“Mastication is of the utmost importance. It is not so much the stomach, the liver or the kidneys that need attention, but the mouth, which is the feeding station and house of preparation. through proper mastication it is possible to become more thoughtful, and more poised, in other words – balanced”.

The C.W. Daniel Company. 5s. net.

THIS is a pleasantly readable book of 165 pages dealing with the philosophy of life and strongly coloured by Mazdaznan science and teaching. The chapters are headed: Truth; Man: Whence and Whither? Things Physical; Things Spiritual; Things Intellectual; etc. Although there is much abstract discussion, there is also much practical wisdom. I would quote from the chapter “Health and Healing”:.

“It is necessary to learn to stand and sit properly. Posture is very important. Does a successful man or woman slouch along with chin on the chest? Nay, rather the successful person carries the crown of his head high, his chin in, his chest well out, his shoulders back and down and his abdomen under control. An erect spine means a healthy, live outlook. Only when we stand as God intended we should stand can we get a balanced vision and look the whole world in the face; only then can we breathe correctly.

Osteopaths say that structure governs function; this is true. Thus the first step to new health and happiness is to sit and stand correctly. When physical poise is acquired mental poise comes more easily. Make breathing exercises a part of daily life. Life is formed of habits, and good habits make a good life. The greater the effort the richer the character. Strength of mind and of body will be gained by the exercise of determination alone”.

The saliva is the only substance in the body that has the power to turn starches into sugar. If this change does not take place in the mouth it cannot take place elsewhere. Therefore, if every mouthful of food is not thoroughly masticated and the saliva is not well-mixed with it before swallowing, some form of indigestion and malnutrition is bound to manifest itself. Moreover, the presence of saliva in the stomach calls forth hydrochloric acid for the further stage in the digestive process.

This acid is the great preservative. Its presence prevents fermentation and auto-intoxication. If cooked food be left in a high temperature it soon ferments and goes bad. The temperature of the human stomach is high, and the contents of that organ soon turn into a cesspool if no hydrochloric acid be present. The saliva converts the starches into sugar in the mouth, and then, when it enters the stomach it calls forth the hydrochloric acid for the next step in the digestive process”.

“Mastication is of the utmost importance. It is not so much the stomach, the liver or the kidneys that need attention, but the mouth, which is the feeding station and house of preparation. through proper mastication it is possible to become more thoughtful, and more poised, in other words – balanced”.

Eric F W Powell