Hints from any one or more prominent symptoms may lead in this manner to a remedy which would be found in no other way. Osmium.– Violent supra and infra orbital neuralgia with lachrymation. Green colours surround light. The picture of acute glaucoma with dim sight, intra-ocular tension and photophobia.

(From the Pacific Coast Journal of Homoeopathy.).

IN no other diseases will a careful study of the repertory be found more valuable than in glaucoma.

Hints from any one or more prominent symptoms may lead in this manner to a remedy which would be found in no other way.

However, probably the most frequently indicated remedies in glaucoma are the following:.

Prunus spinosa.– Pain in the right or left eye-ball as if it would burst. A pressing pain beneath the skull shooting from the right frontal bone through the brain to the occiput. Ciliary neuralgia.

Cinnabaris.– (Merc. sulph. rub.). –Pains in the bones of the orbit over or including the eye. Pains from the lachrymal duct around eye to temple and from the inner canthus across bones to the ear. Redness of the whole eye.

Mezereum.– After operations. Violent neuralgia about face and teeth running towards ear. Worse eating– better heat. Patient very sensitive to cold. Pains radiate and shoot downward with cold feeling and stiffness of the bone.

Osmium.– Violent supra and infra orbital neuralgia with lachrymation. Green colours surround light. The picture of acute glaucoma with dim sight, intra-ocular tension and photophobia.

Cedron.–Pains recurring at 9 a. m. periodically.

Gelsemium.– Often palliates the severe pain and seemingly exercises a curative influence on the neurotic character of the disease. Orbital neuralgia with contraction and twitching of muscles. Bruised pain back of orbits. Eyelids heavy. 10 a.m. aggravation.

Phosphorus.– Useful in clearing up vision after an iridectomy. Sensation as if eyes were covered with a veil or mist. Patient shades eyes with hand. Green halo about the light (Osmium). Letters appear red. Optic nerve atrophy. Pearly white conjunctiva and long curved lashes.

Better in dark, cold applications, cold food and drink, cold air.

Spigelia.– A valuable remedy for the alleviation of the sharp shooting and sticking pains which accompany this disease. The pains are worse from motion, e.g. turning the eyes and at night. The pains extend deep into the socket. Prosopalgia involving eye, zygoma, cheek and temple.

Belladonna.– Throbbing deep in the eyes on lying down. Pupils dilated. Eyes protruding, swollen, brilliant staring. Conjunctiva red and feels dry. Much photophobia. Flushed face. Hyperaesthetic.

Comocladia dentata.– Ciliary neuralgia with a sense of fullness in eyes. The eyeballs feel too large, especially the right side. Eyes inflamed and red. Warmth aggravates. Better open air and cold applications.

Charles C. Boericke