Hpathy Needs Your Help!


About a week later I received a letter from her in which she said she had taken the medicine regularly for three days and then was so much better that she was amazed at the improvement. As she is a woman of sixty-five who cannot be persuaded to give up drinking boiling hot strong tea, a permanent cure was not very likely, but I had a letter from her recently in which she said she occasionally needs the little pills and always finds they do her good.

ABOUT a year ago I was staying in the country for a few days with an old friend. In the course of conversation she told me that she constantly suffered from piles with constipation. I knew she was interested in Homoeopathy, as at one time her husband had been cured of pleurisy by taking the little pills prescribed by a healer.

I brought out my copy of the Prescriber, which I had with me, turned to the paragraph on “Haemorrhoids or Piles,” and said, “Would you like to see which of these descriptions suits your case?” She read carefully, and then said, “Here it is exactly.” I read, “Piles with constipation from inertia of the rectum Piles bleed but only with great pressure”.

On my return home I sent her the indicated remedy, Collinsonia 6 to be taken three pillules three times a day. About a week later I received a letter from her in which she said she had taken the medicine regularly for three days and then was so much better that she was amazed at the improvement.

As she is a woman of sixty-five who cannot be persuaded to give up drinking boiling hot strong tea, a permanent cure was not very likely, but I had a letter from her recently in which she said she occasionally needs the little pills and always finds they do her good.
