Although homoeopathy has yet to be discovered in Ireland, many of the old people prefer herbs to doctors medicines. After the first dose Hypericum the pains came on worse than ever which, she said, she knew was sign that the remedy was the right one.


HOMOEOPATHY is practically unknown in Ireland, at any rate in the South East. It was quite by accident fifteen years ago I came across a booklet on simple homoeopathic chemists. Curiosity prompted me to try one or two of the remedies. They proved so successful that I took I tool up the study of homoeopathy, and have been adding to my stock of remedies ever since. I now have about three hundred different ones, some of which I would never care to be without, and all of which, I have doubt, are likely to be successful in suitable cases.

As nobody here knows anything about homoeopathy, and as an Irishman hates to be laughed at, I only use them for myself or my family, or, in exceptional cases, for friends. In the latter case, however, I only offer a remedy when I feel fairly certain of a speedy result, or when I am convinced that there is not possibility of their being cured by the means they are using. A few notes on some of the remedies that proved successful may be of interest.

Solanum tuberosum 3x cured a case of prolapsus and which failed to yield to several other remedies. Kali phos. 2x was a useful alternative remedy in this case.

Mercurius vivus 4 has often proved useful in sudden swelling of the face, soreness of the gums, gumboil and toothache.

Nux vomica 1x cured in couple of days a bad case of indigestion with acid eructations after every meal. The patient had previously consulted two different doctors, and tried a great many different remedies remedies recommended by them, but steadily continued to get worse.

Lachesis 5 cured a bad carbuncle over the right ear. The guiding symptom was that the eruption turned blue.

Stellaria media O cured a case of rheumatism where hard lumps were beginning to form over the finger joints.

Radium bromide 30 cured corns on each of the little toes. Taken at weekly intervals for two or three months it apparently had no effect, but shortly after it was discontinued, the corns disappeared, and never came back.

Ambra grisea 3x cured an obstinate case of choking cough, which used to come on suddenly, generally at meals, which suggest that it was caused by food going the wrong way, although such was not the case, as it frequently came at other times. The fits of suffocative coughing used to last for several minutes. “Globus hystericus” would probably be the technical name of this trouble.

A girl I knew fell down some steps, and injured or strained her back. I gave her Arnica O with no result, and then Hypericum 1x. After the first dose Hypericum the pains came on worse than ever which, she said, she knew was sign that the remedy was the right one.

I told her to take the remedy once a day. Each time she took it the pains came on again, but less each time, and in five or six days she was completely cured, “thanks,” to your little snowballs.” Previous to this treatment an X-ray examination disclosed no serious injury, but long after she was discharged as “cured” by the regular doctors, she continued to complain of the pains in the small of her back.

Although homoeopathy has yet to be discovered in Ireland, many of the old people prefer herbs to doctors medicines. One man I met told me he was looking for a plant to cure a case of bleeding piles in friend, as an infusion of it had proved highly successful in other cases. I went with him to see what the plant was, as he did not know its name. It proved to be Yarrow, from which the homoeopathic remedy Millefolium is made.

“A cow cant elaborate milk without all the elements which normal milk demands. When deprived of these normal elements through a diet of commercial by-product feeding stuffs, the cows tissues, like the human tissues, like the human tissues, are actually called upon to surrender their own substance. Thus robbed, the animal becomes emaciated, and lowered resistance, due to impaired vitality, paves the way for tuberculosis.” ALFRED McCANN, The Science of Keeping Young.

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