Homeopathy Remedy Xanthoxylum

Xanthoxylum homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Xanthoxylum…

      A tincture is made of the fresh bark of the prickly ash, Xanthoxylum fraxineum, Wild.


      Sharp shooting pain. Neuralgic pain in R. Side. Aching all over; in side; in l. side under l. scapula and l. hip. Indescribable sensation at 4 P.M., thought I was dying, whole body seemed falling to pieces, could not walk straight, the atmosphere seemed blue, light flashed before my eyes, body seemed elastic and as if on the stretch, tongue seemed to alternately expand and contract, distant ringing in l. ear, could not eat but craved ice-water, which relieved the nausea, l. leg heavy, on lying down pain in sacral region, amelioration at 10 P.M.

Malaise; in morning on rising. Thrill over whole body. Sensation in bed as if I were sunken deep, on sitting up sensation as if floating. Restless, felt rather easier lying. Weakness; in morning on waking. Inability to walk straight or talk straight. Falling asleep of l. side if I sat still any time. Numbness of whole body in morning on waking; in morning on rising; of l. side in morning on rising; of l. side from head to foot, affecting half of nose. Aggravation at night and in morning. Amelioration from vomiting; A after lunch; after eating, but was tried and ached all over.


      Nervous, frightened feeling. Feeling as if something would happen. Depression; in morning on waking, with languor. Felt as if I would rather die than live. Felt as though I would like to take enough to kill myself, during the headache. Indifference and malaise. No life nor ambition to do anything. Stupid feeling after supper.


      Aching; in morning, with sleepiness; and Dullness; and weight in it, intolerance of motion or shock, every step sends a shock to head; throbbing; delaying sleep, with bright star-shaped spots dancing up and down on shutting eyes. Fulness. Felt large; with intolerance of light. Tightness, with pain in creasing over eyes. Dull, heavy feeling. Soreness to touch. Throbbing, and in neck. Feeling as if dropping to pieces, feat that something would happen. Feeling of looseness or quivering in brain on shaking head. Vertigo; in morning on rising; when walking; on lifting head; with black spots dancing before eyes; as if falling forward, in morning on attempting to rise, everything became black, with nausea preventing me from eating breakfast, vomiting of the coffee and toast that I had succeeded in eating.

Forehead. Aching; in a spot over nose; over r. eye; (>) open air cool water; in upper part, (<) r. side, pain extends to base of brain, with soreness; extending into orbits; waking her at 4 A.M.; throbbing, over r. eye, with nausea; burning, (<) sudden motion of head, extending to vertex and into orbits, with heaviness in eyelids and bright spots before eyes.

Temples. Pain; with feeling as if top of head were lifted off; intermittent darting, in l.; sudden screwing P. through T., spreading over head, at 6 P.M., with heavy pressure on vertex, after the pain has lasted an hour blur before eyes, as if looking through a blue lace veil, dizziness and nausea, at 9 P.M. loud noise in l. ear (like a windmill?), the pain prevented sleep till 12.30, awakened at 4 A.M. by nausea, attempted to rise, but was so giddy that I pitched forward, the dizziness (>) lying down, but not the nausea.

Weight on vertex. Pain in vertex; in upper part of cranium, with flashes of throblike pain as if the top of head would be taken off; in l. side of head and in l. elbow; in occiput, with bewildered sensation. Tightening of scalp, with heavy pain in temples, after wards increase of head difficulties, with heat and quiet menstrual flow ( two days too early).


      Bloodshot, with red margins, feeling as if full of sand; B. and heavy, with red burning lids; B. and sensitive to light, bright images before eyes, dilated pupils. Heavy grinding pain in l. Motion is painful if much of field of vision, and eyes are sore on pressure. Pain in r. lid. Vision of blue sparks. Things looked far away.


      Pain in r. or in jaw-socket, he dose not know whether it is ear or tooth that aches; darting, under and back of r. Sensitive. Ringing; in r. Roaring. Noise in r. like a valve opening and shutting.


      Dryness. R. nostril seems filled up. Catarrhal symptoms, watering of eyes and nose. Discharge of mucus, with congested feeling as if about to bleed; D. of dry and bloody scales of mucus. Bleeding.


      Flushed; but body cold. Pain in lower jaw and l. side.

Clinical Neuralgia of the face, of l. lower jaw.


      Tongue coated; white; whitish-yellow. Burning and dry feeling in M. and tongue. Peppery taste; extending to stomach.


      Aching; in r. side; on touch; and it tired me to talk. Feeling as if in a vise in morning on rising. Soreness of r, side; S., with expectoration of tough mucus. Feeling of enlargement. Feeling of a bunch in l. side when swallowing after dinner, on going to bed it shifted to r. side. Dryness and hoarseness; D., and it was a great exertion to talk. Burning in oesophagus, with stinging.


      Loss of appetite; with great thirst, craved coffee and lemonade. Thirst for large quantities at a time. Empty eructations, with slight taste of ingesta. Nausea; at the smell of breakfast; (>) a glass of ice-water; with frequent chills; with headache; with oppression of stomach. Fulness or pressure at epigastrium. Faintness as if fasting, but I did not care to eat more then a few mouthfuls, which nauseated me.


      Rumbling, with soreness on pressure. Flatulence. Griping at 7 A.M., soon after waking, with brown diarrhoea mixed with mucus, next morning G. on waking, continued at intervals through the day, with indifference and malaise; G. and pain, then watery diarrhoea, fever and chill (the diarrhoea could not be reproduced by large doses). Boring deep in r. hypochondrium, (>) hot compresses, steady pressure and constant motion, (<) lying or sitting. Pain in r. side below ribs. Dragging in lower part of pelvis and back.

Rectum and Stool

      Stinging in r. after r. stool, with burning and haemorrhage as from haemorrhoids. Urging, stool large, dark brown, rather loose causing excoriation and pain. Stools watery, small, dark, offensive, frequent, followed by burning pain in rectum and anus; loose S., then burning and smarting. Constipation in morning, stool after supper, next day three S., on third day S. before and after breakfast. Slight S., twice in one day.


      Profuse; slightly increased, sp. gr. varied from 1015 to 1019. Scanty and high-colored at night and next morning; S., high- colored, sp. gr. 1025, micturition frequent. Thirty oz. in twenty four hours. sp. gr. 1030, reaction acid. High-colored.

Sexual Organs

      Leucorrhoea milky, white; whitish after menses. Shooting from region of r. ovary to hip, thigh and back, causing me to walk the floor and hold my breath, with gushing milk-white leucorrhoea, ceasing suddenly. Cutting in r. ovarian region, extending down thigh and over hip, in morning on waking, could find no position comfortable. Sudden sharp pain in region of r. ovary, which later radiated down thigh and across to l. hip, (>) lying down and drawing up legs. Pain in ovaries (>) drawing up knees and by heat; in l. extending down thigh; in l. during menses, sudden, gradually increasing and dying away as it came.

Menses profuse; and too early; and early, preceded by leucorrhoea; and too early, bright red, slight dysmenorrhoea, (>) walking and hot applications, every nervous, easily and hysterical. Menses too early and painful; too early, with intermittent cramplike pain in head and abdomen, inability to lie still, hungry, but food nauseated, drank much, urine profuse, l. side numb, nape lame, eye twitched, pupils dilated, face flushed, blue light before eyes, chill, nausea, when vomiting it seemed as if stomach rose and fell, pulse rapid, restless night, sleep at intervals, next day awoke with pain in r. ovarian region, frontal headache, head light l. side numb, l. foot went to sleep, menses profuse.

Clinical Amenorrhoea from getting her feet wet, scanty, high-colored urine, nausea at the sight of food, complete discouragement. After-pains. Ovarian neuralgia, with violent pains in the loins and lower part of the abdomen, (<) l. side, extending down the thigh. Neuralgic dysmenorrhoea, pains going down the anterior portions of the thighs, mostly left-sided. Neuralgic dysmenorrhoea, with neuralgic headaches, especially over l. eye congestion of head and eyes, photophobia, great bearing down in the abdomen, pain in the back and down the legs menses very scanty, thick, almost black.

Respiratory Organs

      Vocal cords affected. Hoarseness; in open air; with frequent necessity to clear the throat. Aphonia. Cough in open air; C. (<) cold draught, (>) warm room; hacking; hacking, without expectoration, sometimes from tickling in throat, again deep in bronchi; spasmodic, voiceless, stifled, about every twenty minutes, with scraping, even sore feeling under sternum, during each attack in evening sharp pain in lower part of r. lung. Suffocated sensation waking him at night. Dyspnoea, with increased action of heart; D., with cutting in lower part of r. lung. Every inspiration an exertion and unsatisfactory, as deep breathing caused pain in lower part of r. lung and in heart. Could not get air enough into lungs. Desire to take long breaths; and deep.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.