Homeopathy Remedy Valeriana

Rectum and Anus

      Stitches in R. when standing. Boring in R. at 10 P.M.; in l. side of sphincter at 1 P.M. when standing. Tearing in anus at 2 P.M. on moving a little when sitting. Tenesmus in A. as if diarrhoea would set in on rising from stool, disappears gradually, returns in a few hours forcing him to stool, when he has a natural evacuation.


      Diarrhoea; twice in evening, with tickling in anus; violent, in morning; (the baby has had frequent loose S., has now many more, looser and watery discharges, in which solid particles like

curdled milk float). Pasty; and greenish, with blood. Frequent; with effort.

Urinary Organs

      Clawing in region of bladder in evening. Constant desire to urinate which he insisted upon doing through the window. Frequent micturition. When urinating the baby presses very hard, causing the dark red rectum to protrude, when a few drops of blood fall out. Urine dark brown; dark red in morning, but became clear on standing; contained brownish flakes; smells of the drug; seems to contain bile. Copious urine; and high-colored, also of strong odor; and on standing a sediment of brown flakes. Turbid urine; in morning, depositing a whitish sediment; depositing a slimy white sediment; and dark red, depositing a vermilion red sediment; and brownish, with brick-dust sediment. Sediment in urine; turbid; mealy; white in morning; copious the upper part of which is pale, the lower turbid and reddish.

Sexual Organs

      Frequent erections in morning, next day creeping and drawing in penis as if asleep. Tensive gurgling pain in r. testicle at 5 P.M. when sitting.

Respiratory Organs and Chest

      Dry cough. Hacking cough. Difficult breathing after breakfast, with anxiety in chest. Stitches in chest at 5 P.M. during a horseback ride; sudden S. outward in C. and region of liver at 2 P.M.; in region of last true ribs at 8 P.M., when standing, with pressure outward; outward below l. axilla during inspiration, (<) deep inspiration, and on pressure a sore pain. Jerks like electric shocks below axilla. Twitching pain in C. Pressure across lower half of C. at 10 P.M. when walking, with oppression of breath. Oppression in region of r. lower true rib.

Heart and Pulse

      Sudden stitches in region of H. during inspiration, when sitting erect or standing, (>) stooping. Palpitation. Pulse rapid; with rush of blood to head, feeling of fulness and warmth in face; and irregular, tense; and irregular, tremulous; and in the first quarter of an hour full and vigorous, in the second the diastole is shorter, the whole body agreeably warm, and a tremulous anxiety seems to come out of abdomen; 78, the beats of heart scarcely felt (86); 60 in one minute, 90 the next, and weak and small, in forenoon; slow, then rapid. Pulse small.

Neck and Back

      Piercing drawing from nape to occiput at 11 A.M. on bending head backward, with pressure. Drawing pain in back. Rheumatic pain in scapulae. Stitches kidney region when sitting down. Strained pain above l. hip worse when standing, and especially when sitting, than when walking. Bubbling pressure above anus, in region of os coccygis, at 9 A.M. Drawing transversely across lumbar region in evening in bed.


      Bruised pain. Drawing, slow, painful, in bones, when sitting quietly, with jerking; painful D. in muscles from l. shoulder to fingers, with single stitches, a sort of tearing the tearing returned after a second dose, (>) walking (Pulsatilla, Rhus-t.) after a stitch in knee (so that she could scarcely walk), then pain which moved from knee to toes and back again (less when walking than when sitting), finally felt in r. foot; sudden crampy D. in muscles just above bend of elbow at noon, and in outer muscles of thigh. Paralytic pain in knees, elbows and shoulder-joints on ceasing to walk. Paralytic numbness. Stiffness in elbows and knees at 5 P.M. after walking a little, with weariness.

Clinical Neuralgia of the limbs; sciatica, (<) sitting, (>) walking.

Upper Extremities

      Crampy jerking shooting through humerus. Stinging in region of posterior border of deltoid at 11 P.M. Crampy drawing downward in region of r. biceps when writing. Drawing pain downward in l. deltoid and bend of elbows when laying arm on the table and bending it, if the arm hands down the drawing changes into heaviness in fingers as if they were turgid with blood. Pressure as with tip of finger in region of head of humerus. (Tearing in elbow.) Bruised pain in bends of elbows from 7 till 9 A.M. when writing, afterwards extending as a drawing pain along biceps. Stitches below tip of elbow at 6 P.M. Tearing upward in inner side of forearm at 4 P.M. Tremor of hands when writing at 10 A.M., with heat and redness of cheeks and warmth of rest of body. Sudden jerks in hands, then pain on touch. Crampy jerks through thumb, as from electricity. Stitches in bones of middle phalanges of fingers at 11 P.M.

Lower Extremities

      Thigh. Jerking in muscles of r. hip. Darts as of electric sparks in middle of l. when standing, then bruised pain. Crampy tearing (jerking) in outer side of hip-bone, extending into hip, in afternoon. Crampy pain in front part extending to groin at 10 P.M. Clawing pain above bend of r. knee at 4 P.M. on beginning to walk, (<) a false step. Bruised pain from middle of r. along outer side to knee, in afternoon when riding in a carriage, (<) jolting. Burning pain in l. hip at 11 P.M. in bed. Intermittent pressure transversely across above l. knee afterwards descending to knee. Paralytic pain from r. ischiatic region and great trochanter down to patella, so that walking was difficult. Drawing downward in outer side in morning on extending the limbs sideways.

Knee.- Tearing in bends from 11 till 12 P.M. when sitting or standing. Pain in patellae. Tensive pain from bend through calf at 1 P.M. when sitting. Weakness in bends of K. and ankles in morning after rising, with bruised pain transversely across thighs and in small of back.

Leg.- Stitches in front region of tuberosity of fibula at 11 A.M. Twinging pain in outer side of calf at 5 P.M. when sitting. Tearing in l. calf at 4 P.M., when laying r. limb across l.; Pulsative, in r. calf in afternoon when sitting. Drawing along tendo-achillis towards heel when sitting, (>) rising, with weak feeling. Bruised pain anteriorly in middle of tibia as if fibrillae had been broken, when walking. Pressure as with tip of finger on l. side below l. knee. Lassitude when standing, with tension. Heaviness in calves, when walking she feels as if she could not get along.

Ankle.- Sticking over l. malleolus in region of tendo-achillis at 1 O’clock. Sprained pain in r. after running upstairs, (<) standing, (>) walking; sudden, in r. outer malleolus, more when standing than when walking. Bruised pain in l. in afternoon when the carriage jolted. Drawing in tarsal joints when sitting at 4 P.M.

Foot.- Jerking as from electricity in inner border of r. Tearing in balls of soles in afternoon, then warmth. Pain in heels; when sitting, (<) r.; when sitting, with stinging.

Toes.- Tearing in dorsum from 11 till 12 P.M., (<) great. Pain in tips in evening. Heaviness in tips of three middle at 4 P.M., with drawing pain, feeling of subcutaneous ulceration and cooling sensation as form a current of air through soles to calves.


      Eruption first red and confluent, then white, hard, elevated pimples, on arm and chest. Pimples and white vesicles on an elevated red border, painful to touch, in white of upper lip and on cheek. Smarting as if excoriated in outer side of l. knee; S. as if excoriated in spots that could be covered with the tip of finger. Itching in axilla at 3 P.M.


      Yawning, with stretching on limbs; Y., with chilliness. Sleepiness; irresistible; then profound sleep for two hours, on waking the headache had disappeared. Sleeplessness. Unusually wide awake in evening and restless at night, sleep only towards morning, when he had vivid dreams. Restless sleep; disturbed by cramplike pain in stomach. Sleep disturbed by vivid dreams, by confused dreams tired in morning; by dreams partly voluptuous partly anxious, for instance, that he was driving through deep water. Many dreams.


      Chilliness; tremulous, at 11 A.M.; intermittent, in evening; in thrills creeping downward over whole body; in upper half of head at 5 P.M., when pressing the hat firmly on the head; in region of hip, as if cold water were poured over her, with warmth of rest of body. Shuddering in paroxysms from nape downward.

Heat; all day, (<) motion, with sweat on face, forehead, etc., pulse strong and rapid; in forenoon, with sweat on slightest motion; during dinner, with sweat in hair on forehead; as soon as he begins to walk, (<) face, with sweat; with uneasiness. Dry heat; in evening when sitting. Heat of skin. Heart in head on stooping; of cheeks at noon in open air, with redness of them, after fifteen minutes general sweat, (<) face; in flushes over cheeks in evening, with dry feeling in tongue, without thirst. Synochus. Sweat; at night; with the odor of the drug; on forehead about noon, after dinner the eyes feel weak as after revelry; in hair of forehead about noon, with stiffness of loins, pulse being 90.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.