Hpathy Needs Your Help!


In conclusion, it is our hope that in reviewing these three important remedies by giving respectively three typical vasosclerotic case histories, we have recalled some things to mind that you may have forgotten. Remember Baryta by its history and glandular status, Secale by its peripheral vasospasm, and arteriolar sclerosis, and Aurum by the peculiar mental state and leuetic history.

THE problems of individuals with arterial and arteriolar fibrosis with or without subsequent calcification, meets the physician during every working day. Often he is hard put to help these patients with any ordinary means at his command. However, homoeopathically, symptomatic relief is usually possible and although anything resembling a cure is beyond our reach, homoeopathic palliation in itself is an ideal.

Too often we find that these people cannot tolerate the barbiturates or other sedatives, the theo-bromine group, or even mild laxatives and stimulants which might be of value if successfully retained. It is certain, indeed, that none of these objections pertain to homoeopathic medicines. With this general statement of affairs in mind, we wish to present for your consideration and discussion a few remedies eminently useful in these trying states.

Let us take up three typical disease pictures, so commonly seen by all of us.

1. White-haired Sam Howard is gently ushered into the office by the nurse. He moves without the spring of a vital human, sits down cautiously, and by his conversation one is struck with the realization that his mental processes move slowly, and in even simple things accurate expression is hard for him.

His chief complaints are difficult urination, mental confusion, fatigue, and palpitation. His age is fifty. He says that he has never been well, and now to add to his difficulty, he had a catheterize himself. Previous physicians have told him that he had high blood pressure, and on the last consultation was notified of his prostatic enlargement. He had come to homoeopathic care because the previous consultant quietly informed the family that he was a poor operative risk, and a well meaning neighbour completed the picture with the radical statement that homoeopathy could care prostatic disease. On questioning him, the following points are finally obtained.

(a) He has had many attacks of Peri-tonsillar abscess with much soreness and swelling of the cervical glands. This troublesome state of affairs was terminated finally by removal of these tonsils two years ago in the hope of relieving the blood pressure.

(b) He has always “caught” everything, was in school a poor scholar, and never has kept a good job.

(c) For the past three or four years, has become increasingly weak, mentally slower, urinating with more difficulty, and to complete his general apathy, is now sexually impotent.

(d) One year ago he had a slight stroke resulting not only in a left sided facial disfigurement for a short time, but in addition, a complete paralysis of the tongue, from which he just recently recovered.

(e) Incidentally, there are many vague and distressing symptoms occurring occasionally. Nevertheless, he doesnt complain of much pain.

On Physical examination one finds a broken arterio-sclerotic gentleman with an enlarged heart and aortic arch, moderately high blood pressure, irregular heart rhythm, and an enormous prostate.

Summarizing the findings then, we have:.

1. History of lifelong ill-health with special notation of slow mental and physical development and involvement of the lymphatic glandular system.

2. Present history of premature senile changes in form of slowing up of mental processes, enlarged prostate, sexual impotency, blood vascular sclerosis, and increased blood pressure.

3. Apoplectic stroke characterized by paralysis of the tongue.

4. General absence of painful complaints.

This common picture, so frequently, so frequently seen and so often causing the physician to “throw up the sponge”, should as you know, call for the exhibition of Baryta carb. Repeat it frequently, employ any potency, alternate it, with less basic remedies if you must, but never forget it.

For the second outline, let us consider another group of cases displaying much more troublesome complaints, but presenting no such vivid history as above.

The first view of the patient entering the office gives a singular clue. A thinness and general emaciation so pronounced as never to be forgotten during the entire consultation. This patients name is Peter Steinburg. Age forty. The chief complaints: dizziness, coldness and burning of hands and severe burning of the feet at night in bed. Cramps in the legs when walking any distance, and general weakness.

His family history is essentially negative.

His past history tonsillectomy at four years of age. No major operations or serious diseases. Moderate tobacco. No alcohol.

History of present illness. Up till three years ago when the complaints gradually began, Peter had classed himself as a very healthy man. Only eight years ago he had taken out a large life insurance policy and at that time, his weight and blood pressure were normal. However, more recently, his occasional attendants have remarked that his blood pressure was high and that they were unable to explain his emaciation. As to the leg cramps, they simply passed that by, mentioning something about ” intermittent claudication,” remarking that he should stop smoking and take certain exercises.

After considerable prying, one is able to elicit the fact that even though the arms and feet felt cold, Peter cannot tolerate warmth because of the burning sensation produced. Also it is learned that early in the course of the trouble there was much itching, tingling, and numbness of the extremities.

Physical examination reveals in emaciated individual with a sunken countenance, and blue rings about his eyes. The systolic blood pressure is quite high, but the heart is fairly normal. All other findings are quite within normal limits except that the hands and feet are mottled purplish with the skin cold and tight. On one leg there is an unhealthy, small ulcer of six months duration.

Summarizing the findings of the second group history, we take pains to note:.

1. Past history of good health, and familial expectancy.

2. Present history of gradual development of peripheral vasospasm, and circulatory deficiency, emaciation without much pathologic background and high systolic pressure.

3. Burning of extremities, although actually cold to the touch, and made worse by any warmth.

Of orthodox advice, nothing especially helpful is available. But, as homoeopathists you all know Secale cornutum will do much for this patient.

Incidentally, it is well worth while to recall here that diminished arterial and arteriolar circulation appears to be the main basis of symptoms in provings with Secale. Likewise it is the basis of many of the symptoms of old age or premature senility. Accordingly, in our hands this drug has been eminently useful in geriatric practice, often as a basic remedy.

A third common group of cases are those which might be classed as cerebrovascular sclerosis, but really amount only to a general vascular change with more cerebral damage than the average, and are easily recognized by the predominance of mental symptoms, i.e. mild depressions, anxiety syndromes or manias. Let us note a case history typical of this group.

The nurse ushers in stout, Mr. Arnold Kendall, age sixty, whose melancholy look is apparent at once. He is accompanied by his wife who immediately starts up the conversation by remarking:.

” I have brought my husband to you because of many troubles, and I am afraid you will have to ask me the questions concerning his illness. You see, he doesnt ever expect to get well, is not interested in trying, and even thinks of doing away with himself. Two or three years ago, I noticed Mr. Kendall was becoming quite irascible. He flew off the handle over trifling contradictions, became purple with rage and after quieting down, would complain of a crushing pain across his chest. All the doctors we have gone to tell us he has heart disease and high blood pressure. They offer nothing to help him, but Digitalis which relieves for a time and then makes him terribly sick.”.

At this point, realizing aimlessness of the conversation, interrupt to get more definite information.

1. His father and mother dies at about sixty, from cardiovascular accidents.

2. The patient has had little illness throughout his life except for syphilis at twenty-five years of age, which was cured after three years of mercurial inunctions. Otherwise he has had no serious diseases or operations. He has been an oil executive, brilliant in work, but retired one year ago because of his failing memory and hair- trigger temper.

3. His adult habits have been moderate.

4. All his symptoms, including ill-defined and variable pains all over his body, dyspnoea, palpitation and vasomotor flushes, come on and are worse at night. On any exertion there appears the crushing oppression of the chest.

5. Mentally, he is either melancholy, or peevish, and irritable.

Physical Examination:

One notes a stout man with a bourbon nose obviously dejected, answering the questions curtly and seeming to forget quickly what has been asked of him. His face appears bloated and unreal. His blood pressure is moderate, arteries markedly sclerosed, liver enlarged, questionable abdominal ascites, and an enlarged indurated right testicle. Despite all this, the information is volunteered that he is sexually hyper-active. Further, the heart rate is rapid and though there is some hypertrophy, the beat is poor. One notes that the patient is very nervous and fidgety during the examination. He makes an occasional foolish remark, but then immediately becomes glum.

Robert L. Redfield