Homeopathy Remedy Veratrum Viride


      Flatulence. Griping, with pain over epigastrium. Pain; in morning; at 2 and 6 P.M.; with flatulence; running down into scrotum; in region of gall-bladder at 8 P.M., next day at 8 A.M. Soreness across A.

Umbilical Region. Cutting at 10 A.M., with rumbling in bowels and soft stool, at 4 P.M. pain and rumbling, at 5 P.M., with neuralgic pain in l. groin, at 8 P.M. pain in umbilicus, next day by spells shooting at 8 A.M. and noon, at 1 P.M. distress in U. region with desire for stool, at 10 P.M. mushy stool, then aching in rectum. Neuralgia in r. side passing to groin in evening. Pain; below navel; at 10 A.M., with heavy pain in region of gall- bladder; at 2 P.M.; drawing, at 11 A.M. and noon.

Hypogastrium. (Cutting.) Pain; just above pelvis all day, with soreness.

Clinical Acute pelvic cellulitis and peritonitis.

Rectum and Anus

      Aching in R. after stool. Tenesmus at 6.30 A.M., waking him, soft stool, stringy and doughy, and at 7.30 stool of same consistence but with less tenesmus; sudden T. at 1 P.M. when riding, doubling me up, then an offensive, forcible, watery stool in one gush, then ineffectual desire and all the after noon pain in abdomen. (Frequent desire preceded and followed by cutting in rectum); ineffectual D., with weakness and faintness. Crawling as of a worm in anus.


      Diarrhoea copious, offensive, with pale face preceded by tenesmus and burning in anus; frequent D., with tenesmus, felt better after each stool; frequent, with tenesmus and burning, tenesmus (>) stool, next day constipation. Soft, frequent; S., large, bright-colored, prompt and sooner after rising than usual; S. and stringy, but seemed to stick in sphincter; alternately S. and hard every two hours, the soft one was doughy, stringy and large, the hard one was of medium size and followed by pain. Copious, free, light-colored. Doughy and hard to expel, twice in one day, tenesmus with the second one.

Urinary and Genital Organs

      Smarting in urethra on urinating. Urine very clear; U. increased; scanty; turbid, dark, with reddish sediment, covered with a scum. Painful testicles; l., in morning, (<) l.; in evening; (<) l., sometimes shooting up cord into abdomen.

Clinical Rigid os during labor, with full bounding pulse, congested head, etc. Pelvic congestions, with tenderness, fever, etc. Puerperal fever, puerperal conclusions. Suppressed menses of plethoric women, with intense congestion of the head, sometimes with opisthotonos. Dysmenorrhoea, with most violent suffering, congested head or convulsion.

Respiratory Organs

      Tickling spasmodic cough in evening, coming from just above sternum. Breathing difficult (Ferrum, etc.); conclusive, almost to suffocation (Verat-alb., Ferrum, Phosphorus); B. heavy, almost stertorous; slow; short. Asphyxiated feeling when retching.

Clinical Bronchitis, with great dyspnoea, livid face, sometimes with cold extremities, irregular heart, cold sweat. Pneumonia; pulse full, hard, great difficulty of breathing, with throbbing headache, livid face, dry tongue, etc. Intense pulmonary congestion, with great arterial excitement, dyspnoea; it is generally indicated before hepatization has taken place. Occasionally useful in pleurisy.


      Feeling of dislocation in l. side in afternoon when walking (r., l.). Pain; below l. nipple; (in region of heart); about l. nipple in afternoon; most severe over front, with occasional twitchings in small intestines; burning, under sternum, in region of heart, at 2, 3 and 6 P.M. Constriction after vomiting, with anguish. Stricture. (Oppression.) Congestion of blood in lungs. Throbbing in r. side.


      Neuralgic pain in region and cardiac portion at 5 P.M. Pricking in region at noon and at 3 P.M. Hot pain in region at 3 P.M. Burning distress in region at 1 P.M. Action slow; (and weak).

Clinical Pericarditis and endocarditis. Hypertrophy. Valvular insufficiency.


      Rapid on least exertion; R., full and strong; and irregular; and feeble; then slow. Slow; with sinking sensation about heart; and full, intermitting every sixth or seventh beat; and small, creeping; and weak; and weak, soft; and weak, small, soft. (Throbbing in carotids.) Soft; and irregular. Scarcely perceptible. Imperceptible.


      Pain in middle of l. side; in N. and arms; nape and arms, almost impossible to hold head up at 1 P.M.; at 2 P.M., (<) motion; at 4 P.M., and in arms; in r. sterno-mastoid near process in evening; in r. side about middle of sterno-mastoid, then itching in corresponding place on l. side. Feeling as if cords of nape were loose.


      Pain. Weakness. Thrilling quivering about an inch to left of dorsal vertebrae, four inches below scapula in evening, on rising from reclining it changed into aching, later crawling with the thrilling. Pain in r. side of seventh vertebra; on r. side of dorsal spine; in l. scapula; in r. scapula in afternoon and evening; in bone of r. scapula, with darting from r. clavicle to scapula; in r. side of sacrum where it unites with pelvis.


      Hands and feet shrivelled, as if they had been long in water. Cramplike sensation in gastrocnemii, with inability to exert them, repeated next day in G. and muscles of forearm, later sometimes calf, sometimes forearm and sometimes extensors of knees were affected.

Pain in condyles of legs and arms; middle of r. tibia and r. shoulder; l. instep and top of l. shoulder above clavicle and in l. heel; knees and elbow, generally about condyles; back part of second joint of r. middle finger and in second phalanx of r. great toe; l. elbow, lower third of l. tibia, (<) inner malleolus; knees, l. tibia above inner malleolus, above l. elbow and l. trochanter major; r. trochanter major, external condyle of l. humerus, l. radius and ulna, middle of r.tibia, l. ankle internally and externally; outside of middle of l. leg, in l. radius below elbow, in middle of l. femur, in outside muscles, and in l. trochanter; joints, (<) l. outer ankle; in forenoon in l. inner malleolus, l. great trochanter, l. shoulder and inner condyle of l. tibial middle of r. tibia, then in muscles of l. thigh and in muscles above ridge of l. scapula; above l. elbow, rose to middle of humerus, then to shoulder-joint, then went to l. instep and outside of l. ankle, then to r. ankle; r. knee, about inner condyle of femur, soon extended to inner middle of thigh, wandered to front of thigh and above knee, then aching in inner condyle of l. femur, also inner condyle of l. humerus and l. instep, then settles in outside of r. ankle; radial condyle of l. humerus and outer side of l. ankle, with shuddering; joints in morning on waking, till he feel asleep again, with shuddering, without chilliness, next morning woke with the shuddering and with throbbing aching in r. knee on which he was lying.

Thrilling aching in l. radius below elbow, then in inner condyle of r. femur, then in outer condyle of l. femur. Drawing;pains in calves and r. elbow in evening. Feeling of clumsiness. Weakness; and stiffness; of gastrocnemii, then of all muscles of forearm.

Upper Extremities

      L. shoulder painful; in forenoon; towards back before going to bed; in upper part at night after going to bed, on top, in muscles above scapular ridge at night. Thrilling or shuddering in region of l. shoulder. Pain in arms at 11 A.M.; arms on holding something in hand; inner condyle of l. humerus; outer condyle of l. humerus in forenoon; outer condyle of l. humerus at night; humerus above elbow at night; at end of r. elbow; r. elbow, going to scapula, when riding in an omnibus; carpal end of r. ulna; middle of l. ulna in morning; r. ulna, two inches above wrist, and in third phalanx of r. index, in forenoon; r. pisiform bone in morning second phalanx of r. thumb in afternoon and evening; sudden, in first joint of r. ring finger at night before going to bed; pulsating, in first joint of r. middle finger.

Lower Extremities

      Loss of locomotion. Sudden lancing pain in r. hip where gluteals are lost in thigh, on going to bed. Pain in l. great trochanter; inner condyle of l. femur; inner side of l. thigh just above condyle; above l. knee; great trochanter in forenoon; above l. knee in evening, and in r. knee; great trochanter when lying on it at night, r., then l.; hip on waking, then (<) r.; l. hip when sitting on it; suddenly in r. trochanter.

Knee. Sprained pain at inner condyle of 1 femur when walking, with pain in second phalanx of l. great toe. Pain in tendons about popliteal space, then in l. instep and in middle of r. tibia; in r. knee, l. inner malleolus, etc., in morning; in r. K. and ankle in morning on waking; sometimes simultaneous, sometimes alternate, at night. Throbbing aching on going to bed; in r., on which he was lying, in morning on waking, (>) turning on l. side and rubbing, it then appeared in l. knee, then in r., (>) dressing, then returned, pains are apt to come when the limb is in a constrained position.

Leg. Cramps; in calves in morning, waking him; tendency to C. on touch or motion. Spasmodic contraction of muscles. Pain in head of l. fibula; and inner condyle of l. tibia; P. about middle of l. tibia; lower third of l. tibia; top of lower third of l. tibia; then in lower part of l. calf; r. tibia and ankle in afternoon; about middle of l. tibia when sitting; back of r. leg, two or three inches above ankle, (<) moving great toe. Drawing in r. calf when walking. Paralyzed sensation in extensors of feet.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.