Now, it appears to us that allopaths ought to avail themselves of iris diagnosis in view of so many evidences of its usefulness. But the reason of their negligence is clear. It reveals the fact that the drugging business is not the correct method of treating disease. Drugs and serums ought to be banished. Instead of curing the patient they only suppress the ailment and lay a foundation for the further trouble.

IT is said that Napoleon had complete control of the muscles of his face and no one could divide his thoughts or purpose. The face, however, is a mirror and reflects much to those who carefully read it. But the eyes are more revealing than any other feature. For centuries it has been considered that a large pupil indicated a beautiful face and a drug was discovered that produced this result. Belladonna enlarged the pupil hence received the name meaning beautiful lady. Many ladies knowing this have not hesitated to use the poison as a cosmetic.

Since the days of Peckzely the iris had been a subject of study and its remarkable revelations have awakened deep interest and proved of immense value in the diagnosis of disease. Many present-day practitioners believe that all patients have “speaking eyes” and their examination has often led to the detection of ailments which the orthodox doctor with the most up- to-date instruments has failed to recognize. The subject, then, is worthy of the careful consideration of all healers of disease.

An engineer engaged for some time on the railway had in consequence of a spinal injury to retire from his accustomed work. As might be expected he was intelligent and loved to discuss all the new discoveries of science with those who called at his cottage bordering on a neighbouring village. Naturally, he was interested in so-called specifics for obstinate disease, although having little faith in their permanent value. But when I told him that it was possible to diagnose injuries and disease from the iris he said he was incredulous.

I almost startled him, however, by telling him that some years ago he probably had an accident and that his right foot had been fearfully injured. This conclusion was drawn from the observation of a black irregular spot at the base of the iris. Expressing surprise at my interference, since there was no outward sign of the accident, he admitted that it had occurred about 20 years ago. He was convinced that as regards iris diagnosis there was “something in it”.

Visiting a friend I found that he was having an early tea with a lady and gentleman of his own religious persuasion. They were strangers to me. But my friend said it would be gratifying if I would examine the eyes of these unknown as a truth of iris diagnosis. To the lady I said you have chronic indigestion.

This she acknowledged was true. But when examining the iris of the gentleman I examined “Why you have been poisoned with allopathic drugs”. “What sort of drugs?” he enquired. “You have been given strychnine probably for the heart and arsenic for the nerves, since the strychnine wheel is around the pupil and white flakes of arsenic scattered irregularly on the circumference.” He said my diagnosis was correct; that he was only four days out of the infirmary where he had been taking the drugs mentioned.

Another case was that of a furrier. He said he had been under allopathic treatment with no benefit and had been recommended by a chemist to try biochemistry. He thought his ailment must be unusual, although in this he was mistaken. His iris was yellowish around the pupil and many white rays started from the nervous wreath. He was told he was suffering from nervous dyspepsia. After the first weeks treatment there was considerable improvement.

A nurse, aged 22, had consulted her doctor who told her she was anaemic. How he had come to this conclusion I have never been able to understand. There was no sign of it. Her “Speaking eyes” told the practitioner she was suffering from ovaritis-since both tracks of the ovaries were well marked and pain in the body and inner thighs confirmed the diagnosis. Ferrum phos. alternated with Calc. phos. brought about rapid restoration.

A lady from Hull visiting Bridlington expressed a desire to have her iris tested. Her right eye was clear of any unnatural marks or colour, but the left spoke in a way that could not be misunderstood. On the iris-track of the abdomen there was a large round black spot that one does not like to see. I said “You are suffering from a painful growth on the lowest part of your left side.” She admitted the impeachment and confessed that at times the pain was almost unbearable.

Another lady was afflicted with an obstinate skin ailment- psoriasis. Although knowing nothing of her previous history the rim of her iris was edged with a complete dark ring, telling that this skin affection had persisted from childhood and that the allopathic suppressants had failed to cure it. The patient said several attempts had been made by means of ointments, yet every spring there was a return of the old complaint, but this year she hoped to have seen the last of it.

Now, it appears to us that allopaths ought to avail themselves of iris diagnosis in view of so many evidences of its usefulness. But the reason of their negligence is clear. It reveals the fact that the drugging business is not the correct method of treating disease. Drugs and serums ought to be banished. Instead of curing the patient they only suppress the ailment and lay a foundation for the further trouble.

J T Heselton