Hpathy Needs Your Help!


The next medicines were Lachesis 200, one dose to be taken that night, and one dose of Bacillinum 30 every Saturday night for four weeks. The result was that during the next week she awakened at 5 a.m., the following week at 6 a.m., and after that slept through the night. That happened about a year ago and so far there has been no return of the trouble.

DEAR SIR, – The following experience may be of interest to your readers. I should be glad if my name or address is not mentioned, as for private reasons I wish to remain anonymous.

Yours faithfully, F.W.M.

On talking to one of the girls at the office I found that she was taking 5 grains Aspirin every night, so I naturally asked her why. “Well,” she said, “every night in the summer I wake up about 2 a.m. gasping for breath.” Further enquiries elicited the following details. This has been going on for three years, many remedies had been tried without success; aspirin was the most successful and if she had a bad cold she slept through the night. So I asked her if she would try homoeopathic remedies.

She was willing to try anything. So I reached for the remedy and found that Lachesis was indicated, so gave her some pilules 3x. To my surprise she said that they only relieved her for one night, so I looked again through my books and could find no other remedy so clearly indicted. So I asked her if there was any chest trouble in the family, and the reply was, “Yes, my father has always suffered with his chest”.

The next medicines were Lachesis 200, one dose to be taken that night, and one dose of Bacillinum 30 every Saturday night for four weeks.

The result was that during the next week she awakened at 5 a.m., the following week at 6 a.m., and after that slept through the night.

That happened about a year ago and so far there has been no return of the trouble.

J. W. Fred