The discharge is getting less and less, and my ear is clearing up very well. I am giving you these particulars in case they should be of interest to any future sufferer of a like complaint. The discharge was of a whitish colour, and of a sticky mature.

  DEAR MR. BARKER, I was suffering from acute inflammation of the outer ear (left). This got so bad that the ear passage became completely blocked with hammer-like throbbing that was driving me mad.

I tried both Belladonna and Mercurius solubilis, but they did no good. About 8 oclock on Thursday evening I took Hepar sulphuris 3x every quarter of an hour, and also fomented the ear with hot water and Calendula.

I went to bed with a hot water bottle placed under the ear and about 11. p.m. that night my ear began to discharge. The discharge was of a whitish colour, and of a sticky mature. Yesterday (Saturday) when I got up I removed a piece of cotton wool which I had placed into the ear and found it saturated with a greenish matter of a most offensive nature.

The discharge is getting less and less, and my ear is clearing up very well. I am giving you these particulars in case they should be of interest to any future sufferer of a like complaint.

I have had all the issues of “THE HOMOEOPATHIC WORLD” for 1932 bound into one volume and I have had a dozen blank sheets included in front of the volume on which I have indexed the whole contents. I have also done this for 1933. I find this a very great help in quickly turning up anything that is required. I must congratulate you on a publication which I consider is of inestimable value.

I preach homoeopathy wherever I go, but it is really surprising how few will give a hearing to what one has to say.
