Homeopathy Remedy Vipera

Sticking in the bitten part; on every change of weather, with tearing; extending through whole body; then leaden gray color and swelling. Appearance as of a nettle-sting, then creeping up arm, veins distended, with feeling as if they would burst; piercing tip of thumb, then spreading over arm, then sensation of a flame flickering through arm. Sticking in knee and head on every change of weather, with tearing.

Pain. Pain in the bitten part; extending through whole body; returned every year; with stitches in finger-tips; and sinking down in a faint, with heat and shivering shooting through body for half an hour, when he was first able to call for help, relief from vomiting of bile, thirst, cold, clammy sweat, features drawn, eyes protruding, staring, color dark yellow, pulse slow, hard and full, jaws spasmodically closed, talking and swallowing difficult; burning.

Smarting in the bitten thumb, with burning, then white color, with lividity of forearm (intermittent at first), stiffness, swelling of arm, next morning the part looks sloughy and inflamed, lividity begins on posterior aspect of thumb, becomes bluish on inner side of dorsum of hand, gradually assumes the appearance of ecchymoses as it approaches the forearm, ecchymoses of arm, bright red in places, in others blue and black, everywhere tinctured with livid spots pain on pressing the thumb, soreness of the limb.

Disease of the bitten leg, painful, at times spotted yellow, at times spotted blue, after various remedies these disappeared and attacked the eyes, after long suffering she become blind for two years, then eyes improved, but there were pains in various parts of abdomen and limbs, at last she became almost numb. Feeling as if the poison extended from the bite on thumb to shoulder and then to abdomen. Sensitive to every change of weather. Malaise every year, with pain in the bitten arm and lassitude. Chronic cachexia. Restlessness. Periodic symptoms, with tendency of cachectic symptoms to return.

Weakness; every year at the anniversary of the bite, with indigestion; with swelling of bloodvessels; with stammering of a few unintelligible words and sleepiness; so that he fainted every time he raised his head; so that he fainted every time he rose. Faintness; with warmth in head; with flow of white saliva from mouth; with vomiting of black blood, then bloody stools, with falling to the ground, vomiting, lying a if paralyzed and unconscious, involuntary stools and urine, then death in half an hour, without swelling or spasms; alternating with anxiety and restlessness.

Loss of acuteness of special senses. Numbness of foot after bite in heel, then heat extending from the point to abdomen, chest and at last to throat and tongue, causing burning thirst, then restlessness, febrile shivering, trembling and weakness. Torpor. Immobility. Inability to move muscles and tendons. Stiffness, movement impossible. Paralysis of limbs and even of the whole body; of the bitten limb; of the bitten limb, involving half of the body; yearly, with pain and insensibility. Amelioration from sweat; from vomiting; bilious vomiting.


      Delirium; and raving; with vomiting; alternating with sopor. Wandering, as if drunk, answers mumbling, incoherent. Irrational talking, with sleeplessness and pains. Screaming, then convulsions. Premonition of death. Anguish. Anxiety; and agitation. Depression. Uneasiness. Confusion. Stupor; with cutting in abdomen. Torpor. Coma, with thirst for water. Loss of functions, with drawn features. Unconsciousness; with sinking down.


      Ecchymoses in membrane of brain, infusion of bloody serum in ventricles. Tearing at every change of weather, with sticking. Aching; with coated tongue and bad appetite; with inclination to sigh, which pain prevented, restlessness even to despair, eyes glistening face yellow, cheeks red, thirst, with moist tongue, which is white in middle, red on edges, pulse weak and small, faint feeling, pain in loins, warm, dry skin, constipation, copious clear urine. Confusion. Heaviness. Stupefaction. Apoplexy. Intoxication, with sleep, exhaustion, loss of vision, difficulty in breathing, retching, vomiting, spasms, pain in umbilical region, tension of abdomen, pulse small, rapid, voice lost, sleepiness. Vertigo; with falling forward; with nosebleed and anxiety; with nausea and vomiting, so that he fainted; with loss of vision.


      Dark yellow. Red, inflamed and watery. Staring. Sunken. Pupils dilated; l., r. contracted. Balls immovable. Paralysis of lids. Lids dropped over eyes. Vision dim; dim in l. eye, lost in r.; lost.




      Swelling; and neck; with pressing out of eyes; tense and blackish, not very painful, with closure of throat. Convulsed. Red. Pale; and hippocratic, with cold sweat on forehead; and anxious, covered with drops of sweat. Livid, with subicteric color. Yellowish and anxious. Expression of anxiety; of terror, wild and woe-begone. Raging pain in jaws. No power in jaw. Lips blue; lips and tongue swollen, covered with saliva and pale; lips and tongue swollen, livid and protruding. Acid burning in lips, mouth and throat.


      Scorbutic line on gums. Swelling of salivary glands; of mouth; of mouth and throat, with dryness, so that swallowing was impossible.

Tongue. Swollen; and brownish-black, protruding from mouth; so that he could not speak; with closed jaws and difficult speech; can be protruded but slightly and slowly, is directed to the side affected, voice hesitating, thick and as in intoxication. Protruding. Discolored. Black. Fuliginous and breath fetid. Yellow, tip red. Pale, jerking, protruded between teeth, not swollen. White, tremulous; W. in middle, moist on edges, with thirst; coated white. Dry. Replies difficult, in a deep voice. Speech in articulate; and thick; lost on account of weakness.


      Swelling like a goitre. Closure so that she could swallow only water and milk, afterwards biting in faces, the swelling of which became blackish. Pain; with difficult in swallowing, viscid mucus adheres to pharynx.


      Appetite lost. Thirst; just before death with hunger; with the heat; with moist tongue; for cold drinks. Nausea; with shuddering; with attack of faintness. Retching; with suffocative sensation.

Vomiting; after milk; of all food and drink; with weakness; with faintness; with erysipelas; with shivering and thirst; with coldness of body; with distention; with colic; with colic and thirst; with purging and urinating; with diarrhoea; with diarrhoea and weak irregular pulse; spasmodic; of blood; bilious; of mucous and bilious matter; bitter yellow fluid; green substances; green liquid; viscid greenish fluid, in color and taste like inspissated bile, then bilious diarrhoea.

Cardialgia. Pain; in epigastrium; in epigastrium, (<) pressure; in epigastric or umbilical region, with anxiety and vomiting thirst though he cannot tolerate much liquid, bloody and mucous vomiting, bloody diarrhoea; excruciating, in pit and in abdomen; sudden, in pit, with thirst. Uneasiness in epigastrium. Digestion slow.


      Tense, pressure cause distention of facial muscles. Swelling, with raging pains and spasms even to faintness, and after drinking milk vomiting of a mass of round worms, then freedom from worm troubles which he had before. Sudden flatulent distention, with colic, pain in back and vomiting. Rumbling. Cutting. Griping. Pain; and in back; with diarrhoea; with stupefying headache, vomiting, and with swelling and blueness of the foot; in umbilical region, (<) pressure. Hypochondria tense; H. sore.


      Discharge of black coagulated blood; of blood just before death. Pain and tenesmus. Urging to pass stool and urine; desire for stool, with coldness to touch.


      Diarrhoea; frequent; bilious. Fetid; and black. Bloody; in masses of dark offensive blood, apparently from scarification of tongue. Copious. Numerous, with urging, shivering and thirst. Involuntary; and frequent, mixed with blood and mucus; and involuntary micturition.

Clinical After diarrhoea, greenish and bloody, most violent pain in the enlarged liver, with jaundice and fever, pain extending from the liver to the shoulder and down to the hip; Vipera immediately removed the pain in the shoulder and reduced the liver to its normal size.

Urinary Organs

      Ineffectual desire. Strangury. Involuntary micturition. Frequent watery micturition. Urine Increased; suppressed; dark yellow, as in jaundice.


      Suffocation. Dyspnoea; with sticking in heart. Anxious; as in croup, threatening asphyxia. Oppressed and short. Ceased suddenly, heart stopped, face became lived, etc., tracheotomy was performed, blood drawn from arm flowed scantily, was dark, mixed with bright streaks.


      Veins of C. and abdomen thick and hard. Swelling, with difficult breathing; S. as far as umbilicus after bite on face. OEdema of lungs before death. Double pneumonia. Pain; in l. side; over four or five r. ribs on pressure; flying. Oppression, with anxiety; O., with praecordial anxiety; with violent efforts to breathe and swallow.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.