Homeopathy Remedy Terebinthina

Clinical Haemoptysis relieving the congestion of the lungs. Capillary bronchitis, especially with scanty, blood urine.


      Spastic contraction of muscles of C. and neck in evening. Mucous rales in lungs, with minute crepitation. Pain behind sternum; itching, in l. pectoralis major. Soreness in lower part. Burning along sternum, gradually extending over C. and disappearing, with stitches at nipples (after warm drinks).


      Oppression of praecordial region. Warmth in evening when sitting, forcing her to yawn much, with collection of water in mouth. Palpitation; in evening.


      Rapid; and respiration; and full; and hard; and hard, small; small, compressible, and almost imperceptible; and small, irregular; and small, weak; and weak. Scarcely perceptible; and thready (Carbo-v., Secale-c.). Weak, irregular and intermittent in evening.


      Gradual painful drawing up nape into occiput and then to forehead.


      Pain; extending up to between shoulders and there becoming a throbbing; drawing, when sitting, (<) evening. Drawing in dorsal and lumbar muscles, with heaviness and indolence on moving in open air. Pain in lumbar and hypogastric regions, with warmth, then sensitiveness to pressure. Kidney region painful in morning when sitting; P. and heavy; and diabetes, and died dropsical; l. Burning drawing pain in kidney region. Drawing in r. kidney extending into r. hip. Drawing pain in small of back.


      Acute pain in all joints. Heaviness. Partial loss of use of r. arm and l. leg. But little use of r. arm, she could advance it from the body but a short distance, she could raise shoulder- blade and bed elbow, but the hand fell with a jerk into the position in which she wished to place it. Sprained pain in muscles of l. upper arm. Drawing in humeri in morning. Trembling of hands. Fingers insensible and asleep in evening.

Lower Extremities

      Tottering. She limped with l. foot and dragged the leg in walking, ankle was stiff. Drawing along thighs; in outer side of r., as if in fascia lata; along course of large vessels; with colic as if menses would appear, though she had them eight days previously; in r. hip-joint, with tearing. Drawing paralytic pain in l. thigh. Feet were placed far apart when standing or walking. Pain in feet.


      Rubefaction and sometimes vesicles. Livid spots on back and abdomen. Scarlet eruption. Nettle-rash. Eruption, sudden, erythematous, papular, often vesicular, analogous to that caused by certain forms of sea-food. Exanthema like scarlet rash on affected knee, extending to ankle, then on chest and r. foot, gradually extending over largest part of body.

Warmth in bend of elbow (from local applications), with itching, redness and distention of vessels of corium, sticking, sensitiveness to touch, which especially caused sticking, the breath from the mouth was felt more acutely there than elsewhere and caused burning, the reddened cutis was swollen and numb when brushed with a feather or finger, burning stinging extending over inner half of joint to olecranon process, pulsative burning, with pressure and tension over the red surface and sometimes deep pulsation, at times stitches over the whole surface, at other times only in spots in the reddened place, smarting soreness, red spots on the margin of diffused redness, swelling of hair- follicles, burning, (<) inner side of joint, pressure caused pain, then aggravation of the burning, pain in inner half of joint on putting arm down, afterwards appearance similar to extravasation of blood, spots incompletely raised by exudation, sore pain on touch, desquamation.

Sensitiveness of limbs, (<) lower, with at times acute pains following the large nerves. Burning itching on r. groin.

Clinical Bed-sores in paralytics. Purpura haemorrhagica. Urticaria.


      Sleepiness; in evening; but the day nap did not interfere with his night’s rest. Sleeplessness and excitement; S. for two hours at night, with tossing about. Restless sleep and frequent waking. Awoke alarmed, but unable to cry out. Nightmare waking him as soon as he fell asleep. Anxious dreams.


      Coldness; causing tossing about the bed; of skin; of limbs. Heat; with sweat of lower limbs; (<) the affected; of trunk; of skin; of skin, with sweat. Sweat; cold and clammy over whole body; on lower limbs in evening in bed.

Clinical Typhoid fever, with haemorrhage from the bowels; bloody albuminous urine, excessive tympanitis.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.