavy weight, especially at aortic arch (aneurisma aortae); sudden awaking after midnight, with suffocation, great alarm and anxiety; (<) with the head lying low, at every attempt to lie down.
Tabacum [Tab]
Violent beating of heart and carotids; sudden praecordial anguish; violent palpitation lying on left side, passes away when turning to right; nocturnal attacks of tightness of chest, with palpitation and paroxysmal oppression; neuralgia up to the neck; pale face, cold extremities and clammy sweat; glowing heat in face, with redness frequently only on one side.
Tarentula [Tarent]
Palpitation, with panting respiration and prostrations; acceleration and suspension of movements of heart; trembling of heart as when frightened; suffocation, so that patient thinks he is going to die.
Veratrum-alb [Verat]
Periodical attacks of contractive, crampy pain in left chest, or cutting pains with excessive agony, arresting breathing and extending to shoulder; violent, visible, anxious palpitation, with fainting; cramps in limbs; cold and clammy skin.
Viburnum [Vib]
Sharp, shooting pain in left chest, felt as if the breath would leave her body; irregular breathing, weak and sighing; pulse weak, irregular, with great prostration and dizziness; dysmenorrhoea; severe after pains. (E.M.H.
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