Homeopathy Remedy Rumex Crispus


      Watery, brown in morning (Sulphur); W. at 4 A.M., the urging waking him. Diarrhoea. Constipation. Hard; and small; and brown, tenacious, accumulating in rectum. Black. Scanty.

Clinical Early morning diarrhoea, hurrying the patient out of bed, characterized by a dry cough from tickling in the throat, (<) night. Chronic diarrhoea, of brown water from 5 till 9 A.M.

Urinary Organs

      Constant inclination to urinate. Urging; at neck of bladder; frequent; sudden, with sensation as if urine had entered urethra, urine pale. Urine copious, colorless; scanty, red, turbid, with flocculent deposit and oily surface, next day brick-dust sediment.

Sexual Organs

      Tendency to phimosis. Redness at end of prepuce, with sore and excoriated feeling; redness of prepuce, (<) evening and morning, with soreness. Itching of prepuce. Desire diminished; lost.

Respiratory Organs

      Larynx, mucus removed by hawking; tough mucus, (<) night, with constant desire to raise it; irritation to cough when eating; pain; pain in top; pain (<) l. side; burning smarting, also on expiration. Burning smarting in l. bronchus, with expectoration. Hoarseness; in morning; in evening. Voice nasal at 11 A.M.; V. suddenly rose in pitch at 2 P.M., at 4 P.M. it sounded as in coryza. Breathless sensation as if air did not penetrate chest, or like what is felt when passing rapidly through the air.

Cough before breakfast, from tickling in chest; at noon on breathing cold air, with piercing in l. lung; C. in evening on lying down in bed; from 10 till 12 P.M., (<) lying; at night on lying down; at night in bed, from tickling behind upper half of sternum; on lying down after dinner; in bed on turning on to l. side after lying on back; when lying, from tickling behind sternum; from tickling in pit of throat; then behind sternum and in stomach; when riding, from tickling in l. anterior side of chest; when riding in open air, from tickling in middle of sternum, then easy hawking of mucus; dry, spasmodic, like early stage of whooping cough, preceded by tickling in pit of throat, during the cough congestion and pain in head and wrenching pain in r. side of chest, C. (<) a few minutes after lying down at night, then sleep all night, after two weeks C. with difficult, expectoration of scanty, adhesive mucus; hacking; hacking, from irritation behind sternum; C. from 11 till 12 P.M., at first from tickling in pit of throat, then from tickling and irritation in chest as if a feather in bronchus oscillated on respiration, and with expectoration, which felt as if it came from near centre of chest, the C. causes a sharp pain to extend downward severed inches in a vertical line from that spot; causing shocks in stomach and pain over l. brow and in stomach, from tickling in trachea, bronchi and stomach, with expectoration from bronchi; causing painful shocks in muscles in region of stomach and in place of muscular attachment on l. of stomach, where there is a spot sensitive to touch, in evening on lying down, from tickling in pit of throat.

Clinical Aphonia. Incessant dry cough, with soreness in the chest, (<) cold air, cough seems to come from the pit of the throat, (>) warm air. Paroxysmal cough from taking a deep breath, (<) evening after lying, must keep his mouth covered on account of aggravation from cold air. Night-cough in phthisis. Sympathetic gastric cough. Cough causes pain behind the sternum. Asthma, with violent spasms of coughing, sense of suffocation, especially (<) 2 A.M.


      Sticking to l. of sternum and under breast; in l. side, just below middle, at angle of a rib; in l. in morning before rising, then pain in lung; around waist at 7 A.M. on deep inspiration; along l. margin of sternum in afternoon on deep inspiration when riding; in l. anterior part on lying down at 3 P.M.; at xiphoid or ensiform cartilage and adjacent parts of epigastrium and chest about 3 P.M., (<) movement; in substance of l. lung at 3.30 P.M., when writing at a desk; in various parts in evening; l. side during dinner; raw, to left of longitudinal centre of sternum at night, obstructing deep inspiration; burning near heart, after lying down, gradually moved into pectoralis major, about two inches on back or r. side, (>) lying on l. side; sudden burning in l. at night on deep inspiration when lying down; almost itching pain below l. nipple, followed and accompanied by stinging- burning pain in back, with throbbing in ears synchronous with beats of heart.

Cutting in l. breast at noon. Sharp pain; in r.; near anterior border of r. axilla; running to r. and l.; intermittent, at 11 P.M. in bed. Pain; l; side and in lung; sternal region; lower border of l. axilla; below and anterior to nipple, (<) r.; anterior part of lungs day and night, with headache, pain in stomach and belching of wind; region of heart at 2.15 A.M., on waking from a dream of am accident; l. side near back, above last true rib, at night after lying down; r. side when lying, l. side with sense of depression in chest; above middle of l. clavicle when riding in open air, with burning and sticking pain; upper part of breast, with sense of depression; intermittent, in anterior part of lungs in afternoon.

Burning pain below l. nipple, (<) deep inspiration. Burning- tingling pain (similar to itching) below and to right of l. nipple. Raw pain under each clavicle when hawking mucus out of throat. Soreness in l. after turning to that side. Bruised sensation in r. about a lower rib. Pressure as with a finger between clavicle aching under middle of l. clavicle. Dry heat in middle, with stinging burning pain in back.

Clinical It has been indicated in rheumatism of the muscles of l. side of chest, (<) lying in bed at night.


      Stinging in region in afternoon, extending to apex of l. scapula, with frequent desire to inspire deeply, which increases the pain. Pain; in region, with pain and heaviness in l. upper arm and (<) elbow; sharp and deep, in l. side; heavy, in region on deep inspiration; burning, in region at times. Sensation as if it suddenly ceased to beat, then throbbing through chest. Action increased by ascending stairs. Palpitation after supper and after conversation.




      Pain in nape; cramplike, in l. side of nape.


      Pain; in afternoon and evening; running down; in middle; in scapula; under scapula; under and below apex of l. S.; near inferior angle of r. S.; between S., when standing; near dorsal spine; in l. side of dorsal spine, extending half way to spine; sharp, at l. scapula. Shooting from dorsal spine half way to in l. side; midway between dorsal spine and l. side on beginning to walk in the room, then in a spot immediately below it, it loin. Pain in loins; at dorsum of l. ilium; with fatigue; burning, in a spot near top of r. sacro-iliac symphysis; sore, at junction of sacrum with l. ilium, (<) stooping and rising, later pain in loins and lameness as if strained, (<) sudden motion of body the lameness (>) 2 P.M., then pulsation in muscles of nates.


      Twitching of r. arm and leg. Pain in r. arm, thumb and knee; r. and legs; r. arm, thumb and leg, and in l. foot and ankle; l. arm, thumb and leg; l. arm and foot; elbow, arms and l. knee; r. arm, hand and knee in afternoon; rending, anteriorly in ligaments of ankles, running down insteps, alternating with gnawing in internal condyle of l. humerus. then when riding aching, heaviness and crawling through lower limbs.

Upper Extremities

      Pain in shoulders and scapulae; in r. shoulder on waking, (>) rest; in l. shoulder and along arm to elbow. Arm, pain at inner side; in l., and in hand and thumb; in l., and in l. fingers; remittent, near insertion of r. deltoid; bruised feeling in l.; feeling in r. as if muscles were glued together and sore to touch; numbness in l. after lying down in bed, with crawling. Upper arm, stinging on inner side of r.; aching in l.; pain at inner side just above r. elbow; strained sensation in l.

Aching in elbows; in l. wrist; in ulnar half of t. wrist; rheumatic, above back of wrist late in evening. Pain in l. hand; at ulnar side of dorsum of hand; in l. fingers. Numbness of r. hand.

Lower Extremities

      Weariness in afternoon, with aching in bones; W. (<) moving, (>) lying, with aching in calves as after long walking or standing. Crawling tingling. Aching in r. hip-joint when walking, causing lameness. Sticking at inner part of r. knee on stepping. Rending pain in flexure of l. knee when standing. Sharp pain in knees, running down l. leg, on rising from a seat.

Legs – Pain in r. and in toes; at inner side of l. at each step, then sharp pain at inner side of r. knee at every step; muscular, (<) pressure and in thighs; drawing, almost a cramp, in t. calf. Rheumatic pains all day, with aching in them R. pains in afternoon, (>) r; anteriorly in tibia; in anterior surface of tibia in evening. Weakness through the day, (<) ascending and descending stairs; in evening on ascending and descending stairs. Heaviness in r. calf as if flesh would fall from bones.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.