THE most popular of all pets is the domestic dog. No other animal enters so closely into our daily lives; he enjoys the freedom of our homes, and becomes one of the members of the family. He takes an interest in humanity and appreciates the meaning of companionship.

THE most popular of all pets is the domestic dog. No other animal enters so closely into our daily lives; he enjoys the freedom of our homes, and becomes one of the members of the family. He takes an interest in humanity and appreciates the meaning of companionship. He is so responsive, so sympathetic, so faithful-you can talk to him, and he understands by the tone of your voice, the expression of your face, whether you are pleased or cross with him.

He will answer you with a bark, or the wag of his tail. He learns the meaning of words, and is promptly obedient to the spoken command or invitation. His wonderful memory, powers of scent and sight, with his love of home, raise him above other animals in general intelligence.

There is no love like a dogs love. Once let a dog give you his love and it is yours for always-little things will sometimes part two human friends, but a dog is a friend for life.

When carefully fed, and given plenty of outdoor exercise, the dog is generally a healthy individual giving very little trouble, but, like us humans, he is the creature of circumstances, and is liable to common ailments.

As a puppy, the worm is ready to attack him, and a little later the distemper germ is on his track, but after puppyhood he is fairly hardy.

The dog is very sensitive to draughts and change of temperature, which cause catarrh and eye troubles- but thanks to Homoeopathy these affections can be prevented and cured by the carefully selected homoeopathic remedy. Chenopodium will quickly destroy the work, and a few doses of Distemperinum canium given to the puppy will prevent distemper, while Aconitum and Arsenicum will remove all catarrhal symptoms.

A case in point : A dog with a heavy yellow discharge from the eyes, which were bloodshot and showed the usual symptoms of cold, drooping tail and rough, staring coat, and looking very miserable-six doses of Arsenic 3x removed all the symptoms. Although Arsenic is indicated when the eye discharge is thin and watery, it has a wide range of action and is a great remedy for dogs (or cats) when they are what is commonly called “out of condition”.

F.J. Bennett
Frederick J. Bennett. Author of Speedy Dog Cures with the addition of Homeopathic Treatment of Cat Diseases.