Homeopathy Remedy Spongia

Spongia homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Spongia …

      A tincture is made of Turkey-sponge, toasted brown. Allies. It is interesting to observe that both the pathogenesis and our clinical experience emphasize the similarity of this substance to Carbo vegetabilis, Iodium and Bromium; compare also Phosphorus, Stannum, etc.


      Bruised feeling on waking; B. feeling in upper part of body. Intolerance of tight clothing about body, (<) region of stomach.

Weakness after slight motion, with orgasm of blood in chest, heat of face, body began to glow, vessels hard and distended, and breath left her; W of mind and body; with sleepiness; with sleepiness, dull look of eyes and swelling of eyelids; with headache, loss of appetite, sleepiness and fretfulness; with Dullness of head, unfitting him for mental effort; (<) arms; sudden, after exertion, chest especially affected, she could scarcely talk (Carbo-v., Stann., Sulphur), heat in face and nausea, after a few hours heaviness of head; sudden, after moderate motion in open air, with swaying about upon the chair, anxiety, nausea, pallor, short, panting respiration, surging from heart into chest, as if it would force out upward, with involuntary closing of eyes, almost spasmodic, with forcing out of tears between the closed lashes, she was conscious but unable to make the will act upon the limbs.

Heaviness when walking in open air, so that he must sit down on the ground. Numbness of lower half of body. Feels best when lying.


      Joy and irresistible desire to sing, then distraction of mind and disinclination to work. Alternately lively and lachrymose, and peevish, quarrelsome mood. Pert, witty. Fretful, scornful, obstinate; F., he talked unwillingly; F. and lazy, little inclined to talk. Taciturn and discontented. Dissatisfied with what she accomplishes, she cannot help herself at work, does not succeed. Anxious, as if he foresaw a misfortune to himself. Fearful and tormented by a frightful image of a past sad event. Easily frightened, it seemed to shoot into her feet, and then heaviness of them.


      Aching from staring at one point, with lachrymation. Feeling as if everything would press out at forehead. Dull and stupid; D. and staggering when walking. Heaviness; all day; on raising it from the table; (<) stooping, with fulness. Rush of blood; with external heat of forehead and perceptible pulsation in arteries of neck. Vertigo; with tendency to fall backward; when sitting, as if head would fall to one side, with heat in head.

Forehead. Sticking transversely in l. side; S. alternately in F. and occiput on motion, with heat extending from behind ear over occiput to nape; jerking, (<) walking; boring outward, in l. side when walking in open air. Pain; in l. side; externally above r. eye; from above eyes to occiput and nape, till sleep; as if F. and occiput were pressed towards each other at noon; extending outward in r. eminence. Pressure outward in l. upper part when siting. Sensation of accumulation of blood.

Temples. Stitches externally in l. extending to forehead. Tearing in l. close to orbit, causing aching in l. half of l. eye. Pressure outward in r.; sharp externally. Throbbing in l.

Pain in vertex; drawing. Jerking through sides of head, (<) temples extending to vertex on moving arms or stooping. Pain in r. half of brain on entering a warm room from the open air; drawing down in r. side of head and neck. Pressure outward in r. parietal bone when lying. Whizzing in region of whichever ear she lay upon, like pulsation, with a double beating.

Occiput. Pain in l. side as if it would burst. Paroxysmal heaviness on walking; H. in afternoon on turning head, with stitching in it, heat of face, hands and feet, chilliness of rest of body, inclination to coryza, weakness of body, bitter taste, then in evening after undressing shaking chill, then in, bed heat except on thighs, which were numb and chilly, at night sweat.

Scalp. Gnawing pain on vertex. Sensitiveness, (<) moving it. Sensation as if hair on vertex were bristling, or as if some one moved it, (<) motion of body.


      Sunken. Redness of white. Suppuration. Sticking; in evening, then pain; in r., with pressure. Tension of l. by temple. Lachrymation. Tensive sticking in l. external canthus, (<) moving eyes, (>) touch. Drawing together of l. lids in morning in bed. Pain around about beneath lids; burning, on outer surface of l. lower lid. Heaviness of lids. Itching of lids. Burning about l. ball. Sudden sticking drawing in outer angle of l. orbit, extending around eye towards inner angle. Difficulty in recognizing distant objects.


      Sticking outward in r., as if through drum. Cramplike pain in l. when walking in open air; sore P. in cartilages; drawing P. in r. middle; tensive, in a swelling at entrance of meatus, with crawling as if it would break into an ulcer, and intermittent sticking. Pressure and forcing. Constriction. Burning in orifice of r. Ringing; in r. Hearing difficult.


      Crawling stitches in l. bone. Tearing. Contracted sensation over root. (Stoppage). Coryza and sneezing; C. and cough; stopped. Bleeding at dinner, from slight blowing of nose (Carbo-v.).


      Pallor. Redness of cheeks, with usual warmth. Swelling of cheeks. Sticking in cheek; beneath lower lip. Tearing in r. malar-bone. Suppurative pain on l. side of chin as far as corner of mouth, on touch. Jaw, swollen gland beneath l. lower, painful to touch; swollen glands beneath r. lower preventing motion of neck, with tensive pain on touch; sticking transversely through l. upper; jerking sticking from behind r. upper into inner ear in evening in bed; cramp-like pang from l. joint to cheek in evening when eating; cramplike pain in l. upper; pain in lower on touch.


      Stitches in upper incisors. Pain in teeth as if he had bitten something between them; (burning) pain in l. upper molars; P. in r. lower molars as if gums and teeth were swollen and the latter elongated. On chewing sensation as if molars were on edge and loose. Itching of teeth. Gum swollen and painful on chewing. Blisters on margin of tongue, with sore pain; B. on margin of tongue and inside of cheeks, with burning stinging so that she could eat no solids. Salivation. Taste sweetish; T. rancid in mouth and fauces when smoking the usual tobacco; bitter; bitter low down in throat.


      Hawking of mucus. Sticking internally morning and evening, (<) eating, and on neck sensation as if something pressed outward. Scraping. Pain as if glands near larynx and trachea were swelling. Tension in l. side near larynx on turning head to r. side. Relaxed sensation in pharynx and stomach as if he had drunk too much warm water. Burning in T. and larynx, then in ears.

Goitre (Iodium), Sticking; in lower part; on swallowing, at other times aching. Pressure. Sensation of working, distention and pressure, as if everything would force out. Sensation as if it were loose, (<) swallowing, and as if everything were moving about in it. Jerking aching over whole side on which there was a G., a throbbing in head extending into cheeks and neck as a tearing.


      Appetite increased; diminished. Thirst after smoking; T. for cold water in evening. Eructations; empty; bitter; sour. Nausea; when smoking as usual; with accumulation of water in mouth. Pain in epigastric region in forenoon; in pit in evening. Constriction in l. side below S. when sitting, (<) lying on r. side. Internal; coldness in pit, with fulness.


      Tense. Rumbling; before stool, with stitches in anus. Emission of flatus and soft stool. Cutting in morning after eating, forcing him to bend up, with urging to a scanty stool. Cramps. Griping; (>) emission of flatus. Difficulty after eating; with fulness, as if digestion stopped. Heat extending into chest on smoking, with chilliness of rest of body.

Cutting in upper part in morning after eating. Tensive pain in upper when sitting; in upper when walking, (<) stooping. Sticking in hepatic region; externally in umbilicus. Strangulated sensation in l. side, (<) pressure of hand.

Hypogastrium. Swelling of a gland in r. groin, with tensive pain when walking. Burrowing stitches in l. side on expiration, (<) stooping. Tearing in rings when sitting. Cutting extending into l. chest in evening after eating. Griping, with rumbling; G. when sitting, (>) standing bent over, with urging to stool. Burrowing as of something alive under skin above l. hip in morning when lying upon it. Cramp-like pain in l. groin when sitting. Tensive pain from middle down to anus. Pain in groin as in a hernia. Strangulated sensation, (>) emission of flatus, soon becoming worse.


      Passage of thread-worms daily and crawling in rectum every evening. Sore pain during stool. Bruised, almost sore pain. Tenesmus with every stool; T. during stool, as if diarrhoea would occur.


      Frequent diarrhoea, with qualmishness in abdomen; white D. (First part hard, the second soft). Hard, delayed.

Urinary Organs

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.