In the beginning of 1925 I had a clearly pronounced case of gouty headache (Alex Koutchoopaidze, 40) : Unbearable headaches almost unintermitting lasting about a year, sleeplessness, frequent nausea, vomiting, the blood contained uric acid, Sinapisms gave a little relief, but no remedies helped.

  SIR, In the issue of April of this year (your journal, pages 150- 156) there is a very interesting article headed “Homoeopathic Medicines for Headaches,” by Dr. Klien. Such list should be of great importance if be of sufficient plentitude, but it appears to me insufficiently complete, for instance : Under the rubric “A” Causes in the constitution or in the blood “Headaches from auto- intoxication” in the section “Gouty Headaches” the author enumerates : Causticum, Colchicum, Kali carbolicum. In the beginning of 1925 I had a clearly pronounced case of gouty headache (Alex Koutchoopaidze, 40) : Unbearable headaches almost unintermitting lasting about a year, sleeplessness, frequent nausea, vomiting, the blood contained uric acid, Sinapisms gave a little relief, but no remedies helped; the best physicians, allopaths, of this large town appeared successless.

A few doses of Acidum carbolicum 3 stilled the headache, and afforded a good sleep. The next day the sufferer got rid of his excruciating headache.

With kindest regards,

Your grateful contributor,


6 X 32, Street Lermontov, N.4,

Tiflis, Georgia.

J. Hepianin