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“Almost all preventive methods involve certain danger to the health of the woman, which is not be neglected. Nature cannot be fooled; the continual, unproductive stimulation of the genital organs is apt to give the woman chronic pelvic disorder, and often renders her sterile.”.

This is an excellent book, produced at a remarkably cheap price. It is well bound and runs to 223 pages.

The author is not in favour of Birth Control, and he has studied the problem from every point of view, from the point of view of economics, eugenics, morality, religion, etc. Moreover, he does not merely give his own views, which might be prejudiced, but he quotes copiously and most effectively.

Birth Control, if carried to its logical ends, means race suicide. The effect of artificial restriction upon the woman is disastrous. Dr. P. Petit-Dutaillis wrote as follows:.

“I am struck by the increasing number of women who are both neurotic and sterile, and the relationship between the two states is obvious. In addition to various infections causing functional and organic troubles and then sterility, we must not forget that which results from the habitual interruption of the sexual cycle, the natural end of which is pregnancy. From this we get not only fibromas and adenomas of the womb, but premature senility, both general, and, especially, of the genital organs; early utero- ovarian sclerosis connected with fibromas and with arterial hypertension..

Wishing to have a child when their social conditions have improved and it is, alas, too late; longing desperately for another after losing their only child-too often do we see these poor women coming to plead in cain for our assistance in cases of definite sterility; and if by chance pregnancy occurs, it is often terminated by some dangerous complication”.

Gynaecological diseases and disorders frequently follow artificial restrictions. That is known to every experienced medical man. Professor Sellheim, a leading German Gynaecologist, wrote:.

“Almost all preventive methods involve certain danger to the health of the woman, which is not be neglected. Nature cannot be fooled; the continual, unproductive stimulation of the genital organs is apt to give the woman chronic pelvic disorder, and often renders her sterile.”.

Professor Fairbairn wrote:.

“There is fairly general agreement that the limitation of motherhood may produce in lesser degree those manifestations of nervous and psychical disturbance often seen in childless women married or unmarried”.

Again, Mr. MacCann wrote:.

“It is clear that contraceptive methods are all, without exception, dangerous and harmful to the woman. It is a truism to say that natural laws must not be violated, but many people seem to have forgotten it. The repeated use of these practices cannot fail to produce an unfavourable effect on the health, and lead to mental disorders”.

The author, summarising the views of a large number of authorities, concludes:.

“There is grave reason to suppose that the great increase in cancer of the female genital organs may have some relation to the widespread diffusion of neo-Malthusian methods. This is not to say off-hand that there is a causal connection between the two; out ignorance of the nature of cancer precludes such a deduction which would be entirely contrary to the most elementary scientific caution. But it is possible to collect certain hypotheses and statistical figures which, added to the opinion of eminent authorities, provide a sufficiently cogenial body of evidence.

“It is proved by clinical observation and animals experiments that chronic irritation is one of the predisposing cause of cancer. In the case of the uterus, and especially the cervix, such irritation is provided by the introduction of antiseptic fluids frequently repeated, and by the constant presence of foreign bodies such as occlusive pessaries. This is particularly so in the case of multiparae, where the cervix generally shows some lacerations with some degree of erosion of the cervical mucosa. Irritation caused in this way leads to inflammatory lesions of the cervix; and it is a well-known fact that these are precursors of cancer”.

The book is well worth reading and studying.

R D Guchtenerre