Perfectly clear, it is not, as to where things are heading. And what is to be done about it? It is significant of the difficulties that will lie in the path of those who oppose these “immunization” schemes that the press has so failed to realize the grave issues involved in these recommendations of the B.M.A. special Committee that hardly any mention has been made of it. We have only seen references to it, among all our press-cuttings, in two newspapers throughout the country. There has seldom been a more significant revelation as to what is or is not regarded as important news than in a comparison between the almost non- existent comments on this Report, and the space given to the latest sensational “medical triumph” : the Carrel-Lindbergh “artificial heart” experiments.

We are told at every election time that this is a democratic country governed by the people for the people. The electorate at the last General Election number round about thirty millions. Are these millions going to allow themselves, and their children, to be tyrannized over by the experts, these “dangerous fellows” intoxicated with the strong wine of the power they have already annexed? If so, then democracy will be handing itself over to a tyranny far more menacing, because more widespread, than any of past ages.

B. P. Allinson