Due to the differences in cell groups and the differing action on them by medicines, we get the diversity of symptoms groups, which in Homoeopathy are found in the pictures of the provings. Often we do not know to which cell group or cell action certain symptoms are due. Future investigation has much to clarify here. Until then we must be satisfied with comparisons of remedy and natural sickness without knowing the connecting link.

Externally there is a very important similarity between quicksilver and syphilis in the proliferative character of the processes, which in syphilis tend to swelling of glands and gummata. Similarly we find it in its remedy: quicksilver. Glandular swellings, as mentioned, are its special domain. The swollen and inflamed tonsils prove no exception. There is no remedy like Mercury, that will so quickly remedy swollen tonsils remaining after angina. Here are selected especially Mercurius iodatus ruber and flavus. But if there is a chronic enlargement, then, after some weeks we have to consider the Calcium and Barium salts, which then must be given for a longer time.

From this we can surely suppose that quicksilver is especially valuable in exudative diathesis. Here we must not only think of catarrh of mucous membranes and enlarged lymph glands, but also of the skin. Simple erythema, moist eczemas to pemphigus-like manifestations are amenable to its action. It embraces a large field, and it acts best the more the eruption is of an exudative character: moist and vesicular. Herpes zoster also yields well. In impetigo contagiosa it is to be compared with the Ammonia salts (Antimonium crudum and tartaricum). It has been reliably used in otitis media, conjunctivitis, and corneal ulcers when the mucous membranes are much inflamed, causing severe photophobia, and when a muco-purulent condition is present.

Corneal ulcers and iritis also are under its influence. In otitis media it is not only used to prevent ulceration, but also spreading to the mastoid cells. It may sound presumptive, but must not be concealed, that homoeopathic physicians for many years never had to resort to surgery for suppuration coming from middle-ear infection, when using Mercury preparations and a few remedies like Belladonna, Apis, Capsicum, etc. Anybody can verify this by trying it. For Mercury symptoms accompany inflammation and much swelling of the tonsils. One who masters the suggested remedies can treat otitis media with equanimity.

Homoeopathy claims to have efficacious remedies for diphtheria. They are principally the Mercuries, but not they alone. The serum treatment does not constitute an active performance by the organism, but us only supplying the antitoxins according the modern authorities. Since serum sickness is not an infrequent, damaging concomitant, the serum therapy for diphtheria is a disputed subject.

We do not have to decide it here. But we say here, that serum treatment does not exclude the use of homoeopathic remedies. And when the opponents of Homoeopathy, full of moral indignation because homoeopaths do not reach for the serum syringe, attack us, it appears to us just as unintelligible that they disdain the use of our remedies, especially since it is well known, that in dangerous septic cases the efficacy of serum is very questionable.

In the treatment of diphtheria Mercurius cyanatus has been used for many years, because it has tendency to cause membranes, due to its cyan components. If the glands of the neck are prominently enlarged, Mercurius iodatus ruber is preferred. But it cannot be stated often enough, that these remedies are not specific. No two cases of diphtheria are alike, and the really indicated remedy can only be found by studying the materia medica.

The knowledge of quicksilver poisoning is common property of medical science. Its use in homoeotherapy depends not only upon the morphological changes, but also upon function-pathological disturbances, which facilitates differentiation between related remedies. A piece of art in the sketch is incomplete until it is carefully developed by the artist, and only that gives it the soul. Something similar we have in the homoeopathic remedy pictures as contrasted with the toxicological pictures of poisoning. Therefore, we shall now mention a few symptoms which are of special value for the homoeopathist, but very little considered in the toxicology.

Leading Mercury Symptoms. Prominent in the nocturnal aggravation and from warmth of bed. Neither pronounced heat nor cold are tolerated; wet-cold weather aggravates.

Halitosis from inflamed mucous membranes; salivation. Perspiration of unpleasant odour and sticky; it does not relieve the general condition, but often aggravates.

All secretions are acrid and of bad odour, later becoming muco- purulent and mild.

Severe swelling of inflamed parts.

Preparations. From Hahnemann, who for his time had superior chemical knowledge : Mercurius solubilis which we may consider the prototype of all quicksilver preparations. In its proving picture it does not differ materially from metallic Hg. From their combinations the following preparations have accentuation of certain Hg. function. But the basis of their therapeutic action is always decided by its quicksilver.

Mercurius corrosivus (Hg.CI2). By its external action it already shows its sharper character, of which we make use in quickly spreading phagdenic ulcers, e.g. in Diphtheria, Dysentery, Appendicitis. Its connection with the kidneys is also direct (Nephritis). The character and leading symptoms do not differ from Mercurius solubilis, only its tenesmus is more pronounced.

Mercurius cyanatus (Hg.CN2) is valuable in diphtheria, because the cyan-components in the toxicological experiments favoured the necrosis of mucous membranes. Septic conditions and toxic character as well as cyanosis in diphtheria indicate this remedy especially. But here Mercurius corrosivus and ruber have also proved valuable. At any rate, it must not be considered a specificum in diphtheria, because it not always being indicated, will disappoint in many cases.

Mercurius iodatus ruber (Hg.I2) is a really valuable remedy in angina and diphtheria. Also when frequent attacks of angina leave the tonsils enlarged, with or without swollen neck glands, catarrh of throat and nose; this remedy given daily three times in the 4x potency for several weeks, will reduce the swellings materially. Calcarea iodata or phosphorica, Baryta carbonica and Iodium, as well as Silicea and Magnesia follow well to complete a cure. In acute adnexa inflammation and pelvic peritonitis it proves valuable again and again.

Mercurius iodatus ruber is supposed to act especially on the left tonsil, while the similar Mercurius iodatus flavus (Hg.2Ie) has more affinity for the right tonsil. (Compare Lycopodium.).

Mercurius dulcis Being a milder preparation it acts more on the deeper metabolic processes. In the 2x potency it is used in catarrh of the duodenum with icterus and gall bladder affections.

Mercurius chrom. oxydul combines the actions of quicksilver and chromium. It causes deep destruction, ulcers look as if punched out and hence is needed in such syphilitic processes in low triturations (2x and 3x).

Mercurius sulphatus ruber (Cinnabaris Hg.S) is valuable in catarrh of sinuses of a subacute or chronic character. It re- establishes the dried up secretions, thus overcoming the headaches, and its continued use can complete a cure. (Compare Kali bichromicum.) Also in old lues with broad condylomas and fiery-red ulcers it has proved valuable.

Aethiops antimonialis and mercurialis are prescribed in scrofulous patients for ophthalmia, otorrhoea, eruptions on a scrofulous or syphilitic basis.

Dose. The potency used mostly may be the 4x to 6x. In processes with severe swelling of lymph glands the 3x is also prescribed. In luetic processes one can go down to the 2x.

If a threatening suppuration is to be aborted, e.g. the beginning of a tonsillar abscess, the higher potencies must be chosen, never below the 12x, because the lower potencies “ripen” and the higher attenuations often cause a resorption. Also in otitis media this should be remembered, as the experience of many homoeopathic physicians proves.

Julius Metzger