Remedies presenting similar conditions will be found to act on bones, as is known of Aurum, Mercury, etc. Serous membranes give us the sharp, Sticking pain, as is also produced by Bryonia and Kali carb., which experience teaches, have a direct relationship to serous membranes. Throbbing, beating, hammering, point to movements of the vascular walls, congestion and inflammation, and Aconite Belladonna, Glonoin and Verat. vir. are of course the pathological similars.

Drawing and tearing and sore pain occurs in muscles, tendons, and fibres and is usually rheumatoid in character, with remedies like Arnica, Rhus, and Cimicifuga as types. So the stinging pains or herpes call to mind the corresponding sensation and remedies Apis, Theridion, Natrum mur. To this category belong the erratic shifting pains of Puls. and Kali the plug-like sensations of Anacardium, the hot needle sensation of Arsenic, the corresponding icy needle sensation of Agaricus, the general coldness of Veratrum and absolute refrigeration of Keleioderma.

Constricting pains are met with. A feeling of the trunk, as if the clothes were too tight or as if a cord were compressing it,is often present in spinal affections. Plumbum produces a similar sensation. Local constrictive sensations are certain indications when present. Such are the constriction around the heart of the Cactus, around sphincters of Apis, etc.

The opposite sensation of expansion points to Cannabis indica, if in the head; to Medorrhinum if located in the eyes, these feel as if staring; and to Argentum if in other parts of the body.

Thoracic pain is marked in case of pleurisy and pericarditis during the stage of friction; a similar respiratory distress is met with in pleurodynia, but the friction sounds over the heart easily differentiate, the former calling for remedies of the type of Bryonia, the latter being easily vanquished by Ranun. bulb. and Borax. Remember that intercostal pain is often caused by ovaritis.

I meet with much thoracic pain of severe type due to poor digestion with loads of flatulence that becomes incarcerated. Here I cannot be too enthusiastic about the efficient service of Argent. nit., and in women of Nux moschata.

The pain of angina pectoris is intense. It is not always centred in cardiac region, but it always tends to the left side of the chest. A mortal terror accompanies it, with pain shooting down the left arm or darting from heart to elbow. I can conceive but one humane treatment during the attack palliation. Amyl nitrite is the only drug I have any experience with in this dreadful pain. Spigelia and Oxalic acid have in their pathogenesis very similar symptoms.

Epigastric pain coming on suddenly points to appendicitis. It is reflex and associated with moderate bloating and muscular tension of the right side of the abdomen. The rapid pulse and rise of temperature here are very important, but both are apt to be erratic in this disease. Belladonna, with its rapid onset of pain, Colocynthis and Lachesis certainly correspond to the symptoms in great part at least.

Abdominal pain, with tenderness to deep pressure, points to enteritis and peritonitis, colic being rather relieved thereby, and the temperature, usually, normal.

Persistent colic with constipation looks like lead colic. If vomiting is added always examine the hernial region.

Pain associated with defecation, aside from the tenesmus of dysentery, ought to lead to examination probably inflammed piles, fissures, ulceration, etc., will be found to exist. Homoeopathy possesses two remedies of extraordinary value in rectal pain Ratanhia and Sanguin. nit.

Pain on urinating is often a symptom in fever, due to a highly acid and concentrated urine. It may be due to anal fissure and other rectal disease. In pelvic peritonitis acute pain on urinating is frequent, but there is other pain as well. Pain during and some time after, points to the bladder and urethra.

I wish to sing the praises of Berberis as a general remedy for pains centering in the region of t he kidneys, radiating thence in every direction, especially down the ureters.

Another important aid in selecting the remedy is the side of the body affected. There is no question of the predominant left- sidedness of Lachesis and Spigelia; of the right-sidedness of Belladonna and Chelidon.

The method of invasion of pain is important also. Remember the sudden violent onset of Aconite; the equally sudden coming and going of Belladonna; the absolutely certain gradual decrease of pains of Stannum; the gradual increase to unbearable height with a sudden snap of release characteristic of Puls., etc.

And even greater certainty in the choice of remedy is obtained from the third factor the modalities. Given these clearly cut, you are enabled to decide the curative remedy often even if the special pain is not found in its pathogenesis.

First in importance in the treatment of pain, I consider the aggravations, according to time. Here belong the early morning aggravations of the Kalis and of Nux, remembering that many nervous affections are worse in the morning; the forenoon aggravation of Natrum mur. and Stannum; the afternoon aggravation of Pulsatilla; the early evening aggravation of Lycopodium, remembering here that many congestive and vascular affections are worse in the evening; the night aggravations of many remedies, Aconite, Mercurius and Syphilinum; the after midnight aggravation of Arsenic than which nothing is more characteristic.

These can be utilized in every form of disease and so can the remarkable aggravation of Lachesis after sleep and the equally remarkable temporary improvement after a nap of Nux. The aggravation from dry cold air of Aconite, the amelioration from fresh air of puls. the aggravation from exposure to cold damp surroundings of Nat. sulph. the California winter storm antidotal powers of Dulc. and Rhus. Each one of us could from his own experience multiply examples of unquestionable modalities that he has learned to class amongst the certainties of medicine.

There is nothing more satisfactory than to see the wonderful restorative and quieting effect of a well-chosen homoeopathic remedy in cases that have passed through the gamut of all sorts of treatment and palliative measures with the disease more firmly established and fastened upon the patient, plus discouragement, if not despair. But it can be done but in one way, not in any haphazard fashion, but only by following out the principles of our art faithfully and patiently.

I think it is not an exaggerated statement to make that Homoeopathy can take the incurable cases of the old school, the victims of mere palliation, the candidates for narcomania and cure a good percentage. How ? Just in this way, make our diagnosis according to the most approved methods of the up-to-date physician; bring in all our pathological theories and lore, apply all hygienic and dietetic aids.

But then for purposes of homoeopathic prescribing, forget for the time being most of this interesting knowledge, take the patient as a morbid symptomatic being take account of his stock of symptoms subjective and objective, arrange this totality according to location, sensation and modality, fit the remedy to this organized morbid human form and the curative response will come just as sure and as long as there is re- active vitality left.

William Boericke
William Boericke, M.D., was born in Austria, in 1849. He graduated from Hahnemann Medical College in 1880 and was later co-owner of the renowned homeopathic pharmaceutical firm of Boericke & Tafel, in Philadelphia. Dr. Boericke was one of the incorporators of the Hahnemann College of San Francisco, and served as professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics. He was a member of the California State Homeopathic Society, and of the American Institute of Homeopathy. He was also the founder of the California Homeopath, which he established in 1882. Dr. Boericke was one of the board of trustees of Hahnemann Hospital College. He authored the well known Pocket Manual of Materia Medica.