On two occasions since then he has voluntarily assured me that the result has been fully maintained. My first contact with his this remedy was five years ago in camp with a homoeopathic doctor a good friend of mine who produced a powder which quickly nullified the effect of a wasp sting ; the name of that remedy Ledum and the potency for my soldier friend 200.

C.H.S. was wounded in the last war and invalided home in 1916.

For a period of three years he was treated by several hospitals in succession with the object of increasing the use of his left arm, the muscles of which had been badly shattered by shrapnel.

Receiving no benefit, a specialist appointed by the Pension authorities advise an operation, but in response to a precise question would give no definite promise of improvement.

By refusing to risk an unsuccessful operation the patient lost a portion of his pension.

A few weeks ago, when telling me of all this, C.H.S. mentioned that besides being unable to use his hands to any extent, the whole arm was always cold. As he talked of it a certain drug came vividly to my mind. Upon reaching home after business that day I turned up Boericke and there, as I expected, were the symptoms of this man as described by him and as suffered for many years past.

Casually I asked him next day to take three powders at twelve hour intervals.

Thirty-six hours later he came to me and said “I feel all of a glow my arm is quite warm !”.

Two days after that he told me that it was a funny thing but he found himself using his left hand.

On two occasions since then he has voluntarily assured me that the result has been fully maintained.

My first contact with his this remedy was five years ago in camp with a homoeopathic doctor a good friend of mine who produced a powder which quickly nullified the effect of a wasp sting ; the name of that remedy Ledum and the potency for my soldier friend 200.

V. P. Clare