AMENORRHOEA means the absence of the normal menstrual flow, either at puberty or later, when the established flow is arrested, that is, when any local cause such as pregnancy can be ruled out.
Every homoeopathic doctor has cured many cases of amenorrhoea with his simple stimulative remedies, most of these cases having heard that “cold steel” had failed to cure certain friends. Many such cases coming into our hands have been “promised” a cure by dilating the cervical canal ( the small passage between the vagina and womb); others have been told that the “sluggish or even diseased” lining membrane of the womb itself needs curetting (scraping off). Yet these dilations and curettings have failed to cure practically every case of amenorrhoea.
Natural forces, at times, are strong enough to accomplish a return or establishment of the menstrual flow, but only after a long period of ill- health which is practically always “constitutionally deep” in the first place, hence the failure to produce a menstruation at puberty. The failure re-establish the function which is in abeyance, is also due to some bodily weakness.
The girl at puberty who fails to menstruate at the normal time is generally given, by allopaths, immense doses of iron in some well advertised form, which laboratory preparations are yearly changing, as the older forms for fall into disrepute. Some of these doses are to be sucked through glass tubes to prevent injury to the teeth; other sorts are coated in gelatine, the contents to be set free in the stomach, etc. Practically all such “IRON” is recoverable from the stools, besides which, this drug in any of its forms will have succeeded in constipating all those who have taken such preparations. Is this not going rather beyond that which was intended by the prescriber?
This Iron has been prescribed so often that it has become “household knowledge” to such a degree that the majority of families have learned to “dope” themselves with ready aid obtained from costly advertisements, or very willing chemists. You must believe me when I tell you that homoeopathy has many herbal simples which act on a well-known law, and without the slightest ill-effects.
I beg the laity to argue this question of homoeopathy out with their doctor; if he will not listen, then my counsel is to find another allopath who will try this method of healing. Because any doctor has bought a practice in your neighbourhood, it does not mean that he has “bought you”. It is YOUR health which is at stake, and you have the right to demand what you pay for.
In the following “drug pictures” you have but to find out which drug presents the most-like symptoms to the person to be helped. Then you give some of that particular “most-like” drug to cure your case. This is the Law of Similia, as I have explained to our readers of a year ago. This repetition is for the countless new readers– new ones every month. If your allopathic adviser wont help you out, then get in touch with some homoeopathic doctor, and get treated by mail, that is if you fear to put the thing to the test by yourselves.
New readers are also referred to “Painful Menstruation” (HEAL THYSELF, May-June, 1934) and also July-August, 1934, for articles on “Profuse Menstruation”. Those back issues and this will cover a great ground to help suffering womanhood.
I am now offering hope to many girls and some women. Thousands have been cured constitutionally by observing the following detailed differentiations between our remedies. By thus going to the root of these troubles and weaknesses, the females so cured will have a better health all through their lives. Understand that the remedies are not interchangeable. Each works in a specific manner based on “symptom prescribing”. Each drug cures its own “like-symptoms” and no other.
It is wise to drum into your minds that certain precautions at puberty are necessary to prevent trouble. You must guard your girls against such things as body chills, too thin footwear, and damp feet. Fright can prevent a normal appearance if it occurs just at the critical moment.
In older persons a total change of climate often arrests an established flow, and this is known as the “Amenorrhoea of Emigrants”, which I will show is easily curable. In reading this list of remedies our older readers will remark that some are the same as recommended for other ills. It is so, but we homoeopaths prescribe on individual symptoms of the patients absolutely, and never on a broad diagnosis. If you can discover your patients symptoms in any one of the following “drug pictures” act on this peculiar similarity, and forget all about diagnosis.
As to the frequency of giving or taking our medicines. If our new readers are to be helped I must repeat some former instructions here. Broadly speaking, the more chronic the case, the less frequently you give the remedies. The higher the potencies, the less often are they needed. Let the neophyte give her chronic cases two doses daily, on waking and at night, but dont spoil your medicine with a strong chemical mouth wash or rank toothpaste.
For the more acute cases give the medicine every two to four hours, but in every case treated homoeopathically, stop all medicine the moment a good effect is seen, and only start again when all progress is arrested, then resume a medicine after studying the case anew to see if the same remedy is called for by the symptoms of the moment, which must then, as always, “match” the known drug symptoms.
Many cases of chronic ailments have been cured with single weekly doses, but such cases need very careful working out. The “frequency” of the dose is quite secondary to the correct choice of the drug employed.
It is also a fact that the mouth takes up the medical “stimulation”, and all doses should be kept in the mouth as long as possible, or convenient (say one minute at least). Pills should melt entirely in the mouth. Coffee, acids and condiments of all sorts are forbidden during homoeopathic medication, and of course, all other drugs must be stopped. I have cured many cows and horses with two drop doses of medicines in a teaspoonful of water, squirted on to their tongues, and such could have never reached their stomachs, nor could their cures have been put down to “suggestion!”.
A patient is not expected to have all or even most of the following symptoms before you can prescribe any drug. It is enough if the patients actual symptoms can be found in any one “drug picture”, for you to prescribe that one particular drug. If the patient has other marked symptoms not listed by me, then the student must research the Materia Medica, or, for more advanced students, turn such up in a good Repertory, referring back to the Materia Medica for full verification of all symptoms. It is simpler than it sounds when you get started.
Here are a few brief homoeopathic “keynote” indications for amenorrhoea:–.
(1) Pulsatilla (3x, 6x or 30th).
Cures delayed menstruation at puberty, or its absence, due to suppressed function, if the patient discloses some or many of the following symptoms. Pale face; breathless state; weeps easily or is inclined to be tearful or very sad, without knowing just why; generally such have a very poor sense of, or total loss of taste or smell; bad taste in the mouth, with bad odour or breath, especially so in the mornings; she is a thirstless individual; indigestion, worse from any fatty or greasy foods; she is a very chilly, and shivery person, yet wants a cool room and the open air, with all her symptoms worse in a hot or stuffy room; such persons experience one-sided or local sweats,
Whilst at the same moment feeling so chilly; warm clothing and hot applications and heat of bed, aggravate all her symptoms; cold drinks are retained, whilst hot drinks are often vomited; headaches are relieved by tying head tightly, or better from local pressure; increased inclination to urinate often, especially on lying down in bed; is subject to colics; no, or variable, appetite; much yawning, without being sleepy; some bland (non-excoriating) leucorrhoea in place of menses; pains in loins, with weight and discomfort in lower abdomen, quick shifting or changeableness of any or all symptoms; and hosts of other symptoms to be discovered in any of our complete Materia Medica, and which can be read into the varying troubles of a particular patient.
Apart from some constitutional weakness, many things can bring on such a host of troubles, but especially chills contracted at the wrong moment. Aconite is best suited for the amenorrhoea brought on by shock or frights, but here the Aconite should be given not lower than the 30th potency.
This remedy, Pulsatilla, is usually indicated by symptoms after the case has been injured by iron in some strong form. The above “lesson” presents a brief and pretty drug picture, and that which Pulsatilla will cure. It is of passing interest that Pulsatilla grown wild always contains IRON. It thrives best in iron soils. All good specimens of this plant drug must contain iron, or they have been poorly prepared or chosen wrongly. Nature known how to make use of infinitesimals.
(2) Actea racemosa, also called Cimicifuga racemosa (3x, 6x,to 30th).
This is the “Squaw root” of the North American Indians, and not without reason.The patient requiring this remedy is a much more nervous type, with more neuralgic, darting pains; she has twitchings, spasms of pain; chilly (but not so markedly as for Pulsatilla); chilly but without shiverings; all symptoms worse when flow is thought to be due; stiff neck with pains as if the head were being pulled back;