Homoeopathy has no specifics. You must treat the patient rather than disease. Mr. Brown has shingles. He is cold and shivery, and his pains stab and stitch. Mr. Brown cannot keep still. He is very restless, for movement relieves him. Mr. John has stabbing, stitching pains, and he dislikes cold and damp. But movement hurts, him, and he is very sensitive to touch and pressure.

MANY readers of “HEAL THYSELF” have no doubt unpleasant memories of an attack of Herpes Zoster, better known as Shingles. If the attack is at all severe the pains is agonizing. and the patient feels very Pain in the region of a spinal nerve is the first symptoms. Then within two days the typical eruption appears. It is a vesicular eruption containing clear fluid on a red background.

The temperature may rise to 99-100 F. Severe and intractable neuralgia may remain as a complication. The orthodox M.D. can offer nothing but palliative treatment with various analgesic drugs, such as aspirin or phenazone, sedatives are given to promote sleep.

Some time ago I was asked if I could do anything for a man who for six weeks had not known what it was to have any sound or refreshing sleep as the result of a bad attack of shingles. His doctor had given him the cheerful information that nothing more could be done and he must expect pain in wet or changeable weather. Can it be wondered that I found an annoyed and disgusted patient a waiting me.

Homoeopathy has no specifics. You must treat the patient rather than disease. Mr. Brown has shingles. He is cold and shivery, and his pains stab and stitch. Mr. Brown cannot keep still. He is very restless, for movement relieves him. Mr. John has stabbing, stitching pains, and he dislikes cold and damp. But movement hurts, him, and he is very sensitive to touch and pressure. Mr. Brown needs Rhus tox. and Mr. Jones will be a much happier man after a few doses of Ranunculous bulbosus.

My patient, like my mythical Mr. Jones, wanted Ran. bulb. I prescribed Ran. bulb. 30, morning and night. If I had seen that patient during the acute stage he would have had a dose every two or three hours until relief came. Four doses of Ran. bulb. were taken and the pain departed.

The patent was delighted, and began to talk about miracles. He was warned of a possible return of the pain. The pain did return, and once more the medicine did its work. Then for another mild recurrence, a dose or two of Ran. bulb. 1m. was given and that ended the case.

Many drugs are useful as remedies in cases of shingles. Ran. bulb. is great remedy. But Rhus tox., Ars., Lach. and many others are available when treating this painful complaint.

R M Sidgwick