Lost sight of patient for six months. Seen again on June 11th, 1936. Periods less; feels > during periods; has had no treatment since end of March; constipation improved, does not take Normacol any more; nocturnal frequency has stopped; sputum examined in May; no tuberculosis found. Had flu in April and cough for weeks after- wards. M.P. regular 4 days /20 days. P. vag.; uterus smaller.

The general practitioner who first discovered the fibroids examined her in April and found to his surprise that fibroids had practically disappeared. Indigestion much improved, can eat anything now and does not take bicarbonate of soda, as there is no longer any fullness after meals; enjoys going out to dinner now.

Continued Fraxinus Americanus O mins. V night and morning.

December 11th, 1936. Much better; uterus small, fibroids appear to have gone. No frequency of micturition, no indigestion; but sick headaches before periods; feels cold now; worse sympathy; > company; fear of being alone in the house; fear of thunderstorms; worse mornings. On the general symptoms she received Nat. mur. 30 for her sick headaches, which is an old symptom recurring.

She is still not out of the wood, her constitution has not been completely built up yet, but her fibroids have disappeared.

Unfortunately she is a busy woman and has no time to give to her ailments. If she had been attending more regularly, more than likely her constitutional symptoms would have improved more quickly. It is a triumph for Homoeopathy to cure fibroids within fourteen months, and at the same time to improve a womans health so that she can enjoy life more than she ever did before. She is very pleased that she escaped the operation, I am told.

Dorothy Shepherd
Dorothy Shepherd 1885 – 1952 - British orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy. Graduated from Hering College in Chicago. She was a pupil of J.T.Kent. Author of Magic of the Minimum Dose, More Magic of the Minimum Dose, A Physician's Posy, Homeopathy in Epidemic Diseases.