IRIS DIAGNOSIS.  It is possible for organs or parts of the body which are diseased or injured to spread their signs beyond their ordinary limits, over places where other healthy organs or parts have their corresponding nerves. If the iris is one unbroken blue, the owner is a perfectly healthy person who has never suffered from any illness, poisons or accidents.


It is possible for organs or parts of the body which are diseased or injured to spread their signs beyond their ordinary limits, over places where other healthy organs or parts have their corresponding nerves.

However, no mistake need be made by reason of this, for one must always try to discover where these signs start from, and this must be our guidance. The signs vary in shape, size and aspect. These particulars will all be explained so that one can detect them and understand them.

If the iris is one unbroken blue, the owner is a perfectly healthy person who has never suffered from any illness, poisons or accidents. Such people are almost unknown. Nature shows injury etc. to the different parts of the body by four signs in the iris:.

(a) White clouds.

(b) White lines.

(c) More or less dark shades.

(d) Black marks or spots.

The two latter are often surrounded by white lines.

(a) Examining a blue-eyed person, one often finds marks composed of white lines which are raised above the surface of the iris, making the intermediate parts appear to be somewhat below the surface; these lines are open. This shows that there has been an inflammation in the organ or part which has its corresponding nerve in this part of the iris and that it has not been properly cured, but has become half-chronic, half-acute inasmuch that the temperature is normal but the pain is still there.

If the trouble is afterwards cured, new white lines appear enclosing the open space. The injury is now as nearly cured as possible, and the pain is gone but the part is left weak. The marks never disappear, for they indicate a weak point and a trouble which may revive.

(b) The white clouds are generally found in the eyes of people who are confined to bed. They seem raised above the surface of the iris, and show that the organs which have their corresponding nerves in the part of the iris above which they seem to hover are suffering from an acute inflammation and that the temperature is above normal.

Should this illness have the right treatment, numbers of white lines will soon appear in the cloud which encloses small parts of the iris. After some time, weeks or months, all the clouds and marks disappear and the iris is once more as clear and whole as if it had never been disturbed by the signs of an illness.

The iris returns only such marks as are caused by accidents or by illnesses which have been neglected or cured by “poisons”.

As a rule, it can be seen how an illness is progressing by the alternation of the signs in the iris. If the lines are as white as chalk, the illness is curing itself or the treatment given is the correct one. If the trouble is not being treated in the right way, yellow or grey lines, or lines of other colour, may appear. The illness may be cured and may leave a certain weakness.

(c) The third form consists of marks of more or less dark shades that appear sunk in the iris, outlined by fine white lines. Such marks denote pus or catarrh and a larger or smaller increase of the body cells. Sometimes the temperature may be high, sometimes it is normal. The pain is generally less than in inflammation although the cause may be more serious.

Should pus have disappeared, white lines appear in the dark places and enclose larger or smaller parts of them. The damage done is never really cured and the organ never again retains its former vigour, for some part of it is destroyed and cannot be recreated.

(d) The black marks in the iris, in the deepest layer, which also are bound by white lines, denote a complete loss of leg or arm, part of a lung, or other organ. If the black marks are entirely surrounded by white lines, the trouble is over and no pain is felt.

All marks which appear in the eyes of the blue-eyed people will be found in the brown-eyed suffered with this difference, that whereas the clouds are white in the blue-eyed they are yellow in the brown-eyed.


When you have thoroughly mastered the diagrams presented herewith so that you know exactly where to find the various parts of the body mirrored in the iris, supply yourself with a good magnifying glass. One which enlarges to about four times the natural size is best. First place the patient in a good light. Then take your magnifying glass and thoroughly study the eyes, first the right and then the left. You have, of course, provided yourself with paper on which you have drawn two circles with a black centre to represent the pupil in each, and have also divided the iris part into equal divisions, similar to those on my diagrams.

Start by examining the part of the iris nearest the pupil. There is the place for the stomach. The upper edge shows the back wall of the stomach, the lower, under the pupil, shows the front wall of the stomach. Then look at the portion closely surrounding the stomach region. This is the location of the intestines, as shown in the diagrams. At the top edge of the iris you find the head with the brain. The legs, feet and toes, are in the lower part of the iris in the very centre.

The arms, hands and fingers are to be found at the sides of the iris two-thirds away from the centre. Higher up on the sides of the iris you find the place representing the shoulders, and between the arms and the shoulders is to be found the place for the lungs. Above the shoulders you have the collar bone, the neck and the back of the head. The top of the head is at the upper edge of the iris.

On the inner, lower side of the iris you find the back and the inner centre represents the throat, nose, tongue, eyes, temples and forehead. Always remember that the right iris pictures the right half of the body and the left iris the left half of the body. More inside the iris we find the inner organs of the body. To find them, you must study the diagrams.

There are various marks caused by medicines, like the small white or yellow spots, occurring singly or in batches, of Arsenic, and the yellow marks of Iodine, but these need not mean that the organs over which they are found are suffering from any kind of trouble. These medicinal marks are different from the others, as you will soon see. If there is any inflammation or pus in the body the part which is suffering has a small cloud over it.

If there is a deep-seated injury or disease, the marks are dark, and if actual lack of substance has occurred, there is a black mark. When a person is improving in health, the natural colour of the iris begins to show through these marks, or white or yellow lines upper round or through the discolorations caused by lesions.



These signs or marks appear in the iris when there is illness or injury to any part of the body. If a person suffers pain and has a temperature, small raised clouds appear in the iris. In blue- eyed people they are white and in brown-eyed people they are yellow.

A. I. Such a mark is found in people suffering from acute inflammation of the kidney at the place where the kidney is situated, close to the bottom of the iris and a little away from the centre.

A. 2. shows inflammation in the head, or brain fever.

A. 3. is found in inflammation of the lungs.

If these troubles are improving, a small blue or brown patch should show through the clouds which disappear entirely when the patient gets well. Should, however, such marks as A. 7, A. 8, and the A. 9 appear, the patient is having the wrong treatment and the acute diseases is becoming a chronic and firmly established disease.

B. 1, 2, 3. These marks are marks indicating chronic trouble, but if a curative process is taking place, these marks alter in appearance and have white lines through them, as shown in B. 4, 5 and 6. With wrong treatment these marks take on the appearance of C. 1, 2 and 3 which show that the trouble is increasing. These signs unlike the A. signs, are deeper in the iris. Should the correct curative treatment be given, then they change after a time, as in C. 4, 5, 6.

D. 1, 2, 3 are marks which show tubercular troubles and when these are cured, these signs break up as shown in D. 4, 5 and 6.

E. 1 shows chronic inflammation, such as in throat and tonsils. E. 2 is a sign which indicates polypus. E. 3 and 4, very black signs, are signs of cancer. F. 1 will appear when there is a twisted ankle. F. 2 signifies a small hurt or scratch. F. 3. represents an injury accompanied by pus.

G. 1 is a sign which appears in a person who has been shot if the bullet remains in the body. If the wound is healing, it looks like G. 2, the black spot being surrounded by a white or yellow healing circle. G. 3 is the mark of a sword or knife thrust. G. 4 marks the healing of a broken bone. G. 5 and 6 indicate open sores, after falls or other accidents, which are healing. G. 7 is a sign of healing of bleeding lungs.

E H Bredenberg