Radium was recommended. There was little improvement; some time afterwards she left that city and came to Leeds. She saw a radiologist who gave her further radium treatment. Owing to her husband dying, her circumstances became such that she was unable to stand the expense of the radium treatment.


MRS. C., aged 50 years consulted me on January 5th, 1933. She had an ulcer on her forehead and a small ulcer on the inner corner of the right eye. The former measured 24 inches by 1 inch and was shaped like a Wellington boot. On the outer side of this there was some scar tissue showing that some healing had taken place before seeing me. The patient stated she had suffered from the ulcer for eight years and consulted a Manchester doctor, who recommended her to a specialist. He diagnosed rodent ulcer. Radium was recommended. There was little improvement; some time afterwards she left that city and came to Leeds. She saw a radiologist who gave her further radium treatment.

Owing to her husband dying, her circumstances became such that she was unable to stand the expense of the radium treatment. She then tried some “homely remedies” which made matters worse. A second ulcer started to develop on the right side of the nose at the inner side of the eye. She became afraid of it injuring her sight. She consulted me.

I found the ulcer on the forehead very unhealthy, and the patient was anxious, restless, and had a certain amount of debility. I gave her a lotion of Phytolacca to apply externally. Internally I have phytolacca 3x alternatively with Tuberculin 200. There was marked improvement and in two weeks the ulcer had healed until it was only half the size.

I then gave her Arsenic for a month, and as there appeared to be a slowing down of the progress and the patient complained of a sinking feeling in her stomach, was constipated and had a yellow tongue, I changed over to Hydrastis 3x, four-hourly for fourteen days. The improvement continued until the ulcer healed. Now only a scar remains, with little disfigurement.


Mrs. K., aged 31 years, came to me suffering from lupus. Her history was: When 16 years of age she had an abscess on the neck due to a diseased gland. This was opened at the Infirmary and for five years she was constantly under treatment with little result. Six years ago there appeared a small spot on the nose which gradually developed. The cheeks, chin and neck soon became involved. She had some medical treatment with little result. On December 14th, 1932, she consulted me. She was then suffering a great deal and the end of the nose seemed to be beyond hope of repair.

Phytolacca lotion and Tuberculinum 200 were given; in two weeks she wrote: “My face and nose appear to be much improved, the skin is healthier and no new scales are forming.” I saw her on January 3rd. There was general improvement of face, nose and neck. She was kept on treatment for eleven months. When I last saw her all the active inflammation had stopped and the new skin was very much like normal. She was very pleased with her appearance.
