Regarding the beverages I must call the attention to the wholesome effect of the various herbal teas, as there are hips, leaves of bilberries, bean-skins, dandelion; furthermore we ought to give berry fruit juices, lemon, mineral waters, sea-water preparations, buttermilk. I am giving to all my patients, as I have already mentioned in my paper on goitre (No. 4 of the journal), the Adinolan tea; due to its constituents it has the best effect on the metabolism. it purifies the whole body and stimulates the vital reactions of the patient.

Before discussing the Homoeopathic treatment of diabetes, I call attention to yeast as to a remedy of the greatest importance. It is indeed a tonic roborant as well as a remedy for the whole constitution of the patient; also, in serious cases its effect is such a striking one that no homoeopath ought to slight it. By giving 20-30 gr. daily we may, even in serious cases, save insulin, Insulin is the principal remedy not only in allopathy, but it is also used by a great number of homoeopaths.

I refer only to Stiegele, the most prominent German homoeopath, who is of the opinion that Homoeopathy is not able to replace the insulin; but, as the effect of the insulin is only a short one, Homoeopathy has supplement it. Certainly, a great many homoeopaths refuse insulin at all. I will not discuss thoroughly all the pros and cons of the insulin question. In my opinion, we so not need it in light cases, but I would not like to miss it in serious cases, especially in cases of coma; the homoeopath, who in coma cases would not given insulin, would be responsible for the patients death.

Furthermore, we dare not to stop insulin entirely at once in patients who up to the beginning of the homoeopathic treatment have been using insulin for a long time. I remember such a tragedy. Some years ago I was consulted by a patient, 40 years of age, who has suffered from diabetes for twelve years and was doing very well, thing daily 250 units insulin. He never had any serious complication and was able to work. When I saw him first he was in good condition, all his organs without any pathological condition; the urine was without albumen, containing 2 to 4 per cent. sugar, no acetone; the polyuria mounted up to 24 daily.

As this case seemed to be a very light one, I told the patient to stop the insulin injections and to take only the Homoeopathic drugs; I gave Natrum sulf. O two doses every forenoon and Lycopodium 10x two doses during the after noon. Three days later the patient was suffering from severe headache, nausea, restlessness, aggravating from hour to hour; in spite of clinical treatment the most serious coma developed from which the patient did not recover; he died after twenty hours. There can be no doubt the death of that patient was due only to the abrupt discontinuance of the insulin; such a case, though it may be an exception, ought to be an earnest warning to all homoeopaths.

The homoeopathic treatment of diabetes has to be based on the fact that the glycosuria is only symptom of the disease; to find the most suitable drug for the patient we have to keep in mind the whole constitution of the patient; i.e. we have to consider not only the physiological cases we have to treat the constitution of the patient rather than the glycosuria.

That point is very important, especially here are far reaching points of view. I refer at fist to Sulphur; it is also a constituent of the insulin-molecule, having far reaching connections with the metabolism, especially with the oxidizing process; it provokes symptoms on the skin and in the links, so frequently in diabetic patients; furthermore, there is the same psychical irritability, voracious or loss of appetite, sleeplessness; a single dose of Sulphur 200x will in a great many cases prove to be helpful.

In cases of a hydrogenoid constitution I prefer Natrum sulphuric O- 6x twice daily, these are patients whose tongue is brownish coated, dry; bitter taste; mouth and pharynx very dry, disorders of the liver, gall bladder and bowels; dropsy, oedema.

Phosphor. is one of our most valuable drugs, being connected with the metabolism of the fats and with the storing of glycogen; it is especially indicated in cases, complicated by gout, tuberculous and other diseases of the bronchial ways or the lungs. Instead of Phosphorus itself we may give Kalium phosphor., Ferrum phosphor. or Calcium phosphor.

Acidum phosphor. is indicated in cases where the nervous symptoms are to be considered first, especially in cases, due to grief, care and trouble, the patients are indifferent, unconcerned about their family; there is a great mental and physical weakness, loss of appetite, but extremely increased thirst. Many furuncles. Urine very much increased, much sugar, many phosphates; the urine has a pale, milky colour. Before the micturition anguish, after it burning.

Acid. phosphor. 3x-6x is especially indicated in diabetic children, suffering from stomach troubles, or having grown up too quickly.

Acid aceticum 6x-12x suitable to patients suffering from great anaemia and weakness, polyuria, face emaciated, salivation, burning thirst, vomiting after each meal, pyrosis, increased acidity in the stomach; burning pains in the stomach.

Iodine 12x-200x increased appetite, skin very dry, many nervous symptoms, disorders of the glandular system and of the livers metabolism.

Secale 3x. Emaciation, gangrene of the toes,extremities cold; worse y heat.

Bryonia 2x-6x. Very thirsty, lips very, bitter taste the patients are weakened, peevish, sad, appetite normal, disorders of the liver.

Uranium nitric. 3x-12x. Suitable to cases due to disorders of the assimilation, characterized by disposition to ascites or to general dropsy, great weakness, indigestion, urine increased, acid, very much sugar in the urine, burning sensation in the urethra, very thirsty, mouth dry, emaciation in spite of good appetite.

Syzygium jambolanum O-12x improves the general condition of the patient, decreases the quantity of the sugar of the blood as well as of the urine; suitable to patients suffering from thirst, great weakness and emaciation; furunculosis; specific gravity of the urine very high.

Plumbum 30x. According to Hering one off the most important remedies, especially suitable to patients suffering from nervous troubles and constipation.

Arsen. 6x-200x. very thirsty; emaciation; especially for cases of gangrene.

Acidum lacticum 3x-6x Suitable to patients suffering from disorders of the liver and of the whole digestive system, very thirsty, appetite very much increased, nausea vomiting; urine in profusion, clear yellow, sweetishly smelling.

Acidum aceticum 4x-6x. Suitable to serious cases, especially to patients suffering from the stomach, burning pain, burning thirst, pyrosis, vomiting after each meal, salivation; anaemia of a high degree, greatest weakness, skin very dry, sweat, face emaciated, wax-coloured; polyuria, urine very light and pale.

Podophyllum 3x-6x. Bitter taste, tongue white coated, disorders of the liver, batter by pressing the region of the liver.

Argent. metallic 6x. Polyuria, urine cloudy, sweetishly smelling, micturition frequent and abundant.

Argent. nitric. 4x-5x. Patient has a great longing for sweets, though they are making worse all troubles; disorders of the stomach, eructation; feet very cold. Better by eructation, fresh air, cold and pressure.

Chionanthus 3x-10x. Sensation of great dryness, not improved by water, pinching pains in the umbilical region, enlargement of the liver, jaundice, constipation, stools whitish grey, mellow; diseases of the pancreatic and other glands. Urine bilious with very much sugar high specific gravity, dark brown colour.

Lycopodium 10x-12x. Suitable to the well-known Lycopodium constitution; I have learned by my own practice, that at least 40 per cent of the diabetic patients have very characteristic Lycopodium symptoms; in all these cases Lycopodium, especially given alternating with Natrum sulfuricum O, improved the diabetic condition of the patients very quickly.

In cases of coma diabeticum we my give drugs like Echinacea, Belladonna, Helleborus niger, Hyoscyamus, Cuprum metallic., Opium or Acidum muriaticum. But I must repeat: I would not dare to rely upon the homoeopathic drugs alone in such serious cases, but would rather give high doses of insulin.

W. Karo