The great stumbling block to veterinary homoeopathy is the smallness of the dose. How can such small doses do any good ? Why, there is not enough to swallow! Therefore, how is it possible for it to produce any effect? These and similar questions are continually being asked by persons who wish for information on the subject; and the answer they get from those who do not understand homoeopathy is: “Oh! its all nonsense.”
But facts are stubborn things and facts in evidence of the power of these minute doses are continually being brought to light as the following case among many others from the note book of a veterinary practitioner should convince the strongest opponent of the value of the small dose of the carefully selected remedy.
I was requested to attend a cow immediately, as the person who came said she was ” very bad”. When I saw her she was standing in the yard foaming at the mouth and throwing her head about. Head and ear much swollen, wild glistening eyes, burning hot all over, rapid pulse, and very restless. I had her removed to a house and gave ten drops of Aconite 1x in alternation with ten drops of Belladonna 1x. The doses were given every half hour for six doses.
I returned in three hours and found her quieter. The medicines were given every hour through the night. Next morning all the symptoms had improved and in two days she was quite well. I finished the treatment with a dose of Sulphur.
It will be noticed that the vet. did not diagnose this case as any particular disease, but treated the symptoms with the medicines that have the power in large doses to produce similar symptoms. Hence the law of homoeopathy likes cure likes. Hundreds of veterinary homoeopaths have cured thousands of suffering animals since Hahnemanns day (the founder of this new art of healing) and will continue to do so, in spite of the adverse criticism of all its opponents.