Hpathy Needs Your Help!


That evening a nasty double-headed stye was formed, and extremely painful. My husband had a hot bath and the steamy atmosphere completed the cure, the stye burst cleanly, and there was no need for the fourth dose I had ready for him. Next morning almost all trace of the infection had gone.

ONE night a young man dining with us, was suddenly overcome with drunkenness. Let me hasten to add, that he is at all times a moderate drinker, but for some reason there are occasions when a single drink will make him quite ill. He was icy cold, vomited, and after a while fell into a deep sleep. We covered him up well, and left him until morning, when he awoke feeling very bad indeed. He took a little tea, but food he couldnt face. He had to return to his own home, change, and face a long day in the City. He was certainly unfit to go, so something had to be done.

Now I had some little pills marked Cocculus, which I knew and which were given to me mainly to help me over the period, from which I once suffered terribly, with very similar symptoms as our young friend. It seemed a bit odd to give a young man such a feminine remedy, but it was all I had in the way of a “pick me up” so I gave him three doses of three to be taken at half-hour intervals. To my relief– and his –they worked, and I heard afterwards kept him going all day long.

Soon afterwards I was introduced to “HEAL THYSELF”, which immediately interested me. My interest was doubled when I read in a subsequent number that Cocculus was a drug helpful in the period, for travelling and sea-sickness and was often given by the Swedes for the “morning after the night before”!.

Of course I wanted to try my hand again, so when a friend asked me if I knew of any harmless remedy that was helpful for sudden sinking of vitality, I gave her some Arsenicum to try. This had been given to me to cure symptoms very like malaria, but by accident I had discovered that a single dose was a marvellous help for sudden tiredness. Again it was successful, and again from “HEAL THYSELF” I discovered the medicines name and properties. It is invaluable to my friend, and also her son, and so little medicine is necessary, and no bad after effects occur.

A very lucky shot was curing a stye with Silica 12x. All I knew about it was, that it cleared the blood, so when my husband complained of a very painful eyelid, I gave him three doses only, one in the morning, one that night, and one the following morning. When he took the first dose, there was no sign of a gathering, only an angry line of red on the lower lid. By night the redness was more in one place, and by the following morning, when he took the last dose faint indications of a head could be seen inside the lid.

That evening a nasty double-headed stye was formed, and extremely painful. My husband had a hot bath and the steamy atmosphere completed the cure, the stye burst cleanly, and there was no need for the fourth dose I had ready for him. Next morning almost all trace of the infection had gone. I have never seen so complete and rapid a cure, but I have seen many sufferers going to the doctor for weeks before relief. It seems difficult to exaggerate the virtues of Homoeopathy, for even in the hands of an ignoramus it is safe, and often successful.

Olga Slater