Homeopathy Remedy Rhododendron

Superficial sticking here and there in pit and region of short ribs, (<) l. side, with pressure. Pinching in pit. Clawing pain in pit, sometimes spreading into hypochondria and impeding respiration. Sharp pressure in pit an hour after dinner. Pain; in pit and epigastric region; in pit at night in bed; after drinking cold water; in pit before, during and after dinner; in epigastrium after dinner; deep in pit an hour after dinner, with cramplike drawing; in pit when stooping and when pressing inward; deep in, (<) afternoon when standing, with alternate drawing and sticking along union of short ribs, often increasing to oppression of breathing, anxiety and heat in face. Contractive pressure in pit evenings when walking, with tight breath. Creeping in region.


      Painful distention. Rumbling; and gurgling; after eating and drinking, then painless diarrhoea; (<) morning in bed and in evening, with heaviness, distention, full feeling, empty eructations and fetid flatus. Incarceration of flatus in morning fasting. Tense, as if distended by flatus, (>) emission of flatus. Sticking. Pinching; then loose stool; as of flatus. Bruised pain in integuments. Pain now in one part, now in another, (>) emission of fetid flatus. Digging, with full feeling. Full feeling without actual distention, (>) eructations and emission of flatus; fulness caused by breakfast, (>) eructations. Weight and lassitude, not as from food. Discomfort after a meal. Grumbling. Empty feeling after stool, then pinching. Occasional feeling of looseness as if diarrhoea would set in.

Sticking in r. hypochondrium in evening; in region of spleen in evening during rest, arresting breathing. Pain in hypochondria as from incarcerated flatus; and in small of back. Pain in l, hypochondrium on stooping, with tension. Cutting in upper A. after a meal, then pain. Pinching transversely across upper after supper. Pinching in r. side; P. in umbilical region after a meal. Intermittent sticking outward above of l. ilium. Drawing pain in rings when walking, (<) r., with tension. Drawing from l. groin into l. thigh.

Clinical Neuralgic colic in various parts of the abdomen, (<) l. hypochondrium. Chronic pain in the left side under the short ribs, (>) eating.

Rectum and Anus

      Sticking in R. extending under ribs. Spasmodic pain in R. as from incarcerated flatus. Drawing from R. to genitals. Tenesmus, with papescent stool. Urging, with hard and difficult stool; U. as for diarrhoea, but a natural stool, with much pressing; frequent, then natural stool, with much pressing, it occurs in evening instead of in morning; sudden, but only flatus is emitted after pressing. Frequent ineffectual desire; then papescent stool. Anus, beating pain; bitten, with oozing of liquid; crawling as of ascarides. Creeping from perineum to penis, then erections.


      Fluid, spurting. Diarrhoea; in morning on rising; after a meal; in damp weather; from food or drink, without colic; from fruit, with weak feeling in stomach, with nausea when walking; which does not cause weakness; food passed undigested. Loose, but sluggish; L. and difficult, also twice a day; and yellowish, sluggish; insufficient. Papescent, brown; P., delayed; and frequent; at regular periods, the latter part loose and leaving smarting in rectum. Constipation. Copious, black, fetid. Fermented. Difficult, not very hard, with sensation as if contractive power of anus were diminished. Delayed.

Clinical Diarrhoea in wet, cold weather; after fruit, with general rheumatic pains.

Urinary Organs

      Drawing in region of bladder and groins in forenoon, with desire to urinate. Frequent desire. (Dribbling after micturition, causing burning pain in urethra and shuddering through body.) Urethra, twitching in orifice when not urinating; sticking after micturition; sudden pricking in orifice in evening; pain as if suppurated and engorged with blood, at night; pain in orifice when not urinating; burning before and during micturition. Urine somewhat increased, pale, of offensive odor; U. bloody; brown red, offensive; clear, with greenish tinge; cloudy; hot; copious; U. and stool copious; scanty.

Clinical Catarrh of the bladder, with frequent urging to urinated and drawing pains, urine offensive.

Sexual Organs

      Burning sore pain between genitals and thighs, (<) walking. Itching crawling behind prepuce. Pinching jerking in glans. Beating pain in glans in evening. Want of the usual morning erections.

Testicles. The swelling, which had been painless heretofore, enlarged to the size of hen’s egg, (<) l., with sticking and tearing in both. Drawn up, swollen and painful; D. up and when walking contusive pain. Painful drawing in the swollen, hard T. (Clem.), extending as far as abdomen and thigh, (<) r. side (Aurum). Sticking in r.; in r. in evening when sitting; drawing in r. and in spermatic cord, (>) motion, sometimes a pricking beginning in r. T. and spreading in a zigzag manner along perineum towards anus and arresting breathing. Pain on touch, (<) epididymis. Contusive pain, with alternate drawing, (<) one now other T. Crawling pain.

Scrotum shrinks easily. (<) walking or standing; when air becomes cool; itching and increase of heat about S. Emission at night in sound sleep, then long continued erections. Desire increased, erections easy (later action). Aversion to coition and want of erection.

Menses too early; M. that had ceased two days before reappeared; that had been suppressed six months reappeared for two days, with intermissions; that had been suppressed six months returned with febrile excitement and headache.

Clinical Hydrocele, several cases. Orchitis, testicle indurated with a feeling as though it were being crushed.

Respiratory Organs

      Trachea dry in morning. Cough from ticking in throat; scraping C., disturbing sleep, with expectoration of mucus. Dry cough in morning; in morning from roughness in throat; in attacks from ticking in trachea; fatiguing, morning and night; scraping, in evening. Breath suppressed, suffocative sensation. Breathing accelerated by anxious, undulating sensation arising from abdomen.


      Sticking in middle of l. as far as under scapula, (<) motion; below l. ribs, extending towards dorsal vertebrae during rest. Tearing in region of lower end of sternum. Cutting in middle of l., (<) turning upper part of body from l. to r. Feeling as if a knife were plunged through l. and out at back when bending to r. side and backward. Pinching transversely through C., P. under short ribs in morning, with dragging and with full feeling in pit of stomach and oppression of breathing; periodical, in outer part during motion, (<) in house. Pain almost like splenetic stitches extending to l. hypochondrium, when walking fast. Pain in muscles, (<) tough; P., with tightness of breath; deep in =, in afternoon, arresting breathing; periodical clawing. under short ribs; sprained and bruised; beating paralytic, along l. clavicle; oppressive burning, below ribs, with anxiety, not impeding respiration.

Shocks in the side, across lower part of spine, or rather pressure as with a dull point. Scraping, rough feeling,. with heaviness, forcing him to hawk. Constriction; more externally. Oppression; in evening, from tensive feeling in pectoral muscles; in sleep, a sort of nightmare; and pain when stooping or sitting bent; as if sternum were pressed upon. Congestion. (Undulating sensation.)

Heart and Pulse

      Warm undulations at H. Strong beating of H. Pulse slow; and feeble, small.


      Pain in muscles; P. as if outer part were swollen; drawing, in r. side towards shoulder; tensive, in l. muscles; (tensive, in outer muscles, at noon); tensive rheumatic, in r. outer side, with drawing extending to behind ear; as if nape were stiff. Stiffness of nape in morning in bed; of nape in morning after rising, with rheumatic pain.


      Pain; drawing, in r. side, (<) scapula, waking him in morning, (>) turning on other side. Scapula, pain in l. as from talking cold after a sprain, in morning on turning over in bed; rheumatic pain between S., hindering motion; rheumatic drawing pain in l. Lumbar region, drawing tearing on bone; bruised pain, (<) rest and in rainy weather (Rhus-t.); sprained pain; pain when sitting as if back had been bent too long, and as if one had been lying upon it too long. Pain in lumbar region; in l. in l.; side of vertebrae during rest; when sitting; when sitting, (>) motion, with anxiety; (<) stooping.


      Trembling at night. Joints affected by gout become red, swollen and painful. Erratic tearing. Pain; in bones or periosteum, mostly in spots, on change of water; joints of l., (<) motion; drawing, in l. wrist and in r. leg. Cramplike drawing, (<) forearm and leg down to fingers and toes. Pressure downward in lower limbs and fingers. Creeping causing uneasiness, (<) rough weather, and (<) arms during rest. Sticking crawling in r. foot and hand when walking, as if asleep. Go to sleep easily. Insensibility; and paralysis. Affected in morning in bed, stretching all the time and throwing himself about.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.