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He could not endorse the view that “Miracles were a suspension or contravention of Natures laws”. One of his illustrations was that “King Solomon believed he possessed horses so fleet that he could travel faster than others had ever travelled, or ever would do.

THE above, as all the readers of “HEAL THYSELF” well know, is the title given to Mr. Ellis Barkers new book. This and similar titles such as Miracles of Healing and How they are Done, we all must admit show genius in choice, and do much to create interest. It may, however, be asked, “Are such titles strictly correct?” Is not the question open to argument? This may be so.

It reminds me of the fact that in speaking of an endeavour to accomplish what was looked upon as an impossible task, the writer once said: “If we bring an irresistible force up against this immovable object, we shall doubtless bring about the impossible miracle we desire.” Mr. Barkers comment was: “An irresistible force can never come in contact with an immovable object.” This also may be true, but the “Cranks” who have moved the world have always possessed the faith to put their hand to a task that the world never dreamed could be accomplished.

When a young man, no lectures pleased the writer more than those given by Dr. Dallinger. Whether the lectures were on ants, spiders or anything else, they always proved to be profound interest. I remember in one lecture on Miracles he said that with the necessary faith and determination, two things only were necessary to perform miracles, viz. “complete knowledge of Natures laws, and implicit obedience to such laws”.

He could not endorse the view that “Miracles were a suspension or contravention of Natures laws”. One of his illustrations was that “King Solomon believed he possessed horses so fleet that he could travel faster than others had ever travelled, or ever would do. Since then the world has obtained knowledge of the power of steam and obeyed the laws connected therewith. This has resulted in trains running at sixty miles an hour.” We can all agree that this miracles is as nothing compared with the miracles of travel that have been accomplished since.

It may, however, be asked: “Are even these greater than the Miracles of Healing that are being performed everyday on those who have been given up as hopeless?” Would not such miracles of healing be continually blazened across the pages of our Daily Press but for the fact that they are wrought by laymen, using simple, natural methods, often without medicine of any kind, merely by correct food and feeding. We often, however, read of an account of a very successful operation having been performed but the patient died.

In view of these facts Mr. Barkers books, especially the last, are very interesting and instructive and are already commanding a big sale. It is not every layman who possesses the necessary knowledge, experience and common sense to bring about such miracles, who is also bold enough to translate his experience into print, and capable of doing it in the most interesting, fascinating, useful and attractive manner possessed by Mr. Ellis Barker.

There are many things about his latest book that will appeal to the layman. Unlike the ordinary medical man, he makes no mystery about his treatment to his patients. He seeks and obtains their co-operation in bringing about the desired results, by helping them to obey Natures laws, and so give “Nature” the only Healer, the opportunity to heal.

We are told that God only helps those who help themselves. Mr. Barker appeals to their reason, and shows them how, why and what they should do to get well, and they soon lose their hopelessness and get “the will to be well”.

There are many gems of truth to be found within the cover of New Lives for Old that are well worth quoting. I mention a few that should prove very helpful. “Despair and worry are the most powerful depressants, while hope and confidence are the most wonderful tonics.” A good homoeopath does not diagnose the disease but diagnoses the remedy, guided by the symptoms of the patient, by the voice of nature which calls for help by producing the symptoms.” Speaking of death certificates, he says: “It is curious that all of us die of disease.

People never die from unskilful medical treatment or unnecessary or badly performed operations.” “Most of our diseases are either purely or principally dietetic. We live on food we would not give to any animal.” “A race horse worth L10,000 and a cart-horse worth L10 or less receive identical food – oats, grass, hay, bran and so forth, and water. No man in his sense would feel a horse on white bread and butter and other refined foods, nor would he give it tea or drink.” These are but a few of the many that might be quoted.

Many people may think that Mr. Ellis Barker is hard on the Medical Profession, but I do not think it is without good cause. If the doctor think otherwise, I have no doubt Mr. BArker will allow them to state their views in the column of “HEAL THYSELF.”

I have learnt many damaging things during the twenty-five years that I occupied a seat on the board of one of the leading Sick Benefit Societies. Amongst the many things that attention is called to in the pages of New Lives for Old is the fact that however much reliable information a doctor has regarding a patient, unless he has seen him, he must not prescribe for him, while he may treat twenty new panel patients in twenty minutes without examination, if he has “seen” them. Mr. Barker might also have added that he is allowed to have, apart from his general practice, up to two thousand panel patients without an assistant.

Another important point is raised under the heading “How a Baby was Saved,” that the doctors had no hope of saving. The lack of interest shown by the doctors regarding the ways and means adopted to bring about the miracle is appalling. I experienced just its equal twenty five years ago. A woman had lain in bed for over a month suffering from gastric ulcers, the doctors had tried milk and every other food they could think of, but the patient had kept nothing down. “Too old for an operation and nothing else could be done.” She was recommended, on a Saturday afternoon, to try “Nuto Cream” in place of the milk; this had the desired effect and worked wonders.

By Monday afternoon when the doctor called, the good lady was sitting up in bed, bright and cheerful. she had a tin of the food that she thought had brought back life and hope to her placed on the bedroom mantlepiece. The doctor said it was all right if she could keep it down, but the patient was as much hurt as she was surprised to find that the doctor was not interested enough to enquire what it was or to walk round the other side of the bed to see. It makes one wonder are they healers or robots?.

More might be said, but I close with the advice: “Get the book and then read and then read, mark, learn and inwardly digest it. It will not be the authors fault if it does not prove to be the most profitable three half-crowns you ever invested”.

James Henry Cook
Henry W.J. Cook was born in Edinburgh in 1870, the eldest son of Dr Edmund Alleyne Cook.

Henry followed in his father's footsteps, obtaining his Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery from Durham in 1891. At the age of 27 he arrived in Melbourne in April 1894 aboard the Port Albert. He was registered as a medical practitioner in Victoria on 4 May 1894.

It appears that Dr Cook already believed in homœopathy, possibly because of his father's influence, as in 1895 Dr Cook took the position of Resident Surgeon of the Melbourne Homœopathic Hospital . (This position was previously held by Dr James Cook, unrelated, who resigned in March 1895). He was listed in the 1896 & 1897 editions of the Melbourne Post Office Directory as being Resident Medical Officer at the Melbourne Homœopathic Hospital, but not in the 1898 edition.

In 1901 he moved to Sale in Eastern Victoria, where he ran a practice in York Street. By 1909 his practice was at Wyndham Street, Shepparton.

By 1919 he had moved to 2 Studley Park Road, Kew, where he died on 7 May, 1923.