Sepia D.3 which in five weeks brought much improvement. (Dr. Schier.).

16. Mrs. P., 41, heavy feeling above eyes and in neck. Stitching and pressing pains in liver region, radiating into right shoulder. Appetite, taste, sleep and digestion normal. Tenesmus of bladder. Brown discoloration of skin on forehead and back of nose. Urine reddish-brown with whitish-yellow, thick mucus. No albumin nor sugar. Uterus strongly anteflexed. No liver enlargement; lung and heart normal.

Sepia D.30. In three weeks no more liver pains, urine light- yellow without mucus. Sepia, continued cured in for months. (Hansen.).

17. Mrs. M., 22, constipated, evacuation only every four or five during last years. Sedentary habits aggravated. Amelioration in the open air. Craves acids. Day sleepiness. Opium 30 was given without result. Sepia 30 in daily doses brought daily stood in two weeks. (dr. Hesse.).

18. Mrs. S., 34, brunette, tall has had stomach troubles for years with weakness of legs so it almost makes standing and walking impossible. Face place with several yellowish-brown spot. Tongue normal. Almost total lack of appetite. Acid stomach with throbbing. Difficult digestion. Abdomen hard and bloated. Practically always constipated except during menses, which are irregular, delayed and scanty. Urination often, but small amount, cloudy with yellow clouds and red sediment. Acrid leucorrhoea. Chest organs normal. Legs, hips and knee objectively normal, yet she can hardly walk a few steps. Uterus prolapsed and retroflexed.

Sepia D.3 b.i.d. Stool soon normal. Sepia D.6 improved the stomach pains, which disappeared entirely after Sepia D.10. The weakness of legs disappeared gradually and patient was normal in a month. (Dr. Proll.).

19. Mrs. W., frequent headache; stitching pain in left ear; nose always stopped up; desire for deep inspiration. Pressure and constriction of stomach. Much palpitation. Backache, especially mornings after rising. Obstipation. Much clear urine. Leucorrhoea acrid, containing pus, fetid. Menses delayed with much downward pressure. stooping and crossing legs ameliorate. General restlessness especially in legs. All symptoms worse from driving. Better afternoons and in open. Worse mornings and when lying on left side.

Sepia D.6. In four weeks all symptoms much better, but still has occasional palpitation. Sepia 30 cured completely. (Dr. Anson.).

20. Mrs. D., 45, weakly; dark hair, delicate skin, but sallow, yellowish complexion; dark rings around eyes; has complained for months of hot flushes to head, ending in perspiration followed by syncope-like weakness, and every exertion repeats it, especially forenoons and evenings. constant anxiety and prostration; tremors from least exertion ; legs feel heavy. Constipation, urine becomes cloudy on standing, with red sediment. Menstruation has been irregular for a year, comes about every five to seven weeks, profuse, with drawing pains in pelvis. Uterus feels swollen with downward pressure, which latter is diminished while sitting with legs crossed, which also relieves her backache. These symptoms are worse from walking and working. Leucorrhoea acrid yellowish- green, offensive. Feet cold.

Sepia D.3 improves subjective symptoms much in six weeks, including the hot flushes and accompanying one-sided headache the weak feeling in abdomen and leucorrhoea. Sepia D.30 is continued. (Dr. Sachier.).

21. Strong man of 34 has been suffering from left sided sciatica for months, but during winter the pain was in the left ankle, it changes location quickly. Worse immediately after lying down and in bed, forcing patient to walk around; worse from sitting. Perspiration from least exertion. Weak and sleepy after sleep.

Sepia C.3 improved in there weeks but leg still feels sick, Sepia 30 brought a complete cure. ( Dr. Kunkel.).

22. Miss B., teacher, dark hear, for four years had had drawing pains in left hip, especially after rising mornings, upon beginning motion, evenings, when first sitting down, never while in motion. Sensitive to cold; formerly profuse perspiration is less since she took sick. The cause of her trouble is supposed to be taking cold, and continued vexation. Often severe attacks of migraine alternating with the hip pains, better from sleeping. Aversion to fast things. Pains worse before and during menses. Is easily irritated. Hearing impeded. Sepia 30. Report after two weeks: Pain soon left, except during menses. Sepia was continued and cured after three more weeks. (Dr. Hesse.).

23. Lady of 42 has suffered from lasting backache of the Rhus type, which remedy she had used with good results, but a few weeks later it failed her when the backache returned, which failure was due to change of symptoms: pain more left-sided, in the left sacro-iliac joint; worse from sitting and rising from sitting position, or mornings after rising, better from motion. Since last childbirth nine years ago. pain in right side of pelvis with downward pressure. Menses regular, medium, lasting four to five days with all over body. Leucorrhoea yellow and acrid, worse fourteen days after menses. Uterus anteflexed, hard, enlarged, suggesting myoma. Back perspires easily.

Sepia C.30 daily. After twelve days: backache better, as also leucorrhoea. Sensation of prolapsing gone. Middle pain is very minimal. Sulphur C.30 and Sepia C.30 in daily alternation. After sixteen days backache disappearing entirely. Menses normal, but felt bloated before menstruation; copious perspiration; acrid leucorrhoea. Sepia 30. Report in three weeks: has been feeling well for some time. Sepia was discontinued. At menstrual time leucorrhoea showed a little, but that also disappeared after a few more doses of Sepia. (Dr. Schilsky.).

P. H. Janson