Homeopathy Remedy Tellurium


      Sprained and bruised sensation in knees, hips, elbows and shoulder-joint on returning from a walk after supper. Sensation of an internal tumor at anterior margin of l. axilla, with pain on pressure and motion. Sometimes tearing towards elbow and in palm towards thumb-joint. Drawing cramplike pain in l. supinator longus, just below bend of elbow. Heaviness of l. forearm and hand about 10 P.M., with numbness. Pain through metacarpal bone of r. fourth finger. Drawing in r. hand, afterwards involving forearm. Sensation as if skin of hands and fingers, (<) r., were contracted, with sensation as if ends of fingers were dead. Rheumatic pain in r. little finger (except last joint), (<) strong pressure or movement. Pain in first phalanx of l. little finger as if he had fallen upon it, with pain on motion.

Lower Extremities

      Burning aching anteriorly at outside of r. knee. Knees and legs, (<) r., feel tired, all the evening drawing in r. leg posteriorly from posterior spinous process to calf, (<) knee holder and after lying down (11.30), so as to prevent sleep and obliging him to turn frequently, the sleep is very good, with amelioration of all pain. Pain in r. metatarsal bone as if pressed.

Clinical Sciatica, (<) lying down at night, straining at stool, coughing or laughing, (<) r. side.


      Red points shining through the skin of l. hand, sometimes with itching, with itching of feet, (<) l., after several days similar points on calves and then extending up thighs, the itching (<) where the skin perspires most, after a few days similar pimples on epigastrium, the points more visible on rubbing, from epigastrium the eruption extends towards l. nipple, then turns towards l. axilla, at the same time itching in various parts of back, a spot on r. side of forehead is sore on pressure, as if bruised, now itching on posterior and superior parts of head.

Pimples on face; small, red, sharply defined, with vesicles upon them, on lower limbs, then also on upper, (<) l. side, they began on outside of calves and then on inside of forearms, above wrists, and spread from that point, with itching, (<) night after going to bed; red itching P. on abdomen, inside of thighs and perineum, the itching (<) cold weather.

Vesicles in a cluster on an inflamed base, on forehead, above r. external canthus, they dried into thin scales and spread, with itching and pricking, afterwards the herpetic spot was circular, about half an inch in diameter, consisting of an elevated ring of vesicles, some larger than others, on an inflamed base, enclosing a depressed area of red skin, which desquamated but contained no vesicles, it itched and had successive crops of thin white scales, one evening the stinging was very annoying when sitting still, wandering all over body, a similar herpetic spot midway between l. ribs and crest of ilium, with indications of another spot just above it, afterwards itching vesicles on a slightly inflamed base, falling off in white scales, on scalp, (<) occiput, in border of hair on nape, and posteriorly on ears, the spot on forehead is breaking up now, but just above it is a similar smaller one, afterwards the spot on forehead is red.

Sticking pricking in various parts, (<) rest. Pricking itching at scrotum in afternoon, (<) r. side, then high up on inside of l. thigh, then low on r. side of abdomen, then on l. side, then between buttocks.

Clinical Herpes circinatus. Eczema.


      Sleepy in evening, went to sleep while sitting. The sleepy, heavy condition which he had before the proving vanished, and instead thereof a restlessness on going to bed. Waking about 4 A.M., with sweat. Nightmare. Dream of smoking cigars, which he never does.


      Internal chilliness, with shudderings. Skin hot and dry, with bruised sensation, as if he had taken cold. Sweat; when sitting writing; offensive; of offensive Tellurium odor at night (from taking cold); offensive, on feet and toes.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.